Originally Posted by Caretech-IM:
How can you not like black?
Because I live where bugs go to settle down and raise their little bug families. Bugs who don't live here get together and have little bug trade-shows and conferences here, and come to vacation from other places. Once they're here, they despair of living and feel the need to end it all all over the front of any vehicle driving more than 5 mph.
Also, we have a highway department dedicated to covering the earth under a thin belt of cinders. Years form now when archaeologists dig up Illinois, they'll find a 1/2" thick layer of cinders on top of crumbling asphalt. I'm pretty sure the DOT uses the entire yearly allocation for road upkeep on cinders. They spread them pretty much all winter, then make a half-hearted attempt to sweep them up in August or so. I've got a spare lot where the township pushes the snow from our cul-de-sac- every spring there is at least 6" of cinders in the ditch. I'm thinking of saving them for my own 1930s track and field stadium.
I suppose the theory is that eventually they will deposit into the potholes, but we're a good application of tar away from the 'ol tar and chip asphalt roadway. I actually did this to fill a big hole in front of my driveway. I just took a broom out and swept the cinders into the hole, then got some blacktop sealant and dumped it over the whole mess. It was the only improvement (besides our daily application of cinders from December to May) that my street has ever received.
So yeah, black is cool, but not for me.