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You guys better stock up on leather straps ... just in case!! I do believe LMS would have a fit if that thing really showed up in my garage ... but wouldn't it be fun??

MUSBJIM, Yes, that was Bob Cummings with the flying car on his weekly show "Love that Bob" (no folding wings, however, they bolted on). He was also a member of my Civil Air Patrol Squadron in Phoenix at the time. Nice guy with a fantastic aeronatical background. Next time we are together remind me to tell you a great story about him.

Happy Trails,
Jim, I hate to disagree with you, but John Denver died because he was stupid. He was told to put some gas in his plane at least twice, but still took off without adding any.

He had just purchased a Long-EZ, which is a piston-powered pusher design by Burt Rutan. The airplane was neither jet-powered or an ultralight. It was a homebuilt experimental aircraft, yes, but I am sure Mr. Denver would still be alive today had he fueled his plane.

The NTSB report is still available online if you want to read it. I think he was either drunk, high, or wanted to die. Pick one.

Years ago I flew back seat in a Long-EZ, what a very stable, but very maneuverable and efficient design. I would go up in one again in a heartbeat, and have been up in a few different homebuilt aircraft to date, an RV-4 and an RV-6 besides the Long-EZ.

Is a jet engine on an ultralight any different then a 300hp turbo motor in a 50 year-old bad suspensioned rebodied Bug?
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