Is this is the ID "Badge" you are referring to (the gold colored CMC plate)?
Actually, CMC did not specify where to attach it in their build manual, but I'm guessing that most early builders installed their's as did I on the driver's door jam. I would also venture to suggest that some builders lost their plate and others dismissed it as unnecessary since it had no legal status; particularly if yours is registered as a VW based on the VIN plate on the rear of the pan. Mine is registered as a '57 Porsche because Missouri provides a VIN and registers kit cars and home-builts based on their appearance, i.e., if you put a '63 Ford body on your '61 Chevy rolling chassis, it will be registered as a '63 Ford. Also, I did not build mine on a VW pan. On a positive note, you'll probably learn a great deal about your car's construction searching for it.