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I am not interested in the rich boy discussions or people suggesting they bow down to me or anyone.   Please remove me from this web site.  My average yearly income is about $15,000 and I live in a self-built extension to my shop, only 600sq.ft.  I see I cannot relate to the comments and opinions of those on this web site.  My attempt at any education of those who know it all has failed. I have many improvements and planned modifications I will be doing on my speedster which address the majority of problems I read about on this web site. But, as you guys already know it all, why should I waste my time discussing or sharing it with you   ?    Only to have someone criticize me ?  Not worth my  time or efforts. 


Here is the final word.  I am 100% positive that the engine I will build , finally, in my speedster will beat anyone's engine, in performance. And, I don't need some big size as I know what I am doing to produce horsepower.  From reading the size engines all seem to think they need, all of you do not have well built engines, compared to what I build.  So, don't write me with comments.  If we lived closer a race would determine who knows more about engines.  I have been beating people with larger sized engines for 40 plus years.  Started with my modified 350 beating every 454cu. in. Corvette to their shock and disbelief.  But, you guys have the money to buy those big engines, so buy big and they should produce "some" horsepower.  I find these discussions boring and insulting to what I actually do everyday, for my customers. 


Have a wonderful life, but not with me in it.  ---George K. ----

Keeping old VW's running like new .   Past National drag racing record holder.

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This web site is a lot like the USA and is occupied mostly by the silent majority.  I, for one, have enjoyed reading your posts as I am sure many other non-responders have.  Unfortunately I have witnessed some mild to moderate bullying from time to time on the site that has resulted in some very valuable participants leaving and taking their skills and experience with them.  When that happens, everybody is a loser.  For those of us that may not always agree with you, but many times do, please stay and continue your posting. As I mentioned, we are probably heavily in the majority.  The ones that don't like your postings don't have to read, or respond to them.  Please stick with us.

Tom Williams


George - There's room for ALL here from the owner who buys a $2k beater CMC, the $1k unfinished kit in downtown NYC to the $80k custom IM.  All are enamored with the bathtub styling.  Yeah, there differences in those who get their hands dirty to those who write the check.  No reason to leave over it.  Chill out with a Lone Star!


Heck, Carl's eating rice and beans in CT and Marty truffle covered pizzas in IL.  But at Carlisle all are eating egg samiches and wearing same SOC T shirts.

Stay here, George.  I have printed many of your great posts and catalogued them--man, you do know some stuff!


Concerning bullying.  I myself have been a victim mainly for  trying to maintain civility and was always sad that so few tried to help me. Sure, dozens and dozens of dialogs of dialogs but no real pushback on the forum.  My problem is fixed permanently now, so it worked out well for me.  It never occured to quit the site ---that's not my style.


Concerning posts I have seen posted in your threads , I don't see any ugliness---only good natured kidding but if feel it goes over tghe live, just ask whoever to back off and I believe that will be respected.  Give it a little more timme, George.  There are always those who are 'Seldom right but never in doubt"  If you ever feel a personal attack, blow the whistle and someone will step in!  I an pretty sure that one of the fastest ways to get bounced outta here is a history of personal attacks.


Last, we have a large cross section of socio economic levels within the group.  At Carlisle I never sense any showing off to belittle someone else.  Jeez---I love rich guys as well as economically challemged ones and everybody in between  and never think of levels of wealth when enjoying Carlisle.


Hang around, George. 

Last edited by Jack Crosby


I am sorry you feel the way you do. This board is no different than any other on the Internet. Opinions are like assholes we all have one. 

Judging from the tone of your post you seem to be rather bitter toward life in general. Life is a series of choices and luck. What you choose and the turns you make have a tremendous effect on your life's journey. You seem to throughly enjoy what you do and that is more than most of us can ever say. Few are able to make their way through life making a living at their choice of avocation. 

Take what is said on the site for what it is, opinions. Take a chill pill and stick around. Enjoy the ride we all have the same final destination. 

