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i have 2 pieces of ss window trim off another vehicle that look good but id like them a little shinier. i dont have a buffing wheel/grinder that attaches to workbench. i do have a nice 3/8 i can fasten securely to something.
question is to buff ss do i use ss cleaner, some type of car polish with a little grit in it or what/

1957 Vintage Speedsters(Speedster)

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are you sure it is stainless?

lots of them are aluminum.

either way - as with polishing most things - start rough (depending on how scratched / crappy the metal is - say start at 600 grit, and then move up to 1000, then 1500 and maybe even 2000 if you are bored and have time.

then throw some mothers metal polish (or equivalent) and stand back and admire your handy-work. beer helps too.
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