I'm not suggesting anything, you can do as you wish.
I am a member of between 8-10 forums. I own one and share ownership in another.
I am an avid road racer and have made many friends over the years. We do group rides, we race at the same tracks and even have BBQ's much like Vince had the other month. When you get to know each other, it's nice to be given first shot at something when they sell it (makes that friendship a little more worthwhile).
I like to see it as "forum etiquette" to offer a "Bro price" which is usually slightly discounted than what the general shmo from CL or Ebay would pay. To each his own though. To me this shows that the $ to you is worth more than the camaraderie of your fellow enthusiast.
I'm not asking for a break, I don't want your car. I'm speaking from experience I've had throughout the years of being active in many online communities.
It's merely "the cool thing to do" when in a tight nit community such as this.
I hope you make huge money on your car and sell it to a complete stranger.
I often times take a loss when selling my stuff to friends, but I guess I'm a bad business man like that.
and BTW...
The site I run is on my own dime. I have NEVER asked another member for help on the costs. Granted co-owning the sites have benefits as the costs are split down the middle. Adding to that, the vendors I have on the site do not pay a dime to advertise either. All I ask for them in return is to hold random raffles as well as offer discounts to our community.
www.socalmoto.org is my home turf. Very relaxed and very tight community because of this.
I apologize if I haven't taken the $50 plunge here yet, like Vince mentioned, I'm still fairly new. However, I don't think the fact that I don't have the (supporting member) moniker under my name renders my word useless when it comes to my opinions.