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John, I think that may have been Wolfgang's point, it certainly was not mine. I will try and make my point another way, so perhaps it is easier to understand.

If you own a car and it really needs a paint job. If a friend has just gotten a paint job and tells you, "You can get a great paint job for $49.95 from the place I just went to". You probably get pretty excited, and encouraged. If you subsequently go over to that person's house and see an absolutely horrible paint job, you then discount that person's advice with regard to painting your car, and perhaps many other things with regard to taste, style, etc.

My point is this, if Jane wants a really nice IM Convertible D, she should probably try and find a really good example from the outset. In the process, she might be well served getting advice on how easy it is to fix up a bad example from people that actually have nice cars and keep them that way, and not from someone that is content to drive a beater. The only litmus test I can propose for if a person is proud of their car is the pictures they post for others to see. That does not make them intelligent, but it does give a person a sense of their taste.

With regard to free advice, successful people seek and take free advice every single day, it is who they select to take their advice from that makes them successful.
LOL....I bought a so called "bastardized" IM. And did minor work to it cosmetically and major work on the engine.

I think Bill is giving some really good advice to the average person. It doesn't usually pay off in the end to fix up a car in need of a lot of work. Especially, when there are better cars out there already done for you. I came out ahead on my project, but I don't think most people do or would in this example.

A lot of guys on this site are not average in anyway, from one extreme to the other we are a really varied group.

My advice, as someone who has actually been there and done that (fixing up a 93 IM D) is you probably don't want all of the hassle. And except in rare cases it doesn't really pay. I guess I was just one of the rare cases, and in reality just pretty darn lucky.
Bill, you said, and I quote,

"One last bit of advice: anyone giving you advice on these forums, should have pictures of their car on this site. Take a look at each person's personal rig and if you like what you see, weight that in taking or not taking their advice. There are a lot of guys on this site driving real beaters, handing out free advice all over the place. Anyone with no pictures, just ignore whatever they say."

I don't see that I could have misunderstood that; It seems pretty clear to me. How would a newbie know if a car pictured is a one that a knowledgeable owner has taken good care of or a brand spankin new issue owned by some total jerk? I think I understand what you meant to say, but what you wrote and what you mean don't quite connect, for me at least. That's all.
John, I do think how a car is presented, especially for sale, is an good place to start when eliminating what you may want to bid on.

It's one thing to be looking for a car as a project. Then the most important criteria may be in the pan (or frame) condition, the body and gel coat, and having all or most of the trim. Engines, suspension, gas tanks, etc are replaceable. That's been a trusim for car restorers and street rodders for years and it can apply to our 356Rs.

But, the person we are tring to assist is seeking a potential driver that may need a few minor cosmetics, maybe carpet, door panels, tires, a top, etc. That engine bay is a strong indicator to me that the car is not one to be looking at.. those Scat Air Filters looked like they had been sucking in dirt for some time. And, gee, if someone pops $$ for an E-Bay ad, then $2, some gunk, a brush, and a few rags would have made the engine appear presentable. If the current owner cannot even muster up that much care for the car, it's a safe assumption that the car is a POS. (See pic below, I know you like this one as a fellow RDBB) You've owned two replicas, and both were maintained... that was apparent in your pics and I am sure to the buyer of your VS. I think the same holds true with the VS Justin bought from me.

I'm not saying that a clean car means it is in good mechanical condition, but it sure is a starting point for at least considering a car on e-bay.

As far as the point you seem to be trying to make about owners of brand new spankin' cars... would you care to elaborate? Just curious.

Bill makes a few good points in the beginning of his post. Purchase the best one that you can find. If creature comforts are at the top of your list I would limit your search to Roadsters made in the last ten years. If you find yourself in the DC area drop me an e-mail and I'll be happy to let you have a look at my late 2000 IM Roadster.

As requested here are pictures of the twins.
Jim, I agree with you. I believe that I suggested earlier in this thread that somebody who offers a car for sale that looks poorly kept should be regarded as a questionable seller. Peace, brother.

The point I was trying to make was that having a great car or a not so great car should not, IMHO, be the sole criteria for judging the worth of what somebody has to say. And, come to think of it, I don't remember anyone on this website who is driving a "beater" and is handing out too much free (ie. worthless) advice. Perhaps I should be enlightened on that point so I don't get sucked in by some bad information given at some future point.

Bill, I don't want to start a war. Your remark will be forgotten promptly, honest.
Where do I start? Thanks for the compliments Bill but my car is just a garden variety VS; I just keep it clean and waxed; maybe the photo is good.....

Jane those 190's are beautiful. For my taste 356's and 190's are among the best body designs in automotive history (don't forget '59 Bel Aires and Impalas too).

Chris; that picture of the train accident involving those collector Porsches just gives me the about unfortunate!

