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Hoopty-related, 'natch.
I want to re-do my dashboard 'Speedster' thingie, and I want to get rid of the other ones I have on the body. If I'm going to keep the one there, it ought to look friggin' good, so ...
And I know it's not like it's supposed to be, and I could probably have changed it up for the right script, but it's kind of grown on me over the last six years, so I'm stuck.
It ought to be bright and shiny.

(It's either that, or I'm painting it orange. Don't try to stop me ... :
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Hoopty-related, 'natch.
I want to re-do my dashboard 'Speedster' thingie, and I want to get rid of the other ones I have on the body. If I'm going to keep the one there, it ought to look friggin' good, so ...
And I know it's not like it's supposed to be, and I could probably have changed it up for the right script, but it's kind of grown on me over the last six years, so I'm stuck.
It ought to be bright and shiny.

(It's either that, or I'm painting it orange. Don't try to stop me ... :
Hey Cory - Great to see all the progress! I painted my front emblem with the "shiny gold" spray paint. It came out OK, not great, but good enough that I still put it on. The finish looks like it's been around a while, it's not the "like new" gold chrome the lid reflects. I have always liked the "old school" look so it was good for me. I say paint it orange!
I have a few days before I need to make that decision, but it looks like orange is carrying the day. May have to let this thread go for a week or so, and see where the ideas lead.
I'll be in, on and around the Hoopty tomorrow and Friday, and not on this thing mashing buttons. We'll see where the straw poll is by the weekend.

Alan, call if you need help or a place to stay tomorrow or Friday.
Jim A -- thanks! Stay tuned for major changes by this weekend.
SoCal Jim, uh ... yeah. Glad you're back in the AO.
Dominic, how did the Buddhist order his pizza? "One ... with Everything."

On a related note, I think I must be boring folks to death with my photos. Not as much feedback with the detail shots, but there's nothing major happening that we didn't already see when the frame looked like scrap metal. It just has an orange background now.
Since the 'gold or orange' question is out there, let's try another -- and I'll look for a tally on Saturday before I jam up bandwidth with a lot more pictures of mechanical whozawhatsits -- Should I suspend all photo activity and commence Skunk Works secrecy until it's operational now?
Y'all know it would kill me, but I could do it (especially now that I'm all motivated again).
Go to Walmarts and grab an 89 cent can of gold and clear, the blue lable store brand cans.

Spray the "speedster" script gold, three coats, let it dry for two days. Use a sanding block and 250 grit paper and sand the paint off of the top of the letters in just one direction for the brushed aluminum look. Wash the script in dish washing soap, and dry. Coat the script with two nice coats of the clear. It's actually a nice clear coat and will "kick" the bright cheesy gold down to an industrial tone and leave the script with a sweet, soft, but not cheap-o gloss finish.

Now your done and it'll look like a hand crafted item that mimics the real thing but is more a part of the new century. THEN you have to do something about the rest of that dash . . . it looks like the one in my first drag car.

Oh, and if you trust your own decisions, go full-on skunk works on the big stuff but tease everyone by flashing the little details, one-offs, and hand made goodies as you go. THAT'S what I'm doing right now, got a few details to show, but saving some of the best stuff for the early Spring.
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