Does make sense. That's a shop expense. He may be only pulling $15K out of the business as a salary.

I was ready to block him because I found him tedious. The undertone of all of his posts were 1) He was the most knowledgeable, 2) He was always right, and 3) Everybody else was either less educated, had too much money, etc.

He clearly has some knowledge to impart, but it was hard to listen to.

> On Oct 8, 2015, at 2:22 PM, <> wrote:
Originally Posted by Tom Blankinship-2010 Beck-Dearborn, MI:
Does make sense. That's a shop expense. He may be only pulling $15K out of the business as a salary.

I was ready to block him because I found him tedious. The undertone of all of his posts were 1) He was the most knowledgeable, 2) He was always right, and 3) Everybody else was either less educated, had too much money, etc.

He clearly has some knowledge to impart, but it was hard to listen to.

> On Oct 8, 2015, at 2:22 PM, <> wrote:

George, please don't take this the wrong way. Sometimes we need to step back, look into the mirror and ask, why am I getting so many negative responses?

Is it me or "everyone else"?

How can I change to get better results?


I do appreciate all your knowledge and willingness to share, but you do have a way of going way overboard.


I do hope you stick around! But if not, best ove luck to you.


And by the way, I make a lot less then the cost of living here in Hawaii (born & raised) but I am happy... 

Okay ... putting my biting humorous post aside (see above)


I have to say that I never want to see anyone leave the site. We all have fun and we love the same things.


To Bill's point, I'm not sure if I'd call this 'bullying'. That's kind of playing the victim here. I feel like this site is a classic example of 'You get what you give'. If you're putting up a big wall of negativity, you're kind of going to get that back.


Wolfgang, DrClock, Marty, ALB, Gordon, and the entire gang have a TON of valuable info and they seem to share it willingly without judgement. None of those cats try to validate their info by listing their long list of accomplishments. If I want information on motor longevity and road trips?  I'm asking Jack and a few of the other old iron ass guys. It's not because they always tout the miles they've racked up, it's because of how they deliver their message.


Every member of this site has something to offer someone else. Aside from one other guy, I think everyone is welcomed with open arms. The ones who don't last long are typically the ones who expect respect.  


Not one person on this site doubts that you're successful or an accomplished bracket racer. Half of us would love that on our resume. Stick around and enjoy the site. We're all here for the same reasons.






Ignore Musbjim - he's a hot head. 




Wolfgang, DrClock, Marty, ALB, Gordon, and the entire gang have a TON of valuable info and they seem to share it willingly without judgement.


"Without judgement."  Seemingly easy words to apply hear, but listen to the posts.

George has an answer and an opinion just like every one else.  Take the advice he offers and if you don't like the attitude, ignore it.  This man is as much of an expert as anyone else.  Some of us are bigger than others, some are just willing to learn.

I need his input.  George, I don't care what your personality is, I VALUE your input.  Please stay and be proud that you have the knowledge that most of us value.



Originally Posted by George4888:

I am not interested in the rich boy discussions or people suggesting they bow down to me or anyone.


>>> If anyone here suggested others bow down to you I'm sure they were only kidding George. <<<


   Please remove me from this web site.  My average yearly income is about $15,000 and I live in a self-built extension to my shop, only 600sq.ft. 


>>> I live in a 600sq.ft. place too George but I still get on here and give people a hard time - and they LIKE IT. <<<


I see I cannot relate to the comments and opinions of those on this web site.  My attempt at any education of those who know it all has failed.


>>> George this is a forum and forums are designed for open discussion. We try to encourage and value other peoples' thoughts and opinions - don't we guys? <<<


I have many improvements and planned modifications I will be doing on my speedster which address the majority of problems I read about on this web site. But, as you guys already know it all, why should I waste my time discussing or sharing it with you   ?    Only to have someone criticize me ?  Not worth my  time or efforts.


