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1- What Danny said about the hard fuel line kit. There has to be some flexible line to account for expansion during warm up or it's a disaster waiting to happen.  It won't happen for a while, but when (not if) it does...

2- Again, as Danny said, 3psi for fuel pressure and start with all the rest he said as well.

Sorry to hear you're selling the Speedster, Ted, but after your experience with the Berg 5 I'm not surprised.  Good luck with putting a 5th gear in the Mini, and if you're ever through Vancouver, look me up- you still owe me a couple beers  

Well... After nearly 8 years of ownership this thread will draw to a close. This past weekend I sold the speedster to a new owner. The car now resides in Turlock California. I'll let the new owner introduce himself when he is ready.

Selling the Speedster was step two of a three part plan to simplify the garage (step one was selling the mini at auction back in November). The final step will be listing and selling the Boxster.

It seems fitting that selling the Speedster brought with it some rain to our golden state. Or maybe the rain came from me buying another plastic car?



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Sorry to see it go, Ted.  From the 2 liter, wide 5 discs (what kit did you go with again?) to the Berg 5 and Tecnomagnesio wheels (the only thing lighter than the Vintage 190's), you built a pretty neat car.  Sorry to see it go.  At least you had the sense to buy another convertible (what year is it?) and I hope you still hang out here occasionally.   Al

Last edited by ALB

Yeah, sort of sad to see it go. Fun ride for sure.

The new car is a 1966. CA car it's entire life. Central Valley car up until 83 (two owners; one in Fresno and one in Lodi). From 83 until 2020 it was owned by the same guy in Alameda.  It's in fantastic shape. 327/300. 4 speed. Very well documented maintenance record and ownership history. Oddly enough this was a factory soft top delete car.

I'll hang around here for sure. Someone needs to pick on Teby. Plus I'll be heading to Fresno to bug Robert when I have the soft top installed on the car. As luck would gave it, Fresno is home to THE best (only?) C1/C2 soft top frame builders in the US.

Anybody wanna buy a 2000 Boxster S,  43k miles, soft top and hard top.


Last edited by TRP

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