Chazlink is taking delivery of a Vintage Spyder in just 5 months. You should really talk to Greg Leach at Vintage. Owned 2 of his cars. They are fantastic cars but turn around time was dreadful. Looks like he has that problem solved. I think that allowing Seduction to complete some of his cars has reduced the backlog and fixed turn around. Talk to Greg. LA is not that far from you. You could probably drive the car home.
Just for the record, Seduction Does not complete Gregs cars. Greg completes and builds his own cars.
He also builds KIT cars that are sold to Seduction and those are assembled by Seduction and sold as Seduction cars not Vintage cars.
Daniel uses Gregs cars for his builds because Greg makes a nice car.
And yes my car will be completed by Mid January 2016. It was originally planned to be finished between Nov-Dec but Greg and I discussed some option choices that we have now decided to pass on and are continuing the build and finishing by again mid January.
Im very excited and I plan on sharing many pictures when it's done.
If you want a well built car then contact Greg and put your order in.