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I was driving to work this morning, the 2.0 is running great, so I was giving it a few blips while going through traffic. I noticed in the rear view that a guy in an old 911 targa was trying his utmost to get behind me.

Eventually along side a traffic light he hangs out his window, he's LHD and I'm RHD. He asks if it's the real deal, cause it looks and sounds great..............I said yup, it's a porsche.

I felt guilty driving all the way to work....I've decided that from now if anyone asks, I'm simply going to say that it's a replica.

middle of winter in South Africa and it was about 16c this morning, not a cloud in the sky..........loved it.

1955 Kit Car Centre(Speedster)

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I was driving to work this morning, the 2.0 is running great, so I was giving it a few blips while going through traffic. I noticed in the rear view that a guy in an old 911 targa was trying his utmost to get behind me.

Eventually along side a traffic light he hangs out his window, he's LHD and I'm RHD. He asks if it's the real deal, cause it looks and sounds great..............I said yup, it's a porsche.

I felt guilty driving all the way to work....I've decided that from now if anyone asks, I'm simply going to say that it's a replica.

middle of winter in South Africa and it was about 16c this morning, not a cloud in the sky..........loved it.

I can relate all too well. Many years ago, when I first got my VS wide body, I took it to our local oil change place. The oil change guy looks at it with lust, and says: that's a Porsche, isn't it? Swept up by his longing, I answered: yes, it is.

To my chagrin, his next words are: sorry, we got sued by a Porsche owner, and we no longer change oil on Porsches. I didn't have the stones to pull out the registration that said 61 VW, and explain that I was just kidding around, it's really a replica. I just got in the car and backed it out, muttering to myself about what a dickhead I was, and that I would never admit what had happened to anyone, and here I am spilling the frijoles. Pride leadeth the way . . .
I told a guy a couple weeks ago that I'm slowly restoring it ... and when I'm done, it'll probably be a Beetle again.

Good Buddy Matt took the car to a parade and show (of sorts) on Gibson Island over the Fourth.
The guy a couple cars down, with an older Mercedes, is said to have loudly proclaimed, "If you want to see a TRULY ORIGINAL CAR, with MATCHING NUMBERS, come right over here and look at MINE!"
Matt just opened the bodywork up, and since he doesn't know a lot about what it is, he just told passers-by who asked about it, "It's a 100-percent custom car, made by hand."


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  • 070610 Gibson Island
Banish Gary from the site!!!!!

We don't allow people on this site that pretend to be Porsche owners!!!
(Oh, wait, I meant that exactly what we do, nevermind)

We are all proud replica owners! I tell people all the time that I drive a real honest to goodness replica Porsche (look it even has emblems to prove its a real fake Porsche).

Go easy on yourself Gary, sometimes saying its real is a time saver too, alot of people don't know about replicas.

Since I put my plate on people now ask "Why does it say fake?" before they all used to ask "Is it real?" Ya can't win driving one of these real or replica. People love them and want to know about them either way.


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  • plate
Ive always responded with its a rebodied 911. Most just ask what year it is and be done, they walk away impressed. The other day I had a guy follow me to work and start a conversation about the car. 45 minutes later, he still couldn't believe it was really a 911. To those car guys who "know" and engage you, its a blast to talk about and Im right up front about it.
Angela nailed my most common comeback with her comment above, "No - the real ones are too slow!!!"
If they appear to want more, I continue;

I have four wheel disc brakes.

My track is several inches wider than an original (the car is flared).

I have very wide, modern radial, dry performence tires.

My engine is nearly 50% larger than the original.

No brag, just fact.
I can have a ton of fun with a $17k car,, and do what ever I want with it. If it was a $77k+ original, then I would really feel guilty for any number of reasons. Whenever someone asks about my CMC359's pedigree, I just tell them that it was origonally a custom car , designed and engineered by a Miami based company back in the mid-80's. (A company that was eventually shut down by that state's AG, for ripping off customers.) So I don't have to worry about matching #'s, and thus I mix and match Porsche, custom and VW parts from all over. What ever turns my crank,, so to speak. I think that is what these cars are supposed to be all about,,, FUN ?? Most people seem to respect that position.
So far not too many people that have spoke to me have asked "Is it real"? Most have asked "What year is your Porsche or car"? I tell them 2010. It is a perfect conversation starter. I had one truck driver in traffic almost loose it. He knew what a 356 Porsche was but he said mine did not sound quite right......;-)

People will think what they want. All I know is I have a brand new IM-6. It just looks like a 59 356 Porsche Carrera GT Speedster.
My license plate reads 59CONV, but I am proud to tell anyone that asks that my IM is a coach-built replica.

I've been to Good Guys hot rod shows 3 years in a row and half the custom rods there are either fiberglass bodied or hand hammered metal on crafted or replica frames, crate engined, with not one single OEM part, that are all shown as '32 this or that. How many of them correct anyone that says "Wow that's a cool '32". Why are we held to different standards?

Since there are less than 700 registered Roadsters known to be driven today, I may just start replying that it's the most Porsche I can afford.
I've found it best to agree with them.....

Last Monday, while driving all over Southern New Hampshire (that's really out in the sticks around here, Gary) I stopped in a village called Antrim for gas. The slightly pudgy guy with 12 teeth at the next pump asks "Hey! Is that a Karman Ghia?"

"Yeah!", I replied - "A really early one!"

"Looks nice!" he shot back.....

