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Ted, a wise man once said,

A Wise Man said:

Ted, the berg shaft is FINE for your application... don't overthink it...what you got will be fine...

Remember that the main reason you're spending big bucks on five speeds is to fill the wide gap between third and fourth with two much smaller gaps. This immediately improves the quality of life and makes you a happier person. (Right away, you'll notice the difference in how small children and dogs respond to you.)

But if you then swap in a .82 for the .89, you're widening up one of those expensively obtained gaps again - making it almost as wide as your current gap between third and fourth. So yeah, the .82 will drop your revs at 80 from 3750 to 3450, but keep in mind, there's a price to pay.

The other 'price' is that when you come to a hill on the freeway, you'll have to downshift a lot sooner than you would with the .89. And now the gear you're downshifting into isn't the slight drop it would have been with the .89.

Like a lot of other things in life, there's no free ride with gearing. What you gain here, you always give up somewhere else.

I really don't like driving this car on the freeway. I tend to seek out smaller roads and take another car if I know I'm going to be on the freeway a lot. I can do 75-80 in the Speedster when I want to (or even 85-90 in a pinch), but I tend to settle down to 70 to cruise - and with the .89, that comes in at a comfortable 3250.

If you haven't already, play around with this interactive gearing mapper. Study it a while, and it will answer almost any question you might have - and probably better than any of us is able to with long-winded explanations like this.


"Al is always going to advocate for the drag-race gearing, because he can't help himself."

Thanks for the laugh, Stan! If I was strictly a drag race advocate I'd be telling anyone with a 1915 or smaller to use a 4.375 ring & pinion with close ratio gears; it'll give the best acceleration off the line (highway speeds will suck big time, but that's the price you pay with a 4 speed). Back on topic- Ted has a stock (3.78 or 3.80 with 2.06 2nd; doesn't matter which) mainshaft which, along with a 3.88 r&p, will serve well for street gears. This combination (in a 5 speed) will give a car that's still pretty snappy on the street (which he's said he doesn't want to lose) and have the highway speeds he's looking for as well. So yeah, it's what I (and others) have suggested, as it's the most economical way of doing it.

If I was setting up a 5 speed strictly for acceleration with a 2 liter (or larger) I would probably suggest a 4.125 r&p with 3.78/2.25 2nd (out of the beetle semi-automatic trans and grafted on to the 4 speed mainshaft in place of 2nd)/1.58 3rd/1.21 4th (or maybe 1.26 or even 1.31, depending on the power and rpm's it's made at) and probably .89 for 5th.

Yeah, it's possible to go longer (or taller, whichever you want to call it) with 1st gear, but you and I both know that's a fair chunk of change (1,000 or $1100) and then he'd have to have it lengthened (more $$$), and Ted's patience has already been more than tested with the resulting wait. Also, living in a hilly area, I don't know about a 1st gear much longer than the 3.88/3.78 combo. I'm not saying it can't be done; it just could be a little awkward (at certain traffic lights, stop signs and into a couple of friends' driveways- Vancouver is not flat!).

I can see where (depending on your driving style, power level of the car and locale) running a longer 1st with a 3.88 r&p would be warranted; you get a close ratio 2nd out of the deal, can tighten up the distances between the remaining gears and still get decent highway speeds out of the car. It would be a lot of fun.

Ted- using the VW mainshaft isn't cheaping out; it's the right gearing and strong enough for your application.  

Lively conversation and excellent replies!

I think at this point I'll keep the 3.88 berg with the 3.78.  I can take the money I save and get a set of Kevin's coolstop front brakes.

With that decision behind me,  I"m down to one of these two gear sets:



On paper they are nearly only different by 3mph in 4th. The 1.14 makes up the gap between 4th and 5th a bit. 

Al - I saw the PM, but at this point I think this sentence rang true:

"...(no matter which you pick) you'll wonder what the other is like."

I think that's the real issue. Unless you've driven a bunch, you will always wonder what the different set would have been like. At this point I'm just going to pick one.  

Do I just call up Rancho and order the gears? Anything else?  (hubs, sliders, mwchoozits, gubbons?) - I'd call Weddle but they didn't seem to have the 1.48 or 1.18/1.14 third and 4th.

Thank you so much for the info! 


Last edited by TRP
ALB posted:

"Al is always going to advocate for the drag-race gearing, because he can't help himself."

Thanks for the laugh, Stan! If I was strictly a drag race advocate I'd be telling anyone with a 1915 or smaller to use a 4.375 ring & pinion with close ratio gears; it'll give the best acceleration off the line (highway speeds will suck big time, but that's the price you pay with a 4 speed).

Glad to help, Al.

I'll always look to you as the definition expert in gearing. You know that.

I was just poking for a chuckle (you old drag-racing, Cal-look, street bad-boy, you). 

Don't worry about me, Stan; it was taken in kind. I always enjoy your take on things, and should we one day meet I'll gladly buy the first 6 pack...

Ted, the Coolstop front brakes sound like a wicked addition!  And I said "I don't think the 2 are so different that (no matter which you pick) you'll wonder what the other is like". You're going to be so busy driving, ripping through gears with an even bigger SEG that what the other would have been like isn't going to matter! They're close enough that unless someone told you they were different you wouldn't give it a 2nd thought. As for what you need and ordering gears (and what's available)- have you decided who's going to build it?

Ted please take a look at this setup - 3.44 R&P 1st 3.44, 2nd 2.17, 3rd 1.48, 4th 1.09, 5th .89

The rpm drops are correct and the spacing is as good as it gets for a 5 sp 2 liter plus size engine. Stick with the 3.44 ring and pinion - don't cheap it out at this point.

Please please please get rid of that 3.78 1st! It is obsolete with a larger engine.

Use this to get a visual of your shifts. You can play it out in your head:

I'm using  24.5 inch tires and 3700 rpm upshifts

Last edited by Rusty S

Rusty is down south in the LA / San Diego area. Terry is about 2 hours North, North East.

