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Pelosi and crew strike again???? A 1% tax on all financial transactions??? They want John Q. Public to pick up the tab for Wall Street Theivery???..... Snoopes has nothing kindly to say about this..... If this passes, it will probably be the start of all out war between the "haves' and the "have nots"..... Lets hope those asses and elephant farts in DC get their acts together and tell Pelosi and crew to stuff it....

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.....  


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Pelosi and crew strike again???? A 1% tax on all financial transactions??? They want John Q. Public to pick up the tab for Wall Street Theivery???..... Snoopes has nothing kindly to say about this..... If this passes, it will probably be the start of all out war between the "haves' and the "have nots"..... Lets hope those asses and elephant farts in DC get their acts together and tell Pelosi and crew to stuff it....

Info on sponsor of the bill-Rep Chaka Fattah.

Parents, David Fattah (born Russell Davenport) and Sister Falaka Fattah (born Frances Brown, also known as Queen Mother Falaka Fattah), are community activists in West Philadelphia, where they are building an "urban Boys' Town" through their organization, the House of Umoja. He has four brothers.

I'm gonna change my name to "Bigan Fattah" and see if I can't get in on some of this sweet shit myself . . . Urban Boy's Town my ass, I smell government cheese here, big green spendable stacks of it.

But the bill is real, it's just not as simple as what was reported. Read through it, not complicated or extensive really, the one percent tax was only a portion of the whole. As long as it stays at one percent and I knew exactly where the coin would be going and that it would actually reach those who needed rather than those who administered, I wouldn't mind at all.

Betcha that a lot of this kinda thing is just to get your name on bills and proposals and such prove how active you are as a politician. Probably looks real good to the home team.

Still . . . made up faux African names ? ! ? ! ? ! ? That embarrasses everyone.
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