I've been thinking about making a cargo net out of leather straps like these pre-distressed brown ones or even these pants belts that already come with a buckle (in large man size!), to hold down items resting on the parcel shelf. I know, that's what a grille rack is for, which I like too, but I think I like this idea more. Part of the reason is that I'm finding that I often like riding around without my convertible top hardware installed, therefore there's less coverage/protection to items sitting back there. Maybe it's a terrible idea, but aged leather straps call my name...
Thought I'd share the idea here, knowing the brain trust, someone's already done it or knows a shop that pumps these out. Some further ideation:
• Perhaps the grid squares would be wider than the typical cargo net, which I think would make it look "classier", sort of how there are usually just a few straps for the grille rack luggage. In other words, perhaps 2-3 straps extending hamburger direction, 3-4 straps extending hotdog direction.
• Perhaps the net would be secured down under the parcel shelf (sorry for the terrible drawing, hopefully you get the idea). Or perhaps the snap-on hardware of the convertible top could be leveraged to secure it on one side, and then it tucks under the front of the parcel shelf or rearmost bolts of the seats. Which would mean you're probably riding around without your top installed when cargo net mode is activated (which I don't mind doing in SoCal). Anyway, in this config, the straps could be unconnected but each have a snap on at the ends, or a half-circle "C" shape piece of leather or canvas could connect them all (see drawing).
• Perhaps the square grid rotated 45 degrees from a top view, so it becomes a diagonal / diamond pattern.