I sent a 3.88 out to get lengthened and that's what they sent back.  So it's 3.88.  At this point I'm not going to over think this. Al and Terry have each provided pretty similar numbers. 

The transmission is being built by Scott Sebastian out by Teby. It was the only way I'd get Teby off my lawn/out of my trees/from hiding in my bushes.


I take great pride in my work, I want all my customers to be pleased with the outcome. After a few e-mails regarding your transmission I know that you will not be satisfied. I suggest you have the people selling you parts build your trans. I decline your offer to let me help you with your transmission.

 Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports.

Teby can now get off your lawn

Last edited by mcmscott
mcmscott posted:

I take great pride in my work, I want all my customers to be pleased with the outcome. After a few e-mails regarding your transmission I know that you will not be satisfied. I suggest you have the people selling you parts build your trans. I decline your offer to let me help you with your transmission.

 Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports.

Teby can now get off your lawn

Hello Scott,

I'm really sorry to read this. I genuinely am. I don't know much about gearing or the trade offs with specific parts.  Please understand that by asking questions or seeking input I wasn't second guessing your knowledge or experience. I was just trying to understand my options.  My questions were just my way to learn from people who have been down this road in the past.  

Again - I apologize if the banter on here has offended you. I respect your situation and understand your decision.  No hard feelings?

Ted Pierson

Last edited by TRP

No hard feelings, but untill you know what you want, don't ask questions and then dismiss every answer given to you by a transmission builder, and apply every answer by a non transmission builder.

 You will not be happy with my work because the "internet" guru's say it will not work. Therefore you should have the "internet gurus" build your transmission.

 I have more work than I can handle at the momment, doing your trans would be more of a favor than anything else. So when my opinion gets blatently rejected, I have to ask why? Apparently my thoughts on a transmission don't mean squat? So be it,, I have more customers that apreciate my work 

TRP posted:
mcmscott posted:

I take great pride in my work, I want all my customers to be pleased with the outcome. After a few e-mails regarding your transmission I know that you will not be satisfied. I suggest you have the people selling you parts build your trans. I decline your offer to let me help you with your transmission.

 Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports.

Teby can now get off your lawn

Hello Scott,

I'm really sorry to read this. I genuinely am. I don't know much about gearing or the trade offs with specific parts.  Please understand that by asking questions or seeking input I wasn't second guessing your knowledge or experience. I was just trying to understand my options.  My questions were just my way to learn from people who have been down this road in the past.  

Again - I apologize if the banter on here has offended you. I respect your situation and understand your decision.  No hard feelings?

Ted Pierson

You second guessed my opinion every time we talked or e-mailed.

mcmscott posted:
TRP posted:
mcmscott posted:

I take great pride in my work, I want all my customers to be pleased with the outcome. After a few e-mails regarding your transmission I know that you will not be satisfied. I suggest you have the people selling you parts build your trans. I decline your offer to let me help you with your transmission.

 Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports.

Teby can now get off your lawn

Hello Scott,

I'm really sorry to read this. I genuinely am. I don't know much about gearing or the trade offs with specific parts.  Please understand that by asking questions or seeking input I wasn't second guessing your knowledge or experience. I was just trying to understand my options.  My questions were just my way to learn from people who have been down this road in the past.  

Again - I apologize if the banter on here has offended you. I respect your situation and understand your decision.  No hard feelings?

Ted Pierson

You second guessed my opinion every time we talked or e-mailed.

That would have been the first Jab, then the second,.......

mcmscott posted:

No hard feelings, but untill you know what you want, don't ask questions and then dismiss every answer given to you by a transmission builder, and apply every answer by a non transmission builder.

 You will not be happy with my work because the "internet" guru's say it will not work. Therefore you should have the "internet gurus" build your transmission.

 I have more work than I can handle at the momment, doing your trans would be more of a favor than anything else. So when my opinion gets blatently rejected, I have to ask why? Apparently my thoughts on a transmission don't mean squat? So be it,, I have more customers that apreciate my work 

Hello Scott,

After re-reading our e-mail thread I think I understand where things went sideways.  You made a suggestion on the gearing and I responded with my own gearing options. Bad form on my part. Kind of like telling your doctor how you want him to do your bypass.  It's not quite as black and white, but the result was the same.  Maybe I should have said "I ran this by some buddies and a gear calculator and this is what I think would work for me."?

E-mail and electronic communication can be rough because a person can't pickup on non verbal cues which you might get on the phone or in person.  If I had known I was offending you I would be the first person to correct that before moving forward.

That said - It would have been cool if we had settled this between ourselves.  I will take this experience with me as I look for someone to build my gearbox.

Take it easy,


Last edited by TRP

If you want to have what your buddies have or a calculator has then dont ask me as a professional for opinion, if you just want an "assembler" then thats OK. I will assemble the "kit" that you provide. Labor rate is 75 per hour. From un boxing to final assembly. Phone calls are subject to a 1/2 hour minimum.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Reply By TRP: How do you make it rain in California?... buy a
From: "" <**************>
Date: Thu, August 11, 2016 6:22 pm
To: mcmscott <>

An open letter to specialists of all kinds:

Dear Guru,

I've got a hobby I'm really enjoying, and you are an expert in the field. You come recommended by people I respect, but you've never met me. I know you get a lot of tire-kickers and guys just jerking you around, and I'm really sorry for that (it must get really old). It's hard to make a living like that.

Even though I'm new to this and you don't know me-- I'm asking you to give my intelligence the benefit of the doubt. It has nothing in common with your particular area of expertise, but I'm reasonably successful at what I do. That's the thing about this hobby-- I'm at least partly interested in it because it's not like how I make a living, and it's a bit of a diversion from the grind.

