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Cory, my brutha from anutha mutha!

I'm kinda thinking like Terry and Mickey about the classic outlaw look with satin black. Satin black with the center-riveted-portion of your Centerline Wheels also blacked out with only the outer wheel lip remaining polished, like the old-style 'beauty ring' (also retain the chrome lug-nuts). Butch (Paul's Speedy) had a similar cllassic bad-boy outlaw look.

To me, Hoopty in satin black with blacked-out wheels says "...I'm not trying to be a pretty-boy or pretend I care what you think about my color scheme - eat my dust".

Peace - Out!
From the Technical Side:
Black shows every bump especially on Fiberglass. Now I ain't second guessing the Hoopty, but if she's not perfect, skip black.

From the Opinion side:
90% of the people in this forum are trying to achieve restoration, that is make it look orginal.

You have taken it to a different level. Hoopty is the outlaw of outlaws. So with that in mind, you need to be the outlaw and step up and do what makes Corey feel good.

With that out of the way, stay with the Vespa color's - sorry I meant to say GT-40 :)

Not meant to be a critism against black. If your car looks good and it's black, then you did a very good job with the body work.

Painters warn that dark colors show flaws in the body more that light colors. Thats why you spray black primer over areas where you have used body filler. It exposes the lumps and swirls. I didn't believe it until my painter did it.

A color that seems to be gaining popularity, and which may be in keeping with the spirit of the car is a kind of non-metallic gray. There is a new 997 that one of the tuning/aftermarket shops have been displaying in their ads in "Excellence". It looks REALLY bad (in a good way), and would be the bomb on something like your car. On the other hand.... I saw a new Impala painted in the same color a couple of weeks back, so.....

I also really like the satin/semi-flat black idea. It would be "stealth", but maybe to the extreme. These cars are tough enough to explain already, without getting into why they are finished in "primer".

Did I mention that I'm partial to silver? Three speedsters in a row in that color....
Real outlaws don't care if their bodywork is flawless. The spirit of being an outlaw is not to conform with conventional guidelines.

I don't think Al Capone asked "Do these pants make my ass look big?".

I doubt if Jesse James asked "Does this cowboy hat look silly on me?"

Did Lex Luthor say "Do you think this bald look works for me?"

OK, so those were all stupid examples, I just thought they were funny...
Sorry, I must have been mistaken. The last time I looked, the we were logging into So Corey, If you feel the need to Rat Rod your car with black primer, then you do what makes you feel right.

So this is my opinion: Corey took the time to Powercoat the Chasis hot orange. He took the time to chop his car into thirds and make it RSK style. He took the time to weld Rack and Pinion to the front of the car. I'd say leaving the car flat black primer makes it look half done and your selling yourself short.

For all you people out there offended by it, You should be ashamed of yourself for suggesting that Corey "half-ass" his car with pRimer Black in the last leg of his project.

THIS is why I shave my head. If you guys are up in arms about it, imagine lil'ole me!
For the record, I'm leaning toward 'pay the guy' bodywork, so it'll probably be perfect when it's done.
THEN I'll be faced with silver, black or LeMans again.
At least I've been able to drive it again these last two days. No problems to report.
Ya know Cory just to really throw you, let me show you another of my favorite vintage colors... Depending on year its called either "Viper" or "Conda" (as in Anaconda) Green. This particular example is (obviously) a 72. I do not believe this was ever a 356 color but it is a FASCINATING 911 color!



Images (1)
  • viper
Who said anything about half assin anything!? How would painting a car in a flat color become "half assed"? Why's it gotta be a shiney & stuff? It can still look first class with low gloss, can't it? I'm still for the Silver with the Wyle E painted on the turtle behind the driver. I'd also consider putting Porsche crests (sticker) on either fenders like in that poster some put up. From the pictures I've seen of the old racing porsches, mostly in silver, NONE of them had a shiney finish, I guess they were done half assed? (easy Todd, I'm just jerkin your chain while making a point)
Bright....that covers what your ride should wear.
Keep in mind that wheel styles carry over well into the paint scheme.
Two identical vehicles with two different types of wheels and the cars are night and day ...keep this in mind with your paint selection. ..... Me, with the Outlaw design of your speedster, I would go with chrome yellow... have them paint it with the actual pure yellow tint base with 50% clear added in on the final coat. I did this on Bradley GT and was a show stopper. You could pick this car out a mile down the highway..........Bright IS right!
Ok, I'm jerking chains too. I wanted to see the Black lovers go all Waco.

I saw an episode on "Rides" a while back. a Guy names Tiny in LA took a old Pickup and reshaped the front to a Carrera style look. Then painted in Flat Black. That's what it remindes me of.

Honestly, I do think Black with 2 Silver stripes down the middle is worth at least a mock up. But I'm not sure Black is the color for the car. It need something more orginal. Lime Green might be a bit to wild.

I don't know. I'm going to go sit in my car , have a drink and cigar and meditate on the subject. If I inhale enough, I might have a vision. Be back shortly.

Got it...

Flat Army Green, Black Racing strips. As an accent, any exterior rivit paint in a slightly darker green that the body.

The green will bring out the orange on the undercarriage and any chrome pieces. Black will accent, but not be overwhelming.


You also need to keep in mind that the under side of your car need to be smoothed out painted as well. It is the show piece to your car. Have you given this any thoughts?
Okay Cory, I'm going to throw one more mix into things for you. These are both "german" colors but somewhat unusual. The first is Audi Aluminum Silver. I think this would make a most striking silver on the Hoopty. It has an unusual almost cast metallic look to it. The orange is Porsche Continental Orange. So what do you think of this silver with this orange as a stripe?



Images (2)
  • AluminumSilver
  • ContinentalOrange2
Hey, Mel -- Lindbergh crossed the Atlantic while you were out!
I decided to forgo the Lexan floorboard thing for the first incarnation of the Sloppy Jalopy, but when it comes time to jazz things up, I think I'll do a strip of Lexan at the kick panels.
Heck, I can't even make my mind up about a paint job.
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