"I would give it a few days, and talk to him again. How far away is he from you? Visiting his shop for a face to face would make it easier to clear the air, and if you can't save it at least you know you tried."
With that kind of thin skin, that would be like dealing with a woman and her "Gotcha" bag. You make a simple mistake that pisses off your woman but you take the high road and make peace and apologize for your misstep (she then stores that incident in her "Gotcha" bag). Time passes and everything seems to be fine. BUT, some time later (sometimes YEARS), you make a similar misstep, and POW, she pulls that sh*t from the "Gotcha" bag and pummels you with it. 
It's 2 guys talking, Jim, and it's what I would do. I've found (time and time again) that after tempers (and egos) cool down, sometimes you can still make it work. Maybe it won't, but you don't know until you try.
And my apologies for what follows, but I felt something had to be said....
I take great pride in my work, I want all my customers to be pleased with the outcome. After a few e-mails regarding your transmission I know that you will not be satisfied. I suggest you have the people selling you parts build your trans. I decline your offer to let me help you with your transmission.
Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports.
Teby can now get off your lawn
The thing that's been bugging me about this whole sh*tstorm (and it's taken awhile to figure out) is why did you do this here? This should have been a private conversation with the person you're dealing with (where the rest of the conversation was being conducted) and not the public humiliation attempt you were looking for (I can see no other reason for doing this the way you did). I'm just calling it as I see it here- I'm a Samba-ite as well, have a lot of respect for your knowledge, and was 1 of the guys here suggesting to Ted that you would be a good choice for this, but now I don't really know what to think.
Before you reply to this please re-read Stan's post on the previous page and give it a little time to settle in. Al Blanchette
You are correct in that I probably should not have posted this here, my bad, however it seems as if every customer that comes to me from this site has the "internet build" going on and only wants to do what the internet says, they ask for your opinion only to hope it matches what the internet people say, when you give your own opinion, basically you are told you are wrong but they still want you to work for them. That is a slap in the face. After been "slapped in the face" numerous times from this site I have a very low tollerance. I consider myself very knowelegable (spelling?) in every thing VW related, I have been doing this since 1984. So understand that I think my opinion weighs more than some one's that just does this as a hobby. The whole "customer is always right" is some times wrong. If I sense the customer will not be happy before we engage in an agreement I feel it is best for both parties to seperate before any money or parts are exchanged, kind of "nip it in the bud" if you will. Did I act hastely? Damn right I did, I shouldn't have but I did, sorry for that.
Stans post hits every car person, myself included. The difference tho, is when I do something for you, I am more exited to see it turn out great than you, the customer, so when I am, in not so many words, told I dont know what I am talking about, and I am going to buy my parts elsewhere, I know at the end of the tunnel there is a "let down" awaiting. I don't want that let down on my shoulders. And I don't want you to be let down.
I hope this kinda explains my reasoning, I also did act entirely too hastily and opoligize for it again, my bad. After doing this for more than 30 years I get a "little" impatiant.
Scott Sebastian, Metalcraft motorsports. AKA MCM Scott