I'm really motivated to learn all I can, and ask a lot of questions. You know that there are internet forums for every possible hobby, and that I'm bound to gravitate towards them. Please don't think this is meant as disrespect. This thing you do, you do for a living, and I'm trying to learn about it to escape my way of making a living. This is all new and really cool to me. I'm diving into the deep end, and it's all very interesting.

So, as difficult as it must be for you-- I'd like to be part of the decision-making process and would like to learn as much as I can along the way. I know that you do this on a daily basis, and I'm not trying to question your advice or conclusions. We'll probably end up just doing what you think is best, but I'd like to understand why we are doing things this way instead of that.

The thing is-- if I just give you vague perimeters for a desired outcome, and you build what you think is best, and my involvement doesn't go beyond just writing a check-- the thing isn't a hobby anymore, it's just a transaction. I can wander down to the car dealer and do the same thing. I don't want that, or I would have done it already. The journey is at least as exciting as the destination, and I've got a hungry mind-- I'd really like to learn about this stuff along the way.

I know it must get old. You say you're busy and don't have time for this. I get that, but I wonder if you remember what it's like to get so excited about something that you just needed to know everything you could about it? That you couldn't sleep? I can't expect you to be that excited about this any more, as it's the way you put food on the table-- but if you take away my "back and forth", you're taking away the things that are helping me learn. I'm sure it's not important for you that I learn, but it's vitally important to me. I'm not just buying your service, I'm buying the process.

Please don't short-circuit that process. Please don't rob the joy I've got in learning about this thing . You're the guru. I'm probably going to end up doing what you think is right. But PLEASE let me spool out a bit-- give me some line to run before you start reeling me in. I'm spending a lot of money.

It's important to me to enjoy every step of the way.

Last edited by Stan Galat

Stan....  A terrific essay hitting home on all points ..impressive and should be archived !  The prior post surely won't generate new fiends and business relationships as every successful and established business person knows that all contacts (likable or not)  are a direct or indirect potential customer. Final thought.. Word of mouth is the best for or advertisement, integrity, tends to keep the lights on and a good night's rest.



Last edited by Alan Merklin

Stan well said!  

Some clients want to be included in the "reason why" things are done while some want to simply buy.  Some vendors or service providers will treat you somewhat patronizingly, willingly or unwillingly and if your part of the group that wants to be included in the process it may not work out as one of them will be frustrated. 

In custom car building I can't see getting much success without being somewhat of a teacher to your client in sharing your experience of what has worked in your previous builds. 


So... that happened. I appreciate the support, guys. Let's let this one go and move on. 

Stan - your letter was spot on, man. Thank you. I was super excited about the five speed again after waiting 6 flipping months and $2500.00.  Now I'm back to being fed up with it.  Metal parts don't rot if you keep them clean and dry.  I will put them on a shelf and cool off for a bit.  

Interesting side note. Gene Berg sends you a fun little bag of candy with your parts. I didn't even get to try one. My daughter found the bag and ate them all. That's a metaphor for this project.


Last edited by TRP

Sorry to see the tranny build take this turn.  I will likely do another build some day and I'm definitely interested in a 5 speed. Egos are a delicate thing.  If the tranny Guru is that sensitive I would not want to do business with him.  As a Doc I get advice from nurses, technologists and colleagues all the time.  A wise man considers all advice and then decides.  To dismiss a suggestion out of pure arrogance is foolish.  There is always more than one way to skin a cat  (I hate cats).   I'm sure the tranny Guru is swamped with work.  I believe him.  Good thing since he won't be getting any referrals from this site.   

Zots! That's what they were called.  Nope not one. My daughter found 'em and loved 'em. It was sort of funny. She would go into the garage... and come back smiling.  A while later... repeat.  One flavor she didn't like... she came back with a sour look on her face.  It wasn't until the next day when I found the bag ravaged inside the box of parts that I figured it out.  When I asked her about it she just smiled and said "Sorrrry... you're not mad are you?"

I don't even know how she found them in the first place. I think Candy is to children like truffles are to pigs. They just have a nose for it. 


Ted - For what it's worth I just had my transaxle done. The planning of that had been in the works for two years and when I had to have the engine taken out to have body repairs done I jumped on the opportunity. Even though I had all the hypotheticals down on paper I still had doubts. After posting my thoughts here I received lots of feedback which caused me hesitation. It wasn't until I was given an opportunity to drive a car that had similar ratios to what I wanted that everything was confirmed.

For me I wanted to rid my car of that "granny" 1st and almost granny 2nd so I had a 3.44 ring and pinion put into a stock ratio transaxle. The result was that it still wasn't anywhere near what I wanted it to be. Now I knew I had to get the next one right or just settle for what I had. I'm not a settler. The drag guys love the stock setup with the big motors and when you hear them talk it sounds exciting! Well I realized that I don't like to burn the tires off between stop lights and I wanted something much different.

My initial thought on a new 1st and 2nd was to put a 2.90 1st and a 1.93 2nd in. The guys on here and at a shop I know really cautioned me on that saying that was too high and would make my starts and driving in traffic difficult. The car I drove had this setup in it - 3.88 R&P, 3.11 1st, 193 2nd, 1.21 3rd, and .89 4th. I know you're sick of this but it's important you talk to people that are in the know and ARE willing to listen to what YOU want and come up with a solution that fits.

After driving the car with the above configuration I spent hours running numbers on a gear calc and talking to Stan who has done this a few times then decided to change just the 2nd gear from the above config to a 1.86. I conveyed what I wanted to the builder and then had to wait and worry if my decision was right. When they got my car to a drivable state I went over and tried it and Ted it was like driving a $100,000 car! It really worked.

In my opinion your builder did you a huge favor that may save you $$$ and disappointment going forward. He also exposed his character not only to you but to all of us - thank you!

