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I've got mine on an angle (relative to perpendicular), in a bracket made of angle iron. It pitches away from the vertical line of the inner fenderwell, in at the top, out at the bottom. There's probably 1/2" inch of clearance at the top of the cooler, and a couple at the bottom.


I'd think you'd want something more than the stand-off height, unless you've got vibration isolators that are 3/4"- 1" high.

Managed to get everything painted. The thermostat flaps welded and the new welded fan installed. When I mocked up the alternator to the shroud, the fan son freely. Once I offered the shroud up to the motor, the fan now rubs on the shroud. I will tear that down today to see if I can figure out what's up.

I mocked up the carbs (as they have to come off before the motor can go in).




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Originally Posted by MusbJim - '14 VS SoCal:


DUDE! YOU are a MACHINE!! The rest should be easy. 


On another note, we're going to be in Moonstone Beach in January. Maybe we can meet somewhere between your pad and Paso Robles (or wherever)!


Sounds like a plan. Let me know when and I will run it past SWSBO. I'm sure she'll be up for it.

Talk to you soon,

Last picture, under the exhaust pipe in the lower right - What's that part lying on the floor??


The last time I had my car out I only had the driver's seat installed and stopped back at the house to get a heavy blanket to toss into the passenger seat spot as a sound deadener.  As I was crossing the garage floor with the blanket (the car was still outside) I spied a 1/4" X 20 nut lying on the floor.  


Major panic ensued.......


Then, when I got back from the second ride (a little shorter than the first stage) I realized that it was one of the nuts holding the seat attach hardware under the car and I had missed picking it up when I pulled the seat.



Heh, that's a wad of blue painters tape. I had it on the shroud while I was installing it.

I do have a pile of nuts and other assorted goodies lying around. I was concerned, then I remembered I have two motors now.

I will clean up the garage and start to figure out what to do with the other motor. I need to sync the carbs and dial in the timing a bit. I also found one of the holes in the new rotors is stripped. I will call CB and have them send me a new rotor.

Last night the timing was jumping a bit while I was trying to set the advance. I'm going to go through the valves and carb settings and THEN the setting the timing again.

It's nice to have everything up and running again.
Ha! Not, the slug. The new engine is in. I was having an odd issue with the timing. It seemed like it was bouncing between 25-30 BTDC. It was late and I wasn't sure what was up. I thought my led head lamp and the timing light were playing tricks on me. Maybe the light was goofing up? Some internet mechanics suggest issues with the crank gear, end play, or the distributor gear spring.  I'll start there and hope I can figure it out.

I'll start again this weekend. I'll check the valve settings, the carbs, the distributor spring, etc.

I really hope this isn't something wrong with the end play or the crank.

Last edited by TRP
Well... I couldn't just sit here thinking about the spring. is it there? Is it not? Why didn't I check before inserting the distributor? Such a simple thing to check. Just one nut.

So, I went to check. Sure enough. The spring was missing. Who'd of thunk it would be so simple? Maybe some time this week I will be able to go through the valve settings, the carb settings and lock in the timing. If not this week, for sure this coming weekend.



lol lol. Ladies and gentlemen  Terry Knuckles out of nowhere!!  LOL LOL 


cool Ted now we can enjoy speed runs down highway 1. Like last year  (started by the Knuckle bros).   now that was a highlight!! 


Doug.   How's the AZ?   Hope your well 







Last edited by Former Member
Hey Doug and Teby!

Thanks for the kind words. I can't wait to get it out and drive it. Last night was the first time I've driven it in nearly two months. You'd think I lived on the east coast or something?!

What's new with you guys?

Knuckles - thanks for the inspiration to check that spring!

ALB / Wolfgang / Gordon - any pointers on setting up / aligning the gear shifter? I feel like I may need to do that after installing the new trans. Third and fourth are easy to find. First and second seem like they are hiding from me.

Last edited by TRP

Doing Good Ted thank you for asking... My Mistress ( MISS JILL) is all buttoned up and ready for the road.. she halls ass after her 4 week rehab stent .. Just bought a black box from CB I will have that installed and WAL-LAH.. I did tell you that she has a 1903cc Stroker that produces 77hp at 4500rpm and 105 FT LB of torque .. Scott Sebastian DYNO'd it for me .. You have done a hell of a lot of work on your car looks great and I cant wait to see it...  Maybe in Jan at Moonstone?    



yes Terry,  I think we are related... Is your Right foot heavier than your left? IF yes...   we are related..


ps my car will not be... repeat, will not be running like crap next year....


lol lol






Last edited by Former Member

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