I’m trying to “perfect” my handling of the questions of admirers and gawkers of my “new” Beck. Sometimes they ask “what is it”? Kinda strange when it says Porsche fore & aft and Speedster on the sides…. What year is it? How fast is it? Questions we probably get a lot.
In general, I tell them it’s a ’57 Porsche Speedster, it’s pretty fast and that’s usually that. Happy people go away happy.
It is registered, in Maine, as a 57 Speedster so it’s not a giant fib.
There are a couple other “classes” of questioners though.
The ones who really want all the details and know cars even if they’re not Porsche experts.
And the ones who will tell me they are Porsche people but they don’t seem to have much actual Porsche knowledge.
I tell the sincere car people it’s a Beck/Special Edition Porsche Speedster replica. We usually have a nice chat and again that’s that.
What about that last category?
I feel guilty not telling them it’s a replica and at the same time, I think that they should be able to apply their claimed Porsche knowledge to at least ask probing questions.
Why is the odometer so low if it’s a ’57?
Why is there an energy-absorbing steering column?
Didn’t Porsches have drum Brakes?
I know my car is a pretty accurate representation of a Speedster but is it wrong to string them along?
I don’t think it is but I would like to hear from more experienced group members.