Ted - figure out what style of driver you are. If you like to drag race your car then stick with the ratios that are closest to stock. If you want 1st and 2nd stretched out a little don't be afraid to wait until you can confidently build it right by replacing the mainshaft with higher gears. I drive up to Bakersfield once or twice a month. That's not too far from you. Make a day of it and come on down and take my car out for a drive. We can take it up Kern Canyon Hwy 178. Take Terry's out first and get his configuration on paper then lets compare. See which type of setup you like best then design your 5 speed!

"I would give it a few days, and talk to him again. How far away is he from you? Visiting his shop for a face to face would make it easier to clear the air, and if you can't save it at least you know you tried."


With that kind of thin skin, that would be like dealing with a woman and her "Gotcha" bag. You make a simple mistake that pisses off your woman but you take the high road and make peace and apologize for your misstep (she then stores that incident in her "Gotcha" bag). Time passes and everything seems to be fine. BUT, some time later (sometimes YEARS), you make a similar misstep, and POW, she pulls that sh*t from the "Gotcha" bag and pummels you with it. 

Last edited by MusbJim
MusbJim posted:

"I would give it a few days, and talk to him again. How far away is he from you? Visiting his shop for a face to face would make it easier to clear the air, and if you can't save it at least you know you tried."


With that kind of thin skin, that would be like dealing with a woman and her "Gotcha" bag. You make a simple mistake that pisses off your woman but you take the high road and make peace and apologize for your misstep (she then stores that incident in her "Gotcha" bag). Time passes and everything seems to be fine. BUT, some time later (sometimes YEARS), you make a similar misstep, and POW, she pulls that sh*t from the "Gotcha" bag and pummels you with it. 


It's 2 guys talking, Jim, and it's what I would do. I've found (time and time again) that after tempers (and egos) cool down, sometimes you can still make it work. Maybe it won't, but you don't know until you try.

And my apologies for what follows, but I felt something had to be said....

mcmscott posted:

I take great pride in my work, I want all my customers to be pleased with the outcome. After a few e-mails regarding your transmission I know that you will not be satisfied. I suggest you have the people selling you parts build your trans. I decline your offer to let me help you with your transmission.

 Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports.

Teby can now get off your lawn

The thing that's been bugging me about this whole sh*tstorm (and it's taken awhile to figure out) is why did you do this here? This should have been a private conversation with the person you're dealing with (where the rest of the conversation was being conducted) and not the public humiliation attempt you were looking for (I can see no other reason for doing this the way you did). I'm just calling it as I see it here- I'm a Samba-ite as well, have a lot of respect for your knowledge, and was 1 of the guys here suggesting to Ted that you would be a good choice for this, but now I don't really know what to think.

Before you reply to this please re-read Stan's post on the previous page and give it a little time to settle in. Al Blanchette

Last edited by ALB
ALB posted:
MusbJim posted:

"I would give it a few days, and talk to him again. How far away is he from you? Visiting his shop for a face to face would make it easier to clear the air, and if you can't save it at least you know you tried."


With that kind of thin skin, that would be like dealing with a woman and her "Gotcha" bag. You make a simple mistake that pisses off your woman but you take the high road and make peace and apologize for your misstep (she then stores that incident in her "Gotcha" bag). Time passes and everything seems to be fine. BUT, some time later (sometimes YEARS), you make a similar misstep, and POW, she pulls that sh*t from the "Gotcha" bag and pummels you with it. 


It's 2 guys talking, Jim, and it's what I would do. I've found (time and time again) that after tempers (and egos) cool down, sometimes you can still make it work. Maybe it won't, but you don't know until you try.

And my apologies for what follows, but I felt something had to be said....

mcmscott posted:

I take great pride in my work, I want all my customers to be pleased with the outcome. After a few e-mails regarding your transmission I know that you will not be satisfied. I suggest you have the people selling you parts build your trans. I decline your offer to let me help you with your transmission.

 Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports.

Teby can now get off your lawn

The thing that's been bugging me about this whole sh*tstorm (and it's taken awhile to figure out) is why did you do this here? This should have been a private conversation with the person you're dealing with (where the rest of the conversation was being conducted) and not the public humiliation attempt you were looking for (I can see no other reason for doing this the way you did). I'm just calling it as I see it here- I'm a Samba-ite as well, have a lot of respect for your knowledge, and was 1 of the guys here suggesting to Ted that you would be a good choice for this, but now I don't really know what to think.

Before you reply to this please re-read Stan's post on the previous page and give it a little time to settle in. Al Blanchette

You are correct in that I probably should not have posted this here, my bad, however it seems as if every customer that comes to me from this site has the "internet build" going on and only wants to do what the internet says, they ask for your opinion only to hope it matches what the internet people say, when you give your own opinion, basically you are told you are wrong but they still want you to work for them. That is a slap in the face. After been "slapped in the face" numerous times from this site I have a very low tollerance. I consider myself very knowelegable (spelling?) in every thing VW related, I have been doing this since 1984. So understand that I think my opinion weighs more than some one's that just does this as a hobby. The whole "customer is always right" is some times wrong. If I sense the customer will not be happy before we engage in an agreement I feel it is best for both parties to seperate before any money or parts are exchanged, kind of "nip it in the bud" if you will. Did I act hastely? Damn right I did, I shouldn't have but I did, sorry for that.

 Stans post hits every car person, myself included. The difference tho, is when I do something for you, I am more exited to see it turn out great than you, the customer, so when I am, in not so many words, told I dont know what I am talking about, and I am going to buy my parts elsewhere, I know at the end of the tunnel there is a "let down" awaiting. I don't want that let down on my shoulders. And I don't want you to be let down.

 I hope this kinda explains my reasoning, I also did act entirely too hastily and opoligize for it again, my bad. After doing this for more than 30 years I get a "little" impatiant.

                        Scott Sebastian,  Metalcraft motorsports. AKA MCM Scott  

ALB posted:

What would you have done different than what Ted wanted, Scott?

