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When my 1600 with the old school single solex did this it wound up being caused by the fuel pump going nuts,took forever to find it. Put a gauge on line and the pressure was all,over the place 20 bucks at autozone and fixed. Hours and hours to locate the problem.


Had swapped all the ognition parts, sometimes it ran great then it would just crap out.

OK guys, I'm copying all, and will do, but have been away some this week and more travel next week is going to keep me from this for a few days more. Bummer.  Good cruising weather is upon us.  Damn.


BTW: electronic fuel pump is very steady at 3- 3.5 psi.  Part of the refurb this time out was to install a pressure gage, and this is what is says.


And Gordon, I am surprised you have not suggested a can of Sea Foam -- your standard fix for all ailments.  I believe I'll try that too.


And what is the "ignition module" and how does it get loose? Have pictures??

I think ignition is certainly worthy of a thorough go-through. That should be done as well as checking those pesky manifold gaskets. As long as fuel is clean and at the right pressure, engine totally sound(compression check?), and valves adjusted, what else is there other than carbs? Float levels verified with a ruler? I think a good synch is what Kelly needs though, as long as ignition is up to snuff.

 I RUN THE PERTRONICS  3 OHM  FLAME THROWER COIL AND IGNITER MODULE with their wire set.. A matched setup   If you had a points dizzy.. I swear you had a bad condenser . the popping and cracking is a classic  key on too long scenario with bad burnt points to boot.. As I understand it when a module dies it just ( Dies )   Car won't even start..   But a Coil if Not 3 ohm Might cause this problem.


Not sure if this has been covered but here's my .02 cents.     One of my customers complained of a similar problem.   It took a while but I tracked it down to a bad ground between the Ignition module and the floor of the distributor.    I removed the module and sanded it down to clean metal using steel wool and 1000 grit emory cloth.  I did the same to the base of the distributor and when I re-installed the module, the car ran great.   It's worth a try.  What happened was the module slightly loose and created an arc between the module and the base of the distributor.  This caused a carbon built up creating an intermittent ground.   I used a drop of Loctite when I re-installed the module to make sure it didn't loosen up from vibration.

Well, what can I say in my defense?  How about Happy New Year!!!  I am, regrettably, still defeated.  Have not had time/energy to devote a few days of crawling around the wires and such to see what I can see.  So it sits . . .


Perhaps the down-time from all the outdoor stuff and holidays, and stuff will let me push on this rope a bit more, so all can be resolved by spring, Carlisle, and like that.  Right now, I think my oil is frozen -- low tem this AM at 4.8 F.


I have no new news to report.  The car has sat in garage for a while now, while life in other areas has pushed on.  I'll need to crank up the heater in there and start on some of these good diagnostic suggestions.  Gonna be all about the ignition first.

Originally Posted by frazerk1:

Well, what can I say in my defense?  How about Happy New Year!!!  I am, regrettably, still defeated.  Have not had time/energy to devote a few days of crawling around the wires and such to see what I can see.  So it sits . . .


Perhaps the down-time from all the outdoor stuff and holidays, and stuff will let me push on this rope a bit more, so all can be resolved by spring, Carlisle, and like that.  Right now, I think my oil is frozen -- low tem this AM at 4.8 F.


I have no new news to report.  The car has sat in garage for a while now, while life in other areas has pushed on.  I'll need to crank up the heater in there and start on some of these good diagnostic suggestions.  Gonna be all about the ignition first.

Happy New Year!


Here is what I am going to offer. How about you sell me the car and I just take on your problem. Yes. That's right. I will pay you to take on this problem.


I know, mighty kind of me. It's just the kind of guy I am. I was raised right I suppose.  


Good luck with it,

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