>>> Are you kidding George? It's absolutely worth your time discussing your ideas and improvements. I am pretty sure that in the beginning God had some pretty lengthy discussions with man. Why do you think we now have much smaller animals? Man probably yelled in angry protest about the unfair advantage dinosaurs had over man. I believe over time God refined and improved his design. Why just look at a prehistoric terodactyl and compare that to a modern day pelican or a saber tooth tiger compared to a house cat. You see George we all have room for improvement. <<<



Stick around, share ideas and discussion, and thicken your skin man - some of us can be brutal but all in fun.


Now apologize to everyone for your bad behavior and lets move on.

Here - I'll go first...


I apologize to everyone here for anything that I may have said kidding or not that offended one or all of you. For the most part I like all of you and this community we have here. Someone on here once referred to me as a velvet hammer... I LOVE THAT!


Be that as it may I must concede that I have offended as a result and for that I apologize.




Rusty S. - Your Supporting Member

Some companies in the USA have banned sarcasm as a way of communicating they felt it led to outright harsh criticisms. I mean being cynical and critical is the easy way out and seems to come easier to all of us, me included as we get younger  but everyone appreciates a lighter and more positive atmosphere.  In my opinion we should allow each other to be ourself, but None of us are unaware of what makes a pleasant atmosphere it goes without saying. Well, maybe, or unless your part of the no common sense group, you know that might be an issue  


I like what a friend of mine once said, " you can always delete my email" in our case you don't have to read a comment if, for any reason, I mean any reason,  you don't want to read it.   Ray 

Last edited by IaM-Ray

We are almost impossible to walk away from.  I know I'd certainly have a major case of the Jones, absent the quips and rock solid step by step directions found here.from the folks here. I am in year VIII with my VS and know that without this site I might have been one of those 400 mile sellers who gave totally up on sorting.


There is absolutely nothing like a sorted Speedster---thanks to everyone for so much help and encouragement over the years helping me reach this level.


No one has to read every word that gets posted here and I have 4-5 blocked  to retain my sanity. (You-know,like  12 jokes an hour!!) But for many of our real tech gurus---I read their posts a couple of times. 


The depth of knowledge represented here is amazing.  A few very smart attorneys and even a Judge,  and some genius business people I learn from everytime I'm around them. And almost all are truly someone anyone would love to hang with.


I was impressed with how many folks here kindly told George to hang in here witlh us.  I believe he will too.


Some folks brighten a room just by leaving it----George isn't one of those!

Last edited by Jack Crosby



I hope you will reconsider.  But I understand if you don't.


I was called a "smart ass" here, in "public" view for all to read, btw, by someone who has never shook my hand.


I'm still here and happy that I am.  As I slowly struggle through my "to do" list, I'm confident in knowing that many others, are willing to help!







Yeah....speedsters without all of the "fluff".


Iron-Butt Jack wrote:  "But for many of our real tech gurus---I read their posts a couple of times."


Wow......I hope you're not reading my posts more than once.  Especially those related to stuff I should have remembered from decades ago.  


My wife tells me I can't remember something that she said 10 minutes ago so "How the hell can you remember something from 40 years ago?????"


'Nuff said.......

Last edited by Gordon Nichols THAT why I'm twitching?


Or it could be twerking, but I'm too old to know the difference......


Hey! You SOC'ers!  I met up the el Frazoo last night, along with his squeeze, Barbara and Frank Cataldo (FCopo, on here) in Essex, MA.!  We hooked up at Woodman's Seafood Restaurant which, according to Bon Appetite magazine, is the ne plus ultra of fried clam places in the entire Universe (or Multi-verse, if you're a progressive Physicist).  What was supposed to be a 1 hour ride for me turned, with traffic, into a 3-hour ordeal but I finally got there, had some great fried clams and scallops and TERRIFIC company for over an hour with Kelly, Barbara and Frank.  It's too bad we're all so spread out!    We could all get together more often!

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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