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"UPDATE ON CORONADO RUN" *I have confirmed with the Del and we will have a reserved parking area in the Valet parking lot. We will drive our cars into the lot and there will be a fee of $15.00 That is an increase from last years $10.00* *The deck with tables and umbrellas can not be reserved. I have negotiated with the hotel the following arrangements for your consideration and approval: They will provide reserved seating on the beach directly below the food deck that includes two sun Cabanas, 24 beach chairs, and 6 tables. The cost for this service is $300.00. Before you blow a head gasket consider the unit/car cost: 20 cars = $15.00 I personally think reserved seating and being together to swap stories at the end of a long run is the reason to have an event so the cost is justified. In addition there will be a volleyball court and since we are on the beach why not have the "First Annual VINCE MANTO 356 Bocce Ball Tournament"??

*ROUTE PLANNING* The route is set and has been mapped and Grant Harper has agreed to pre run the course to determine timing. Everyone will be given a detailed map but unlike last year we will leave in packs of five cars instead of trying to keep a train of 20 cars together. The route is basically the same as last year with a planned pit stop at Thunder Ranch for pressure valve release, refreshments, and to see new projects. Rumor has it a 904 is in the works.

* DECISIONS need to be made as to how many cars are coming based on the assumption you are willing to pay the cost of reserved seating. I think San Diego will have 7 to 8 cars. Post a message ASAP letting us know your decision. This can be a great event if we get enough cars.

*SPEND THE NIGHT* After all the fun and sun at the Del would some of you want to stay over and have breakfast before heading back? Let me know and I can make reservations in Encinitas or??

Over and out,
Regarding making a decision about Coronado and the 20 cars/$15.00 I have put up my credit card for $300.00 and if we don't have a strong yes on "I am going" then I will withdraw my card one week prior to the event. So as the ancient Greek philosopher said, S..T or get off the pot"
In previous posts the following owners said they were on board for the Coronado run: David Galvan, Jim Ignacio, Antonio Boccia, Jennifer Honnell, Chuck Franklin, and Bill George. Now that we have upped the ante and the cost has gone up to $15.00 are all of you still in? Please post so we can get an accurate count. Vince Manto, Gabriel Quiroz, and Warren White are in so far. I will post the San Diego count in a few days. Thanks, Dave
These cruises are for all of us, not just the ones with a few extra bucks in their pocket, so If you have any problem with David's suggestion and the amount of money involved speak up.....
For me the fun is on the road, I could care less about the destination, the hotel is a cool place, but we don't need our own place to sit if it means some won't come because of the price.

Can you explain the cost structure for this thing.

You mention $15.00 for parking and $300.00 to reserve a couple of cabanas on the beach. If only twenty people show, and the cabana reservation is split equally that's another $15.00 before we start eating and drinking. The food out of the shack ain't gourmet, but that doesn't prevent them from gouging for burgers, beers, and fries. You have to figure your lunch is going to run almost $20.00 per head.

Maybe we should go over the bridge, drive by the Hotel Del and thumb our noses as we drive south to a beer joint in Imperial Beach.

I'll pay for parking and 1/20th of the cabana, but like Vince says this is about Speedsters not about The Hotel Del. I'd hate to think anybody might be discouraged from participating because the Hotel Del wants to soak us like we're tourists. (Jeeze, last year we were an attraction there, it was like a car show in their parking lot. I think they have pretty big bocches to try to hold us up like this).

Maybe there are some joints near the water that would love to have a bunch of pretty cars, pretty women, and old reprobates spend some money on a staurday at mid-day in mid-July?

Per the phone call from Dave this evening (26JUN06), I, and maybe one other (wife or son), will be at the event. I will check in to see how the "event" at the Del (and/or elsewhere?) shapes up. I am quite familiar with the Hidden Valley run from my days with my old motorcycle club. Might I suggest a slight amendment to go through Borona from Romona to Lakeside? It has some very nice scenery and twisties that a Speedster is meant to enjoy. Sincerely, Jim Warren (La Mesa)
Bill, your humor is always well timed and constructive. I recieved a message yesterday from the Concierge at the Del which may clear up and eliminate the $300.00 problem of reserved seating. I will be able to contact her at 230 PM Tuesday and I will post a new message at 730 PM. Once that issue is resolved we can discuss the other questions. Thanks. Dave
Coronado Continued. The only reason I was "pushing" for reserved seating at the Del was last year a few folks complained about not being able to sit together and meet new friends. I agree with Vince this is about Speedsters but it is also about friendship. I thought this was a priority and tried to come up with the best solution possible. I agree spending money is not fun but up to now that has been the only answer. Today at 430 I talked to the manager of food services and she GUARANTEED me we would have reserved seating on the sun deck at NO COST. I talked to the parking manager and quoting a certain member of our group I reminded him we were not some yokel tourists and he agreed that if we bought enough burgers and fries he would reduce the parking fee to $6.00 We now have $21.00 to invest in our 401K's. I also reminded the parking manager, again quoting our esteemed member, that we were an "attraction" and we should be able to park for free! The idea would be to display 4 to 5 cars on the lawn in front of the Hotel and be an attraction that day. He liked that idea and will get back to me on Friday with an answer. Grant Harper will be pre running the course this weekend so if anyone wants to make changes I suggest you contact him. Bye.
David, I for one appreciate you taking the lead on this, my only concern was that it appeared this was starting to be more costly than some of the folks would be prepared to spend. As long as we can keep this reasonable, I think everyone will have a good time, I know the hotel is expensive to run, but i'd rather they make their money on the tourists, rather than the speedster group.....
thanks for the extra effort in keeping the cost to a minimum.....

OK folks, the weather is getting warmer, so step up to the plate and
commit to this event, the last two years it was a blast........


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CORONADO COMMITMENTS So far from the North we have Manto, Quiroz, White, George, Galvan, and Ignacio for a total of 6. So far from the South we have Harper, Delia, Roland, Franklin, Redditt, Warren, Boccia, and Beckett for a total of 8. 14 We in the South have about 5 more probabilities. If anyone else is commited let us know as Grant needs to prepare maps and I need to keep the Hotel informed. Bye.
I just got back from a vacation in San Diego. Went to Mission Bay (Paradise Point Resort). What a beautiful area. Also visited Hotel Del Coronado and just hung out on the beach one evening. This Sounds like it'll be a great trip. If I had the balls, I'd move to San Diego in a heart beat! Have fun! Derek
Hey David!

Been away in Alaska for the past two weeks! Got back and checked on the Hotel Del cruise.

I totally pulled a 'guy thing' and mispoke about being able to attend this cruise on the 15th. My wife just reminded me that we have a wedding we 'have to' attend on that day (drat!)! My bad!

Either way, I appreciate all the time and effort you put into organizing this cruise. Sorry we'll be missing this one. Hope to hook up with the San Diego SOC'ers on the next SOC cruise.

Peace - Out!


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  • La Jolla SOC
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