Honestly, just not take it to a public forum, once again, my bad. Other than that as a builder, I don't like to get pushed around, so, not much else. I respect all my customers very much, you know what I want in exchange? Just the same and nothing more. When the customer thinks, or acts as he is "above me" then we are on different playing fields.

 I have a "pet peve" about bieng belittled 

Last edited by mcmscott
mcmscott posted:
ALB posted:

What would you have done different than what Ted wanted, Scott?

Honestly, just not take it to a public forum, once again, my bad. Other than that as a builder, I don't like to get pushed around, so, not much else. I respect all my customers very much, you know what I want in exchange? Just the same and nothing more. When the customer thinks, or acts as he is "above me" then we are on different playing fields.

 I have a "pet peve" about bieng belittled 

Scott, I think Al is asking "what would you have done different" with the trans vs what Ted wanted.

This is way above my paygrade but I'm trying to learn also.


Clutch pedal shaft 

the new shaft you purchased are nice  I use a double shear bracket step up.  The reason for my post is to warn you that most likely you have a aftermarket pedal assembly - meaning an "empi part"  and they are not made to factory specs  they have there own shaft diamension.  On Mitch's pedal assembly I had to get one custom made to fit the pedal assembly. Also when you remove the pedal assembly to change the clutch cross shaft you may also want to box the clutch pedal.. Call me and I will explain.  Or send it up.

regarding your trans gearing, keep in mind my answers to your questions of gearing and parts are from my experience around having driven them with several gear combos. I have ran some other combos that were from great stop light to stoplight and the compromise was the gap to fifth gear.  Your tire size is an important factor. I have a tall rear tire and with your shorter tire the gear combo changes slightly. Again, you will see the difference in the gearing between fourth and fifth up shifting and downshifting relating to the tire size. Think about it!  Your cuising along at 65+- and want to pass someone or you want to speed up do to a slight hill. That fourth gear ratio is important.  Your driving 152 towards Watsonville and in either third or fourth gear thru the turns moving pretty good and come to a tight corner and drop down to third or second. This is where those gear combos make the difference. Now think of those same situations with your four speed box. You got it?  You can't drive it like you really want to.  I driven 17 up and down in my 63 loaded with a few vangan trans in the car in fourth gear passing several bmws and honda, Toyotas because of the gearing combos.. Your trans builder or experienced berg five users are the only ones you may give you recommendations!

then once you finally get it in the car and drive it. You will drive it harder on the twistys and fine you need good brakes you slow you down quicker also.. I know  I had a few close calls driving from auburn to placervile having to brake hard to avoid going down the canyon because your confidence becomes higher which relate to faster corner speeds. Someday I will up grade to the CSP brakes sitting in the box on the floor of the old shop......excuse me for babbling.





Anthony, "babbling" is good....that's how we all learn.

Scott, You're absolutely right!....Being "slapped in the face" and "pushed around" by a mere hobbyist who isn't immediately taking into account your superior knowledge, that far exceeds internet babbling, is indeed  "insulting" and shouldn't be tolerated. Fortunately I don't think you're going to be irritated in the future by questions/opinions from this site (that's mostly frequented by "ignorant hobbyist") because most of us are penny-pinchers and would balk at  $32.50 charged for a consulting telephone call.   

I think that perhaps it would be good to let Ted and Scott sort this out between themselves now.  Excitement about a build, and wanting to learn all you can is so natural (it happened to me with my IM6), but sometimes - on a public forum such as this where there are so many likewise interested guys - it can lead to misunderstandings and even some degree of upset.

This thread has had a good run, so let's wait and see what the outcome is.  Hopefully, it's a positive one for those two personally involved, and we all will be interested in what that outcome is.

MusbJim posted:

"I would give it a few days, and talk to him again. How far away is he from you? Visiting his shop for a face to face would make it easier to clear the air, and if you can't save it at least you know you tried."


With that kind of thin skin, that would be like dealing with a woman and her "Gotcha" bag. You make a simple mistake that pisses off your woman but you take the high road and make peace and apologize for your misstep (she then stores that incident in her "Gotcha" bag). Time passes and everything seems to be fine. BUT, some time later (sometimes YEARS), you make a similar misstep, and POW, she pulls that sh*t from the "Gotcha" bag and pummels you with it. 


I know I'm a little late reading this but I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself.  Jim you have such sage wisdom.  My wife even laughed.  She knows its true.

But hey we know this only applies to women.  You guys need to talk this out privately and get a tranny built cause I might need a 5 speed one day.

Last edited by 550 Phil

I've just been accused (in a PM) of sarcastically throwing gasoline on the fire that others are trying to extinguish....Not so!...Scott has verbally reduced to smoldering ashes that bridge of possible reconciliation. I was merely (and accurately) indicating my understanding of his mind-set by framing his own (justifying?) words.

BTW, I miscalculated his minimum half-hour telephone 'consulting fee'....It's $37.50, not $32.50!.....I never was much good at math. 

mcmscott posted:
ALB posted:

What would you have done different than what Ted wanted, Scott?

Honestly, just not take it to a public forum, once again, my bad. Other than that as a builder, I don't like to get pushed around, so, not much else. I respect all my customers very much, you know what I want in exchange? Just the same and nothing more. When the customer thinks, or acts as he is "above me" then we are on different playing fields.

 I have a "pet peve" about bieng belittled 


I've really tried to take the high road on this. I've even taken more of the blame than I should have. I'm going to ask one more time to let this go.

I appreciate you coming here and trying to apologize for airing this nonsense on a public forum. Thank you.  I don't understand why you are belaboring the situation with comments of 'red flags',  'internet builds', 'disrespect', 'belittling', 'customer acts like he is above me' and 'not knowing what I want'. Comments like those are a starting to make me second guess the position I've taken with this fiasco.  

