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The Intermeccanica BBQ is July 6-8 this year. I am about to start choosing hotels and it would be helpful to have an idea how many to expect. If you are considering joining us, please post below. A brief description of the trip is as follows:

The weekend will start with a BBQ lunch at Intermeccanica in Vancouver. Friday afternoon we will drive the Sea to Sky highway to Whistler for the night.

Saturday we will drive north to Pemberton, and then East along the scenic but lightly traveled Duffy Lake Rd to Lillooet, and then on to Merritt for Saturday night.

Sunday morning we will head south to Princeton and then west on Hwy 3 through Manning Park, and on to Rick Davis' house in Chilliwack for a BBQ dinner. For those from the USA, there is a quiet boarder crossing a few miles from their place.

These are some of the most scenic and fun-to-drive roads in BC. Most are lightly traveled. The driving time is quite short each day allowing for starts just before noon, a relaxing picnic lunch along the way, and an early arrival at the days destination.

We hope many of you can join us in Beautiful British Columbia.
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The Intermeccanica BBQ is July 6-8 this year. I am about to start choosing hotels and it would be helpful to have an idea how many to expect. If you are considering joining us, please post below. A brief description of the trip is as follows:

The weekend will start with a BBQ lunch at Intermeccanica in Vancouver. Friday afternoon we will drive the Sea to Sky highway to Whistler for the night.

Saturday we will drive north to Pemberton, and then East along the scenic but lightly traveled Duffy Lake Rd to Lillooet, and then on to Merritt for Saturday night.

Sunday morning we will head south to Princeton and then west on Hwy 3 through Manning Park, and on to Rick Davis' house in Chilliwack for a BBQ dinner. For those from the USA, there is a quiet boarder crossing a few miles from their place.

These are some of the most scenic and fun-to-drive roads in BC. Most are lightly traveled. The driving time is quite short each day allowing for starts just before noon, a relaxing picnic lunch along the way, and an early arrival at the days destination.

We hope many of you can join us in Beautiful British Columbia.

I am a possible maybe. I still need to get a passport although they are not needed until 08 from what I hear. That is if you drive over the border, if flying you need one NOW.

The roads are awesome as I drove some of them on my road trip to Alaska in 01. Maybe the roadside fruit stands will be open although it might be a little early for those.

The Eagle Point guy, Bruce

I want to make sure everyone knows that this is NOT an Intermeccanica only event.

Everyone is welcome!

Last years BBQ was a fantastic drive and an excellent time. I'd recommend coming up to the BBQ to anyone that has the time.

Michele and I will be leaving from Sacramento on July 3rd or perhaps the 4th and would welcome some company.

I tried to post a pic of the salmon fillets, brats and wurst that IM provided but it would not down?load. Sorry guys, the food was perfect!



Images (2)
  • BBQ Qualicum BC
  • Paul VancouverR
The details on the Intermeccanica BBQ are Tour are now up on the IM website here: You might not want to try this with dial-up. It's 1.6meg.

If you can be in the neighborhood for this event, even if you don't drive an Intermeccanica, you are welcome to attend.

If you can get to the BBQ, please come up. I counted 25+ registered owners within 125 miles of the border, so come on up. Last year was great and the lunch that Henry/Intermeccanica provides is first rate (and free). If you can't come for anything else, come have lunch with us.

ANGELA- You and Steve should do this.

Drive the honda if you don't want to drive the speedster/roadster/spyder.


Images (3)
  • BBQ and Sky
  • Parked at Dave and Lindas
  • Salmon and Brats
Steve and I are looking pretty seriously at this. If his cabby is done, we'll take either just that or two cars. If the cabby isn't complete by then I suspect he is going to expect me to help him finish it up. By "help" I mean it will be my job to find where all the little bits we took off the car two years ago have migrated too...

I swear, the odder the fastener, the more able it is to simply get up and walk away!

The IM BBQ is now only 24 sleeps away.

If you are coming, there are 3 things you must do.
1. Email Henry and tell him you will be at the BBQ.
2. Book your hotels if you are coming on the tour.
3. Email Rick Davis, or post here, that you are coming to the BBQ at Rick Davis' place Sunday.

All makes and cars are welcome. All people too.....

More info here:

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