I went to Porsche of Annapolis yesterday, looking for parts. I needed the part number for a shim to fit between the rear axle tubes and the drum backing plates on the Sloppy Jalopy; since I'm using mixed and matched parts, I needed to see all the possible permutations of the 1963 setup -- I saw the service man and got what I needed.
When I first pulled into the parking lot, a guy in a suit looked at me with some curiosity. He kinda had the "I run this place," air about him, so I asked him where I should park for service. He pointed right to the concrete, covered "Service" area, right on the address side of the building, and said, "We don't get old race cars in here much. Put her right there. Maybe she will attract customers."
So, I parked it right outside the window to the showroom, just where he said to.
The service guy came out -- the same dude who pulled the PET sheets and helped me look for my parts -- and he said he didn't recognize the car. "I don't guess you would," I said. "Me and another dude built this in a private garage."
"So it's a kit?"
"Not really, but it is a CMC shell."
"I like what you did with it. What's the problem?"
Well, I need a part that I can't find, or I need to borrow a machinist ..."
It was a really positive experience, overall. Nice people.
Yes it is funny some of the comments you receive I think my favorite was when coming back from the Duryea Hill climb (a race in Reading, sports cars race to top of hill) driving threw town a man yells out from the curb 'Now that's what I'm talking about'! Brings a smile to the face real or not.

The next was at a car show: two men standing in front of our car 'yes it is, no its not'....... when I walked up 'your car? yes it is. Nice...we were having a bet on if it was real or not. Whats the bet? $50. who thinks its real? he does as he points to the other. Well, I like to dream it is but I guess you need to pay up, as I look smiling at the other fella, I sure like the feel of the real deal yet they are just to expensive and besides I'd be afraid to drive it. This one I can real fun in.'

We too have gotten the 'that is a really nice Carmen Gia', Right?

I'm not Carmen my name is Porsche Carmen left you years ago ...

Looks like a good time to repost my "Top Ten Questions" David Letterman style:

#10 Is that your car?
#9 Is it fun to drive? (some people just don't have a clue)
#8 Where did you get the wheels?
#7 What engine do you have in it?
#6 Is that a kit car?
#5 Did you do the work yourself?
#4 How much did that cost you? (again, some people just don't have a clue)
#3 Is that new?
#2 What is that?
And the #1 question is:

"Dude! What year is that?" 

Still on topic I think... I pulled into a local car show and was immediately swarmed. Several asked me how to vote for my car, but I hadn't actually registered and told em I was just there to look like they were. Question is, how have you tried to categorize your cars in a local show? 50's, "street rod", make up a replica category? I've seen some picture posts on here with trophies in hand and wondered how the cars were shown?
Chuck, it depends! I don't often register, just drive in to look.

Best car show experience: Carlisle, every year!

Second best: PCA club picnic, 1st place, people's choice. Well, everyone was nice to me except for the 2nd and 3rd place owners.....

Third best: BMW bike meet, mostly R bikes(aircooled, opposed twin for those that don't know). I pulled up and had at least 20 people crowd me and ask all sorts of questions. My friend Mike(that I drove in with) with his sweet R100RS only had a couple guys come up to him.

My answers depend on the questions and attitude of the askers. I do get "what year is that?" a lot though. Best one was a 997 driver, he hunts me down where I work, pulls over and proceeds to diss my car. So I thought for a second and said "But you stopped, didn't you?" and he was SPEECHLESS all of a sudden, and drove away without another word!
Yep. Whatta you say. Honestly Ive started parking at the sides of places and then walk around and in just to avoid the tourists. I mean, cant blame them can I. Hail, thats how I started with the MADNESS.
I heard about a speedster owner from the garage and tracked him down at work and asked the receptionist if he was the guy. He came out and took me for a spin ... how great was that!
But ya, when I leave the grocery store I make sure nobody is close by and make the getaway quick.
My fav complement is a thunbs up or somwthing from other great cars and bikes as we pass each other. We all luv our wheels! I always say its a replica, then say that - I figure when Im 90(years old) Ill be able to buy the real thing - and they laugh.
great thread.....john

Within the warp and woof of the cosmos, youll see the same patterns used again and again. Plagerize and localize they say. In the planets and in fashion, art, architecture, legal arguments and silicon boobs, a copy is a complement. Ferdinand, would applause the simplicity of the new replica and the continued use of the flat-four air cooled workhorse .. designed to work forever. Just enjoy. And share the Madness!
I have only had my IM-6 less than a month. Without question I get a lot of thumbs up. I had one guy argue with me when he asked what year it was and I told him a 2010. He said that it could NOT be a 2010 model because "It looks so real". I told him it was real it just looks like something old.......;-)

I have had a lot of different cars in my life and without question this car gets more looks, thumbs ups, "Nice car!" then anything I have ever owned.

Betsy and I walked up to the car at Trader Joes and I overheard a guy telling his two friends "That there is a real Speedster!". Because I wanted to have a little fun I asked him "Are you sure?" He said quite emphaticly that yes it had to be because "It looks so real" so I told him that it was right but was a "real" 2010 Intermeccanica Speedster........and left it at that.

So far this is a lot of fun.......;-)
My poor car has until recently been as high as a dune buggy,body work been done so half covered in primer,no carpet or upholstery and one seat not bolted down.Still gets a lot of attention and most just ask what year it is or just say "Bitchin Car!".I tell em its a replica in progress.I might leave it rat-rod beater style, I just love driving it...Especially when its not on fire!
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