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No SuperDiff. I just didn't see the need for the added expense. I had a beef-a-diff and some 10 tooth spider gears installed with 15 tooth side gears. Beefed up side plates and a heavy duty hockey stick. Other than that - welded up 3rd and 4th and threw in some steel forks.


Something I noticed while working on the 1915 last night - one of the elephant feet wasn't centered on the valve stem. I will try to get a photo of it this evening. Maybe you guys can tell me if I need to get a set of shims and move it over another 1/8" or so?  Anything I should worry about?


Anybody know where I can get some heat shield like this?







Here are the shots of the 'elephant feet'. The first one that is really off center is the second from the left below. 










The other one that is just a wee bit off is the one in the center below. It's just on the edge of the valve head. Not too bad really, but not centered.




Do I need to order some shims to adjust them over a bit or are they fine as they are?




Images (2)
  • IMAG0674
  • IMAG0675
Originally Posted by TRP:

No SuperDiff. I just didn't see the need for the added expense. I had a beef-a-diff and some 10 tooth spider gears installed with 15 tooth side gears. Beefed up side plates and a heavy duty hockey stick. Other than that - welded up 3rd and 4th and threw in some steel forks.


Something I noticed while working on the 1915 last night - one of the elephant feet wasn't centered on the valve stem. I will try to get a photo of it this evening. Maybe you guys can tell me if I need to get a set of shims and move it over another 1/8" or so?  Anything I should worry about?


Anybody know where I can get some heat shield like this?







I'm not sure if it is just my computer but the picture is missing.

Ted- the adjusters shouldn't be exactly "centered" on the valve stem; they're supposed to be slightly offset to promote the valves spinning a little every time they're lifted and let down. If one is way off to one side, then shim it over a bit, even if it means taking a little off the side of the rocker.


PS- Looking at the pics above (hadn't seen them before), I'd say the top one could stand to be moved just a bit; but make sure it's still not quite centered.

Last edited by ALB

I bought a rocker arm shim set from CB. It should be here in a few days. I'll go ahead and adjust them a bit and make sure they are ever so slightly off center. I'm strongly considering the 1.25:1 rockers since I'm going to have the rockers out anyway. Not sure if I really want to try figure out push rod geometry or not. While I was there I picked up a new sump plate for the 1915. I got one with the center drain. This is only after buying a replacement Clyde's buggies sump plate and the super screen. About 45 bucks wasted. Maybe I can put them on 'The Samba' and move 'em on down the line. Combined those are the same price as the new sump plate.


The last thing I need to purchase for the 1915 install is the temp shield for the two oil lines that pass close to the exhaust header. I ordered the oil cooler from Carey this morning. 


Another day. Another parts order.


The madness is full blown at this point. I blame ALB and MUSBJIM.

Originally Posted by David Stroud Ottawa Canada '83 IM Soob: do we inflate your Avatar ? Is that Annaliese ?

LOL - No. That's Audrey Hepburn. It's a colorized photo of one of her old photos.  I saw the image in color the other day and it was only then that I realized how stunning she was.  So much more class than the tramps in Hollywood today.









Images (1)
  • Q4cHvNu
Last edited by TRP

Colorized, eh ? You don't hear that too often. The young Lads on this list likely would not know what that means. We've got an old VHS movie at home called Captains of the Clouds starring James Cagney and a few other notables filmed mostly in Canada and our home town, Ottawa too. WW2 stuff about the BCATP. Loose filming, shoddy prop control / cheating a bit. EG...they showed a bush pilot flying a Fairchild 71 in one part and that was a plane with a single pilot seat in front, two buckets side by side behind with a bench for two behind that.


The plane took off and when the camera got in, Cagney was at the stick flying the airplane talking to the other actor ....sitting right beside him...the whole "cockpit"  was likely sitting on a hay wagon in the studio getting pushed around by Hepburn wannabees.

Hey Ted. Looks like you are going through same thing I just did..

it was a month as well cleand the hell out of my car before re installing the trans and engine if you need any ideas or help let me know....


I worked on my car with Scott he made me clean every nut and bolt. Lol. If it looked bad we simply replaced it   We replaced a lot of hardware... 


or pics


Last edited by Former Member

Installed a new master cylinder today. In and out in 30 minutes. I put if off and dreaded it for no reason! While I was down there found a torn boot on the lower ball joint. Pulled the arm out to get a new one installed. Found the needle bearing on that arm was completely frozen. Cleaned it and put it back in. I suppose this would be the appropriate time to do check all four of them... before I get it realigned.


This afternoon I need to finish bending up the rear lines and then I can refill the system and bleed the air out.


Also picked up a case of Brad Penn. Once the Setrab arrives this week, I can start plumbing the oil system and get the motor back in.


I should really post some photos of the progress... I'm just a messy mechanic and the only photos I took had pretty messy garage floor. Littered with tools and rags.
















Images (10)
  • IMAG0677: Need to fab up some new hard lines...
  • IMAG0678: Need to fab up some new hard lines...
  • IMAG0679: I'm a messy mechanic...
  • IMAG0682
  • IMAG0683: Wheel cleaned!
  • IMAG0684: Need to clean the rims and blacken that castle nut
  • IMAG0685: Need to clean the rims and blacken that castle nut
  • IMAG0686
  • IMAG0687
  • IMAG0688
Last edited by TRP

Thanks Ed!


I'm kind of torn at this point. At this point I have a few options I could go with:

  • I could rush it and put the 1600 back in and be on the road next weekend. It could be today, but I have the front end also pulled apart to get a ball joint replaced. 
  • I could take a few more weeks and get the 1915 in there.
  • Or I could give in and assume it'll be off the road until the spring and take some time to do up a nice firewall treatment and really detail out the engine bay. Before putting the 1915 in there.


There is another development to consider - I have two sets of Kadrons. A set with less than a year on them. They are set up for the 1600. I have the venturis and the jets to 'upgrade' those for the 1915. I also have a set of early early Kadrons with the "Mariner" guild mark on them. Those need to be rebuilt. I'm not sure which way to go with those. Do I use them on the 1600 or the 1915? It's a toss up. My thought was to use the older carbs on the 1600 because it's set up to look like a 1600 Super motor anyway (with the 356 oil filter, etc.)


Too many options. Madness for sure. 


Hey Ted.  


Look great. Nice a clean shiney and new!!  Can't wait to see it!! 


Yes its important to clean and fix while you are there (so to speak). It may drag the project on but your better off in the long run..  While. I was working on my car Scott kept reminding me of the importance of Check, Clean, and replace..  Most of the time it was replace.. I had not been under my car as intensely as I should have been..  So a massive clean up was in order. I'll send pics of it,  Super clean.  


Also helps to refresh the paint in areas that can be seen ie engine compartment..


By the way. I know you will need new heater box hose. You can get it at Napa its part #815-5008. Comes in 6ft leangth  you need two..   


Looks great Ted..  Wish I lived closer I'd come help!! 




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