I have read and reread every message between the two of us. You misread the entire transaction. Not once did anything of that nature transpire. You started to acknowledge that. You apologized... then went right back to pointing fingers and right back to trying to justify your actions because of what you thought I said or did. That's not an apology. That's sorry, not sorry. Reread what you wrote. You said sorry and then went right back into justification of your behavior. The worst part is that it's based on a misunderstanding. You recommended one set. I said I wanted something different. You then got pissed because it went against your professional opinion. You called that a slap in your face. That was not my intention. If you'd like, I can post our e-mail exchange here. I am so far from the character you are trying to use as justification for the giant chip on your shoulder. 

Bottom line is this - You have a reputation for being a very skilled fabricator. You are known for your knowledge of VW transmissions. Nobody is going to dispute that. Unfortunately you are also known to be a hot head and difficult person to work with.  You are only reinforcing that reputation.

I genuinely regret every damn thing about this 5 speed. The parts are going on a shelf. At this point I'd rather make a damn ashtray out of it. For **** sake. It's a damned gearbox not a magnum opus. I labored more over these stupid gear ratios than I did over naming my kids.  The perspective on this **** is ridiculously warped. ITS A GEARBOX!!!! NOT THE CUP OF CHRIST. 

Scott, we need to see other people. It's not you, it's me.

Can we move on now?


Last edited by TRP
TRP posted:
mcmscott posted:
ALB posted:

What would you have done different than what Ted wanted, Scott?

Honestly, just not take it to a public forum, once again, my bad. Other than that as a builder, I don't like to get pushed around, so, not much else. I respect all my customers very much, you know what I want in exchange? Just the same and nothing more. When the customer thinks, or acts as he is "above me" then we are on different playing fields.

 I have a "pet peve" about bieng belittled 


I've really tried to take the high road on this. I've even taken more of the blame than I should have. I'm going to ask one more time to let this go.

I appreciate you coming here and trying to apologize for airing this nonsense on a public forum. Thank you.  I don't understand why you are belaboring the situation with comments of 'red flags',  'internet builds', 'disrespect', 'belittling', 'customer acts like he is above me' and 'not knowing what I want'. Comments like those are a starting to make me second guess the position I've taken with this fiasco.  

I have read and reread every message between the two of us. You misread the entire transaction. Not once did anything of that nature transpire. You started to acknowledge that. You apologized... then went right back to pointing fingers and right back to trying to justify your actions because of what you thought I said or did. That's not an apology. That's sorry, not sorry. Reread what you wrote. You said sorry and then went right back into justification of your behavior. The worst part is that it's based on a misunderstanding. You recommended one set. I said I wanted something different. You then got pissed because it went against your professional opinion. You called that a slap in your face. That was not my intention. If you'd like, I can post our e-mail exchange here. I am so far from the character you are trying to use as justification for the giant chip on your shoulder. 

Bottom line is this - You have a reputation for being a very skilled fabricator. You are known for your knowledge of VW transmissions. Nobody is going to dispute that. Unfortunately you are also known to be a hot head and difficult person to work with.  You are only reinforcing that reputation.

I genuinely regret every damn thing about this 5 speed. The parts are going on a shelf. At this point I'd rather make a damn ashtray out of it. For **** sake. It's a damned gearbox not a magnum opus. I labored more over these stupid gear ratios than I did over naming my kids.  The perspective on this **** is ridiculously warped. ITS A GEARBOX!!!! NOT THE CUP OF CHRIST. 

Scott, we need to see other people. It's not you, it's me.

Can we move on now?


"I labored more over these stupid gear ratios than I did over naming my kids."

BTW, how are Adobe, Acrobat, and PDF doing these days?

Robert M (Not a Poopiehead) posted:
TRP posted:
mcmscott posted:
ALB posted:

What would you have done different than what Ted wanted, Scott?

Honestly, just not take it to a public forum, once again, my bad. Other than that as a builder, I don't like to get pushed around, so, not much else. I respect all my customers very much, you know what I want in exchange? Just the same and nothing more. When the customer thinks, or acts as he is "above me" then we are on different playing fields.

 I have a "pet peve" about bieng belittled 


I've really tried to take the high road on this. I've even taken more of the blame than I should have. I'm going to ask one more time to let this go.

I appreciate you coming here and trying to apologize for airing this nonsense on a public forum. Thank you.  I don't understand why you are belaboring the situation with comments of 'red flags',  'internet builds', 'disrespect', 'belittling', 'customer acts like he is above me' and 'not knowing what I want'. Comments like those are a starting to make me second guess the position I've taken with this fiasco.  

I have read and reread every message between the two of us. You misread the entire transaction. Not once did anything of that nature transpire. You started to acknowledge that. You apologized... then went right back to pointing fingers and right back to trying to justify your actions because of what you thought I said or did. That's not an apology. That's sorry, not sorry. Reread what you wrote. You said sorry and then went right back into justification of your behavior. The worst part is that it's based on a misunderstanding. You recommended one set. I said I wanted something different. You then got pissed because it went against your professional opinion. You called that a slap in your face. That was not my intention. If you'd like, I can post our e-mail exchange here. I am so far from the character you are trying to use as justification for the giant chip on your shoulder. 

Bottom line is this - You have a reputation for being a very skilled fabricator. You are known for your knowledge of VW transmissions. Nobody is going to dispute that. Unfortunately you are also known to be a hot head and difficult person to work with.  You are only reinforcing that reputation.

I genuinely regret every damn thing about this 5 speed. The parts are going on a shelf. At this point I'd rather make a damn ashtray out of it. For **** sake. It's a damned gearbox not a magnum opus. I labored more over these stupid gear ratios than I did over naming my kids.  The perspective on this **** is ridiculously warped. ITS A GEARBOX!!!! NOT THE CUP OF CHRIST. 

Scott, we need to see other people. It's not you, it's me.

Can we move on now?


"I labored more over these stupid gear ratios than I did over naming my kids."

BTW, how are Adobe, Acrobat, and PDF doing these days?

