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My IntermeccanIda arrived last Friday.  Honestly it was about as exciting as the birth of my first son 11 years ago.  It is stunning and even better than I expected.  Now i am going thru the required steps to get a Ma assigned VIN and then get it Titled etc.  if I am able to get it all squared away, then I am in for the caravan, if not, then I'm unfortunately out. My wife has bagged on me already due to my sons having 6 baseball games between them over the weekend, so I will either go it alone, or I may just caravan with the Group for part of the way and then head back....  It all depends on if I can get registered or not.  If I can, I would love to grace the Carslisle field or at least meetsome of you on the route.  I'll keep you posted.


2013 1959 Intermeccanica(Convertible D)

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My car was not ready for Carlisle 2004 and I decided not to go.  I've been kicking myself ever since for this decision.  For one thing, it was the last appearance of the late George Brown and I would have really liked to meet him.  You just never know what you might be missing with this gathered body of "knuckleheads" so don't miss the event if you can help it. 

I am not usually known for being sappy, and I will say that I thought the "East coast" bunch was a very weird group of individuals, but, having met most of them last year (where has the year gone),  if you frequent this site regularly, and live anywhere within reasonable driving distance, you must attend, with or without a replica....

Had a great time and hope all of you stay dry & prosper....

Originally Posted by Cuzn Vinny 90264:

I am not usually known for being sappy, and I will say that I thought the "East coast" bunch was a very weird group of individuals, but, having met most of them last year (where has the year gone),  if you frequent this site regularly, and live anywhere within reasonable driving distance, you must attend, with or without a replica....

Had a great time and hope all of you stay dry & prosper....

^ IMPOSTER!!!! What have you done with my buddy, Vince! Are you some kind of body snatcher. This post can NOT have been written by Vince. Return him immediately!!!

Well, Chris......


You've got the phone numbers, route and times for scheduled stops, starting at the 7AM departure from "la Casa del Speedstahguy" and all the way to Carlisle, so jump on if you can (in whatever you're driving - it won't matter).


We'll be doing what they did in that old "Yardbirds" song: "The train kept a-rollin"!


VINCE!  Gonna miss ya, guy!

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