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Follow the directions they give you to their casa - not the Garmin directions... Trust me on this... Were it not for the Lovely Miss Sharon and her spot on directions I would still be driving around in circles!

Actually, come to think of it, I tend to drive in circles anyway..

Garmin, Tom Tom, Magellan - they're all the same.

Sometimes (and I think just for the hell of it) these little whizzers take you off on wild goose chases just to see how you react.

I always love it when you give it a valid address somewhere and it guides you to an empty lot or, worse yet, a spot at the back of a building when you wanted to be out front.

Maybe that's why lots of the special ops guys still use their GI maps for where they are and set their GPS to read out map coordinates (Lat and Long) and then they cross-reference. Heck of a lot better than wandering into the bad guys' back yards......
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