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I had a '69 MGC (like an MGB but with 6 cyl AH 3k engine).  It had a tonneau bar that slid into receiver pockets on either side.  A year after getting the car I bought a used MGB hardtop.  It secured to the same tonneau bar pockets.  You could do same and and add a hand twist know to secure. Or you could extend or use one of the bolts that hold the soft top frame on and use that with a wing nut.  I thing bolts eithe side would secure for up to 60 mph.

Image result for mgb tonneau barImage result for mgb tonneau bar



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I  reinstalled my engine in my Beck and didn't label my wires, but have 2 large wires going to the alternator post, a skinny wire going to the tab behind the post, and a thick wire with a fuse block screwed to the top left side of the alternator.  I just noticed the fuse block and thought it strange for a ground to have a fuse. How can I be sure all wires are proper?20160521_204416


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