HA! Those aren't my kids! Acrobat and PDF are hoodlums.    

Anthony posted:


Clutch pedal shaft 

the new shaft you purchased are nice  I use a double shear bracket step up.  The reason for my post is to warn you that most likely you have a aftermarket pedal assembly - meaning an "empi part"  and they are not made to factory specs  they have there own shaft diamension.  On Mitch's pedal assembly I had to get one custom made to fit the pedal assembly. Also when you remove the pedal assembly to change the clutch cross shaft you may also want to box the clutch pedal.. Call me and I will explain.  Or send it up.

regarding your trans gearing, keep in mind my answers to your questions of gearing and parts are from my experience around having driven them with several gear combos. I have ran some other combos that were from great stop light to stoplight and the compromise was the gap to fifth gear.  Your tire size is an important factor. I have a tall rear tire and with your shorter tire the gear combo changes slightly. Again, you will see the difference in the gearing between fourth and fifth up shifting and downshifting relating to the tire size. Think about it!  Your cuising along at 65+- and want to pass someone or you want to speed up do to a slight hill. That fourth gear ratio is important.  Your driving 152 towards Watsonville and in either third or fourth gear thru the turns moving pretty good and come to a tight corner and drop down to third or second. This is where those gear combos make the difference. Now think of those same situations with your four speed box. You got it?  You can't drive it like you really want to.  I driven 17 up and down in my 63 loaded with a few vangan trans in the car in fourth gear passing several bmws and honda, Toyotas because of the gearing combos.. Your trans builder or experienced berg five users are the only ones you may give you recommendations!

then once you finally get it in the car and drive it. You will drive it harder on the twistys and fine you need good brakes you slow you down quicker also.. I know  I had a few close calls driving from auburn to placervile having to brake hard to avoid going down the canyon because your confidence becomes higher which relate to faster corner speeds. Someday I will up grade to the CSP brakes sitting in the box on the floor of the old shop......excuse me for babbling.





Hey Buddy,

I took your suggestions to heart. Your words rang true. Don't over think it. If I end up building this, I will go with what you suggested. It looked great on paper. The chart looked spot on and fun as hell.  Thank you for being a solid straight shooter.  As this s storm blew up, it reminded me of our first talk when you were talking to me about my 4 speed. You've always been so patient and legit. I appreciate it. I wish you were a transmission builder.

Regarding the clutch rod, what's a double shear bracket?! I had the arm tig welded by Kings Muffler here in town. Flipped the owner a $20.00 and he welded it up rock solid. I really like the idea of boxing the pedal. That's brilliant.  For those who are lost... the clutch pedal arm is shaped like a backwards C. Boxing it in would involve welding a plate on the arm to make that backwards C into a closed 'box'. In this case the finished arm would be like a D. This would give the arm tons of strength. It won't twist.  The new shift rod fit like a glove. There was no play at all. Like.a.glove. Funny thing is that now I'm thinking about upgrading to a juice clutch.

What a week...


I hate to bring up the past but as I was perusing today's posts I somehow got sidetracked, I don't know how, squirrel! I came across some posts related to one of Stan's permutations of his monster Type 1 from June of 2014. In that post Stan was wondering why he got so caught up in the insane modifications to his engine, and he wrote that Mrs. Stan was calling it quits to his mutation and he quipped that he wondered if the time he had invested in his dual coil, twin-plugged monster was worth it and you wrote AND I quote, "Keep at it. Any project worth while takes time." I bring this up not to shame you but to suggest that you follow your own advice and keep at it. I hate to see you throw in the towel on this one just because you went over a speed bump that was bigger than you anticipated and bottomed out your sump. Pu the idea aside for a minute, okay, but don't quit. You wanted the five speed for a reason. That reason is still there and you should seek to achieve it.

Last edited by Robert M
TRP posted:
Anthony posted:


Clutch pedal shaft 

the new shaft you purchased are nice  I use a double shear bracket step up.  The reason for my post is to warn you that most likely you have a aftermarket pedal assembly - meaning an "empi part"  and they are not made to factory specs  they have there own shaft diamension.  On Mitch's pedal assembly I had to get one custom made to fit the pedal assembly. Also when you remove the pedal assembly to change the clutch cross shaft you may also want to box the clutch pedal.. Call me and I will explain.  Or send it up.

regarding your trans gearing, keep in mind my answers to your questions of gearing and parts are from my experience around having driven them with several gear combos. I have ran some other combos that were from great stop light to stoplight and the compromise was the gap to fifth gear.  Your tire size is an important factor. I have a tall rear tire and with your shorter tire the gear combo changes slightly. Again, you will see the difference in the gearing between fourth and fifth up shifting and downshifting relating to the tire size. Think about it!  Your cuising along at 65+- and want to pass someone or you want to speed up do to a slight hill. That fourth gear ratio is important.  Your driving 152 towards Watsonville and in either third or fourth gear thru the turns moving pretty good and come to a tight corner and drop down to third or second. This is where those gear combos make the difference. Now think of those same situations with your four speed box. You got it?  You can't drive it like you really want to.  I driven 17 up and down in my 63 loaded with a few vangan trans in the car in fourth gear passing several bmws and honda, Toyotas because of the gearing combos.. Your trans builder or experienced berg five users are the only ones you may give you recommendations!

then once you finally get it in the car and drive it. You will drive it harder on the twistys and fine you need good brakes you slow you down quicker also.. I know  I had a few close calls driving from auburn to placervile having to brake hard to avoid going down the canyon because your confidence becomes higher which relate to faster corner speeds. Someday I will up grade to the CSP brakes sitting in the box on the floor of the old shop......excuse me for babbling.





Hey Buddy,

I took your suggestions to heart. Your words rang true. Don't over think it. If I end up building this, I will go with what you suggested. It looked great on paper. The chart looked spot on and fun as hell.  Thank you for being a solid straight shooter.  As this s storm blew up, it reminded me of our first talk when you were talking to me about my 4 speed. You've always been so patient and legit. I appreciate it. I wish you were a transmission builder.

