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Originally Posted by Gordon Nichols - Massachusetts  1993 CMC:


Feels good to see light at the end of the tunnel, doesn't it??



Yup! Thinking of calling Tiger and see if he can build me a bursch style exhaust. The Sidewinder is cool, but I think I want something different. Do any of you members have the Sebring or bursch style exhaust?

Great work!

one thing about the exhausts: If you make a decision for the busch style system, you have to know, you will lose to 100% the original boxer sound.

it sounds like a usual four zylinder :-(


What about this on: it has a real great sound, it is really well done, V2A, big pipes and it has a connector for a lamda-tool


for me the best choice ever! ;-)


P.s. If you are intrested, dont take the "superflow version" its in my oinion too sporty sound, i better like the usual one, also here ist the sound quiet sporty...

Last edited by Jan Peter Stahl
Originally Posted by G.R.:

Ok, showing my lack of knowledge what is a 'bursch' style exhaust? And what is a 'Sebring' style exhaust? Pics would be helpful


As I understand it, Sebring & Bursch are manufacturers who make header / extractor style exhaust systems which were popular in racing circles. One such exhaust was a Sebring/Bursch style exhaust where there were to smaller mufflers on each side and one center oval opening.

exhaust  1

The other style I like is the two pipes exiting in middle / center.

Upon more investigation, it looks like these hang even lower than my A1. Going to have to pass.


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  • exhaust  1
Last edited by TRP

FWIW, even though the Sebring exhaust is technically "merged" (at the tip), the primaries are about 9-1/2 miles long.


The primaries on a true "merged" header like an A1 "Lowdown" are all the same, and just about the perfect length... but the collector sticks out the back and the exhaust options all look "less than elegant".


The primaries on an A1 Sidewinder are too long, and not even close to the same length. The fact is, they fit in the car better, and the performance is acceptable.


The Sebring's primaries are even longer. Way too long to be optimal, and the exhaust utilizes a really inelegant collector. A well designed header brings the pipes into the collector in phase with the firing order. no such attempt is made with a Sebring.


As much as I like Vintagespeed's shifters, the exhausts are just a better version of the stockers. They are more free-flowing, but don't use firing pulses to "extract" gasses through other cylinders. That's what makes a real header magic- the fact that beyond just reducing back-pressure, it actually creates a vacuum on the exhaust valves. I have a chart somewhere that shows how much, but the effect of the header is actually greater than the draw of the falling piston on the intake stroke (that's why valve overlap works). You get none of that with a setup like Vintagespeed's.


There's no free lunch, unless you could move the engine forward to the point that a short-primary merged header with a long collector and the attendant exhaust bend would fit under the apron. An IM comes close, but not enough.


I tried. I ended up with a Sidewinder.

A1's weren't around when I originally built up Pearl's exhaust system, and there really weren't many (like three) that were truly "extractors" and one of those was from Europe.  


From my really old dune Buggy days and even older Motorcycle days, I really wanted a true extractor system, so I eventually ended up with a Berg extractor, even though I ran up against all that stuff Stan mentions....particularly, how it hangs a bit too low and sticks out a bit too far in the rear AND has those two, big, honkin' mufflers hanging out there under the rear valence.  


That said, the Zoomies are the right diameter with good, equal length, their positions into the collector are good, the collector is gradual (making it a bit long, but what'cha-gonna-do?) and they even separate the output of the collector, anticipating the dual mufflers.


And, MAN!  Does it ever work GREAT!  It fit in with the rest of the system (heads, ports, cam, induction - the whole Enchilada) and puts the icing on the cake, so to speak, for the mid-range torque I was always looking for.   If I was going for a system for the track (lots of higher-end power and more pull to cool the heads, etc.) I would not necessarily have opted for this system but, for the street?  For me, it's been perfect.

Last edited by Gordon Nichols

There is a verry special thing about the vintagespeed exhausts!!!

The four lines of the four cylinders are the same length!  The lines of the cylinder 2 and 4 make a longer way inside of the muffler. Thats the special thing of the vintage.

As I know vintage is the ony one who does it this way. Our most famous type 1 builder here in Germany (we call him the pope of type1)  makes his biggest performance with them. In his opinion it's the only exhaust that combines performance with original 356 Sound




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Last edited by Jan Peter Stahl
"There's no free lunch, unless you could move the engine forward to the point that a short-primary merged header with a long collector and the attendant exhaust bend would fit under the apron. An IM comes close, but not enough." originally posted by Stan Galat


Stan is right. I have a Sebring-ish exhaust on my Spyder. Mid-engine placement allows extra room for the exhaust. Mine works well, but I've never measured the lengths. I do know that my motor was dyno'ed and jetted with the exhaust I have on the car. You should see Lenny's Tangerine Racing custom-made on his type4 Spyder. It is pretty damn good.

Last edited by DannyP



I don't mean to argue with you.


The Vintagespeed exhaust is well made, and the primaries are the same length. But they don't come together into a single collector, so they don't "pull" on the other pipes. I don't seem to be explaining it in a way you understand, so I would point you to A G Bell's book "Four Stroke Performance Tuning" later renamed "Modern Engine Tuning" (click the link for an online PDF). Go to Chapter 6 and start reading- I did about 5 years back, and ending up reading it 4 or 5 times. I still have a hard-copy of Chapter 6 in the night-stand. I think this stuff is about as cool as it gets. I'm weird that way.




Yeah. Anything Tangerine Racing makes is amazing. The Tangerine Tri-Y is the best kept secret in this hobby- an absolute work of art, but unfortunately unavailable for Type 1. I contacted Chris a few years back about making me a custom one, but I ended up just building and exhaust (then another, then another).


If I were doing this again, I'd just build a 2.8-ishL Type 4 with a 1-5/8" Tangerine Tri-Y, and be done with it.

No, never argue ;-) we are on the same side of live ;-))

I know about these things, on my Buggy I have got the super competition from CSP.

And I know, the concept of the 4 in 1 systems might be the best. 

But I`m quiet sure this makes only a difference, when we talk about real perfomance engines with hot cams and big overlappings. like Engle 130 a.s.o.

for the 1915 with it`s "close to stock" cam. A free flowting system like the Vintage`s one is more than enough, I think...


For me there are some things that also matter a lot : optic and sound. And there is a lot of it in this exhaust :-)


One more thing about the Vintage: Alwas, when a Speedster passes my way, I have firstly a look on the exhaust. If i see a VW bug style exhaust with it`s ending in the wrong position, I know, its a Replica.


The exhaust pipes and endings of an original 365 are in a much lower Position.

The Vintagespeed is especially builded for 356 Replicas and brings the tailpipe in the right position.


Cheers Jan

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