The valve covers are the ones from my experiment last year, which are intended for 2L T-IV heads. I'm fairly certain I was doing something wrong, but we also had a bit of a go 'round with whether or not they were going to be as functional as they are cool.
The luggage rack just didn't do it for my car. I don't have the chrome bits and bumpers that seem to make it acceptable for a big ole' rack on the back, and no matter how many times I told the guys at the firehouse it was for hauling deer out of the woods ... well, it just had to go.
I got the rack in a trade with Carey, since one leg was damaged and needed to be re-welded at the joint where the leg meets the frame of the rack. It'll fit the CMC/FiberFab/StreetBeasts hibachi grille, because I took the time to form the angles on the legs one at a time until they aimed correctly. The weld still needs to be fixed.
I'm posting here about these two things so you'll know whose they are on eBay. I'm selling them through a third party because their fee was fair enough -- and I didn't have to really DO a whole lot to get this stuff moving down the road.
I also still have Rocky Cimbrec's old roll bar and its mounting equipment (CMC/FiberFab/StreetBeasts) which needs a new home. It may go the same direction as these things here if I don't get some interest. I'd like to get Fred a couple bucks to put back into his IM, since the roll bar won't fit his ride (third picture).