Regarding the clutch rod, what's a double shear bracket?! I had the arm tig welded by Kings Muffler here in town. Flipped the owner a $20.00 and he welded it up rock solid. I really like the idea of boxing the pedal. That's brilliant.  For those who are lost... the clutch pedal arm is shaped like a backwards C. Boxing it in would involve welding a plate on the arm to make that backwards C into a closed 'box'. In this case the finished arm would be like a D. This would give the arm tons of strength. It won't twist.  The new shift rod fit like a glove. There was no play at all. Like.a.glove. Funny thing is that now I'm thinking about upgrading to a juice clutch.

What a week...

Thanks for the kind words. Stay with the cable set up.  A hyd clutch involves patience routing the steel line, new pedal, mounting the salve cylinder and master cylinder set up, then when you fit the clutch master cylinder your going to want to up grade the existing brake master to a complete tilton or CNC pedal assembly.. You find yourself bitching that nothing "just bolts in" ......keep it simple!  If you go that route buy a spare salve cylinder because you will need it. 

You know how I feel about this, Ted; let it sit for a bit. And remember, a guy in a '55 cheby burning it's tires off is just annoying;  a Speedster, otoh, that is fast enough to shame most of the fart can ricers around and the new Mustang/Camaro/Challenger crowd (and that '55) is a wondreous(sp?) and beautiful thing...

I get it. I'm over it right now. After 6 months with Berg and now this nonsense, I'm just going to shelve it for a bit. There are a few people who reached out to me here and on the Samba with suggestions. To keep this in perspective, the list of people who can build a kick ass 5 speed without the consternation is a quite long.  I'm out of a bad situation and we all learned that no matter how good you are, nobody wants to work with a loose cannon. The internet is awesome like that. Now people can search and learn for themselves.

Someday it will get built. Maybe in my car. Maybe in someone else's.  (If somebody is willing to pay what I have into it, they can have it!) I'm not upset about that in the least. Again... it's just a fancy gearbox in a toy car. I was honestly pissed / embarrassed that I may have offended Teby. (Teby put in a good word for me with Scott at Metalcraft). Teby, sorry man!

So, new topic...

I sold my 4 speed vintage shifter. I thought I had a 5 speed going in! (LOL) So, now I have a 5 speed vintage shifter here. Will that work with my 4 speed? It should, right? I lined up the shifter plate with my stock plate and they are nearly identical. The 5 speed base plate has a long tang on one side. I installed it but couldn't 'find' third and fourth. If I pulled up I could reach over and get them.  Seems odd. Unless the shift pattern really tightens up on a 5 speed?

Anyway, I may tear into that today. 

Oh, and the 55 is on the horizon. It's not if, it's when. Alexis is generally pretty cool. She might let me have both... right? It may cost me a new kitchen. That's fair... right?





OH By the way  Troy, Anand, Robert and myself have Invited Scott to the BACKSTOP for a little party...   LOL LOL !!  

TED    no worries brother ,  you did not offend me at all, so please keep the dream alive............. For your 5 speed will become reality...



Robert M (Not a Poopiehead) posted:

If it bolts on right the first time there's probably only one bolt involved. 

I was really concerned about tackling this big job, because it involves two bolts (Allen heads) but the water bottle holder on my road bike bolted right problems.

 I'm so relieved.


Last edited by Ron O


Did you use Terry Nuckles Billion Seller book (mostly in China due to all the bicycles):  qí zìxíng chē 骑自行车..... "A complete Chinese guide on How to Bling your Bike in 3 easy steps"  

Good thing you didn't attempt the double water bottle set up..



Just raise your eyebrows, Carl.....

We'll get the message.  

Might need a different "decoder ring" though, for left, right, one or two eyebrows raised (or lowered).   Don't think my "Capt. Midnight" decoder can do that for me.  Might have to enlist the aid of guys like Alan Turig.  

Keep this thread going, Ted.........You might exceed the "Brass Thingie"(y) thread, yet!

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

I'm just going to keep it going to chronicle every update I make to the car.  Once the weather turns cold here in December the car will go up on jack stands so I can pull the 2056 and install some stainless fuel lines, relocate the cooler and some other stuff I've been putting off.  Considering upgrading the front brakes to some of Kevin's brakes. Still kicking that around a bit. 

I'm waiting on a cooler bracket from Kevin @coolryde so I can move the cooler to a useful spot. Where its at now isn't very efficient.  

My guess is that the trans will take... 15 maybe 16 weeks? Who knows. All that matters is that I'm int the queue with a reputable builder.  Most likely won't pull the trans until I get word that the new one is under the wrench.

Been kicking around the idea of a new top to match the sweet side curtains I picked up. 

Someday I should get this thing painted...

Stan, don't make me cry.  If it takes 8 months I'll be really bummed.  

Al- I shot you a PM. 

Regarding the brakes. I don't know that I'm maxing them out. I've never been 100% satisfied with the pedal feel.  I feel like maybe I've never been able to bleed them properly.  If I could figure out how to get the pedal to firm up I'd love to not spend an additional $1300.00! I also HATE the odd little 2"rubber line on the rear brakes. I'd love to get rid of that silly piece. 

I used a vacuum pump / compressor to pull the fluid through the lines and cylinders. I've read 10 times that you have to rotate the calipers to the 12 o'clock position to bleed them properly. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and do that?  That would mean I'd need a helper to pump pump pump the pedal.  I bet the boy would LOVE it.  Okay.. add that to the winter list. 

OH! and ... how many of you have doors that rattle when you hit bumps? Man... going down a back road sounds like I'm driving a covered wagon! I need to fix that. The doors shut well... it's just that they clatter and rattle on bumps. How do I fix that?!

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