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You'll remember from your science class that one of the laws of physics is that nature abhors a vacuum...well so does my garage!

Now that the Pewter Imposter has found a new home, I have taken in another homeless widebody. She just needs some TLC and she will be back in top shape and looking for a new permanent home, with a new owner who will treat her better than her previous owner who neglected her and only put a little over 500 miles on her!

Here are just a few pictures taken on the day I rescued her, there will be more in a couple of weeks when she is ready for her new home.

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You'll remember from your science class that one of the laws of physics is that nature abhors a vacuum...well so does my garage!

Now that the Pewter Imposter has found a new home, I have taken in another homeless widebody. She just needs some TLC and she will be back in top shape and looking for a new permanent home, with a new owner who will treat her better than her previous owner who neglected her and only put a little over 500 miles on her!

Here are just a few pictures taken on the day I rescued her, there will be more in a couple of weeks when she is ready for her new home.

Not even in the same class as Alan!!! Although it is true that Alan has been mentoring me, he is a builder and I am only a restorer (number 5 in the past 12 months). I wouldn't have a clue how to build one of these, but I do know how to bring back the sparkle that they had when they were new.

Vince, you should be very familiar with that brown stuff on the mirrors, it's rust; the same thing that was holding El Diablo together!

Although it looked good in the original pictures, my latest restoration project was in need of some serious paint work. Here it is, sparkling, after a color sanding and cut and polish. Check out the reflections in that door! It looks almost black in the photos, but it is really a very VERY beautiful dark blue.

I still don't have a good name for her. "Hippy Smurf" didn't quite work for me Cory ;-), but try again.

I still have some mechanical work to do as well as polishing the wheels, replacing chrome, some badging and putting it all back together. Then, its on to eBay to meet its new owner.

This image code "manipulation" started back around 2-27-11. Theron made reference to posting images on that date (See Site/Club Enhancements-thread ID: "Topic: Linking to photos on another site".)
Indirectly and unknowingly, changing the text string often times affects the margins on many computers, PDAs etc. I would e-mail Theron and get his advice on normal (viewable) images that DO NOT cause the margins to get blown out. I only have this problem here at this site when these billboard pix are posted. (I seem to recall yesterday a member "commenting" re: the effects on his iPAD). Rediculous!
What I recall is that Theron said it was ok, but be aware that some users may have slower Internet connections, which could make it difficult to download the pictures in a reasonable time.

I look at the site on my Droid cell phone all the time and it simply resizes the photos to fit my screen. I'll try looking at it on an iPad next week. Maybe it's just a setting on your computer.

Personally, I would prefer to view a large picture rather than a small picture, but if its creating problems for everyone that would not be good.

Is anyone else having the a problem with the direct linked pictures?

By the way. Ridiculous is spelled with an i not an e.
You are correct about the spelling of "rediculous". (E-mail Theron about the "phenomenon" I am questioning; he is the one to best explain what is happening. And to fix this once and for all-hopefully)

BTW-This is the direct quote posted by Theron on 2/26:

"Hey guys, I don't mind linking to photos on other sites, but keep in mind that users on slower connections may have a problem viewing a thread with lots of large photos linked.

Plus, please use discretion when linking directly to the large photos on this site. This site is housed in my home office on a small server, so I don't have unlimited resources like the big hosting sites. If you want to share photos across the internet and onto other sites, can I suggest a site like , or so many others. They have the advertising and budget to support thousands of image views.

Now Troy, don't you think that the web-master has also taken notice of this...or is it just my computer. I really don't know! E-mail HIM for the solution.
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