Jim; love that Beverly Hillbillies style Model A!!!
Ricardo, There are a ton of photos like that if you do a Google, image search. I really could not believe them when I saw them!

IMHO, I do not see much, mention of the FUN factor of fixing a car up. I think for a lot of people it is not about money, it is about a personal sense of accomplishment. I actually made out like a bandit on my first tub and in the end I wound up missing it. I recently bought a D, it has incredible build quality a monster P car drive train but the cosmetics are not perfect yet, they will be very, very soon, the process will not be cheap but it in some odd way relaxes me. For now I guess I am a beater car guy, the lowly plebe, trying to craft my way to aristocracy but I am having fun and meeting a lot of great people so I will have to make do.


Images (1)
  • 2.7 mill
Ricardo, thats the way I feel, they are my two ultimately favorite cars, I never tire even remotely of loving them. I often said if a garage door could be made from some insulating type of see thru material I would get it just to be able to look at my car in the garage when in the winter months I can't drive it, just looking at it is almost as thrilling as driving her. And for whoever said that they think I would like a TT roadster, SLK, or Z3 is mistaken, perhaps due to my unproportunate focus on cosmetics or creature comforts, the futuristic design of the TT does ziltch for me, a fleeting attraction once but diminished just like the dollars do in the first couple years of depriciation when the furry wears off the people who had to have one. And the Z3, had one for two weeks, drove 6 hours to pick it up, and on the way home switched cars with my friend because I couln't stand the rattling glove box, underpowered engine(only was a 4cyl), and all around chinsy feel, I said if I am to drive one of these, I'd rather get an older Miata and save a lot of money. Anyway, I not drawn to stamped out clones lacking in character, regardless how cushey they are, if I put too much emphasis on this it didn't come out correctly, seriously it's not my thing, or I'd drive any newer boring thing on the market, thet're all pretty much the same to me anyway
I don't know if it's Karl or Patrick but thankyou for the offer to see your gorgeous IM, but I would definately without hesitation like to take you up on that, I am only about two and a half hours away. I think that I coming across to you guys as unsure of what I want partly because I've never seen in person an IM, I've gone to Carlisle for more years than I can remember and Hershey etc., but I guess with my enthusiasm for 190sl's, and being on a mission to have found the ones I have, plus having my CMC speedster I didn't really seek out them, so now with renewed gusto towards finding another speedster since I don't have mine anymore I am newly seeking them out and really trying to learn as much as possible about them to be able to really enjoy it. I just have limited driving season for them really, so if I can prolong it with things like a blower motor like I never had in my CMC , and real windows I would be able to enjoy driving it more so much more often, I know for you purists out there I guess you think I don't really appreciate what it really is and want to conform it into a boring car, but to me not at all, I simply want to fully be able to appreciate the ride by enhancing the driving experience so as to be able to drive it very very often
Jane, it sounds like you are a candidate for a gas heater, ala Stan and Ron L. Karl, do you have one in your ex-Brown D? I know George had one in his new car. Although I live in Nor-Cal, I would have one installed if I ever did another car. I leave the top down all winter (unless Michele is riding with me) and it would be nice to have some real heat. Bill does keep telling me that could be OUR next project.

Thanks for the complement on my IM, it is a fun car. Patrick is a future Speedster owner and my 8 year old son. Carlisle is the place on the east coast to see and compare speedsters from all the major manufactures but it sounds like you have already made a decision on what you want and are now tasked with the job of finding the right car. Like most automobile manufactures IM makes mechanical changes and updates components constantly. But you do not have the benefit of styling changes with new model introductions to make a distinction between different years. When you talk to an owner about his or her experience with an IM it is important to know when the car was produced because not all IM
This tread has really gone on way to long......
Jane, Tell you what I will do, I feel we have a bond here and
I'm a nice guy (don't listen to any of these guys, and please ignore the evil happy face I have been branded with)
I will trade you one of your 190 SL's for my Vintage speedster, straight up.....I know what your thinking, not a fair trade, thats where the "nice guy" thing enters the picture...I don't want any of your money....Any of the So.Cal members can vouch for my car....

P.S. can I assume they both run????? I like both, guess I don't care which one ......
I'd recommend doing the gas heater. If it gets consistantly colder than 40 deg or so where you live (I'd settle for one day when it broke above freezing, this week), you'll extend the season by a month or more on both ends of summer.

You'll never regret it. As Karl said, big heater boxes are big money (just like a real heater), and they remain.... well.... heater boxes.
Jane: If you are still interested in an IM Roadster mine is available. Its a 2002 IM Roadster with 3,537 miles on it. Henry can give you all the specs on it and I can send email more pictures.
I will let it go at a very, very reasonable price. I just took ownership of a 1972 XKE and I need to limit my toys. My email is I'm located in Nine Mile Falls, Washington about 11 miles Northwest of Spokane and approximately 325 miles from Vancouver B.C.
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