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Darrell, @widebody boy, sent these photos over and asked me to post them in the hope that someone can identify the builder of his (very nice) car.  Here are his photos - What'cha think?  First question I had was in photo 2 of the nose - Is that a Porsche emblem in the hood handle?







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KIMG0128KIMG0125More Speedstah photos from @widebody boy


Attached from my iPhone, not some photo-challenged, flip-flop phone.  But then, Darrell most assuredly is paying a lot less per month for his phone than I am, and probably for better service.  On a good day we’re lucky to get a solid 1-Bar signal. 😠


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Last edited by Gordon Nichols
@El Frazoo posted:

There is a story about my paint, which is Carmona Red Metalic, a Porsche factory color, BTW.  As to the make of this car, I can tell you that it is a Speedster replica.  It has a cool three-spoke banjo wheel.  Exactly who put it all together, I have no idea.  And why would it matter?

It would matter because the differences between manufacturers might help the owner and/or us to diagnose and fix issues.  Case in point: JPS wiring versus, well, anybody else.

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