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Originally Posted by TRP:
Yeah, I kind of went all in after the over priced Boyds. I mean, they seemed more reasonable. Right?

I had a good year at work and had a "why not" moment. Kind of over the top. Not sure if I'll send 'em back. It was these or a NSX... Or an old half built MG kit.  Or an IM6... Or a twin plug motor...

Heh, heh, chuckle, snort, heh...


Ted thinks he might send them back. He's killin' me here!


Chuckle, snort, heh...


Ted- Get ready for that kitchen remodel. 

Originally Posted by Stan Galat, '05 IM, 2276, Tremont, IL:
Originally Posted by TRP:
Yeah, I kind of went all in after the over priced Boyds. I mean, they seemed more reasonable. Right?

I had a good year at work and had a "why not" moment. Kind of over the top. Not sure if I'll send 'em back. It was these or a NSX... Or an old half built MG kit.  Or an IM6... Or a twin plug motor...

Heh, heh, chuckle, snort, heh...


Ted thinks he might send them back. He's killin' me here!


Chuckle, snort, heh...


Ted- Get ready for that kitchen remodel. 

Yes.  I see granite counter tops and built in appliances in your future...or Judge Judy.


Originally Posted by TRP:
Tires are 185/65 Pirelli. Wheels are 15x5 Tecnomagnesio. They are crazy light. Maybe they will offset the boat anchor rotors. Or... I'll have to call Kevin for lighter rotors.

Not sure if I'm going to keep them yet. I'm still reeling from my "why not?!" moment. Once I mount 'em, they are mine I suppose.

Re: Alexis... Weeeeelllll... Let's just say, I hope she never asks what I paid for all these packages. If she does? Let's hope she never sells them for what I told her that I paid. 

They will certainly help. And if Alexis asks, tell her, "I went totally budget; I didn't get them painted and I'm not even putting on hubcaps."

Originally Posted by BobG   '57 VS:




You are my hero, buddy! Fearless, steadfast and supporting the economy!


Ha! That's funny.

So, speaking of fearless... Nobody wants to mount tires to them. I've been to three places and each of them have turned me away.  You'd think they were made of gold.

Frustrated, but I'd rather have them turn me away if they can't handle the job.

Success! I've always said, if you want a good haircut you head to the 'hood. You want to find a guy to do great interior work? Find out where the low riders go.


After trying 4 places and being turned away I decided to head to the other side of the tracks. Where my people live. I drove around and found the place with the biggest 'dubs' I could find. BINGO.


Adrian (the owner) said he had the best machines in town and that he prided himself on mounting wheels and tires without a single scratch. He said "If I scratch the wheels or ding them, I'll pay for new ones. I don't care what they cost. If I damage them, I'll buy them."  He followed up with "It's going to cost you..." At this point, I knew I had found my guy.


I paid $50.00 per wheel but he was true to his word. Not. One. Scratch. None of his machines ever touched the wheels. The brackets show below actually had rubber/delrin guides on it. They were brand new! Still in the plastic. He was pretty proud to be able to use them for the first time.  







I'm *VERY* pleased and glad that I didn't risk it with another shop. I'm not sure I could have missed this place if I tried.


Now I'm waiting for the wheel studs to arrive. They are on the slow truck from New York. I ordered them last Monday. They are supposed to arrive this coming Friday.


The waiting is the hardest part!




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Last edited by TRP

Bob - you're too funny.  It was rough going there for a spell, but I muscled through.


Thank you all for the compliments. I'm slowly adjusting to my "why not?!" moment. I was on the fence for a while until I saw the wheels with the tires mounted on them. At this point there is no turning back. I'm still not completely sure I'm ready to go full outlaw.  I love the look of the moons and chromies, but I also dig the silver look with the wheel skins. 


Once I get' 'em on the car I'll be more at ease.


Took 'er out for a spin today. I've developed a bit of 'chatter' from the right rear rotor. I'm going to need to get in there and see if the pads are seated properly in the calipers. I've also noticed that this 1915 tends to run really warm. I think I should man up and put that cooler in before I do damage to this motor.


Bob - how's FLA treating you? You get settled in yet? Get that speedster down there on the coast and snap a photo or two. 



Wheel studs arrived! The Tecnomagnesio wheels have a different offset than the mangles. I can't use spacers without the wheels rubbing on the fender lip. The studs are too long to use without spacers.


Studs go back for an exchange. Same story for the spacers.


For those of you who are still hanging around, here are some photos of the install:














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real nice im all the parts sitting on a pallet in the garage from beck to do a wide 5 four wheel disc conversion.have no time because of a house remodel project,and out of money to buy the tires!by the time i finish the house it will be driving season and i damn sure not taking off the road to do it,so i probably wont get to do it till next winter.

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