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Leap Day Crusin'!

Yesterday home from work for lunch. Having a terrible feeling. Gasp! The sun was shining and although the temp was only in the high 20s the roads were clear and dry and I was in bad need of a fix. Green coupe is still awaiting install of parts from JPS so what's a withdrawal suffering speedster guy gonna due? Snow in the forecast for evening. Limited window of opportunity. But it's cold. Yes but I NEED . . I need to hear that sound. . . . and feel that wheel . . . and smell that smell. . . I NEED A CRUISE.

Top up . Side curtains in. Turn the key. Cold start sputter and cough. Stay with her - coax her to idle and wait for her blood to warm. Out of the garage and on my way back to work. Cars pass by - drivers eyes full of the usual stare but can't tell if it's the car or shock at seeing such a car on the road on such a cold day.

Took the long way back to work. And again on the way home. Beat the snow and . . . what a relief. I feel much better now. C'mon SPRING!!!!!!!!

So . . . what are the rest of you doing about your affliction during a long cold winter????
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Leap Day Crusin'!

Yesterday home from work for lunch. Having a terrible feeling. Gasp! The sun was shining and although the temp was only in the high 20s the roads were clear and dry and I was in bad need of a fix. Green coupe is still awaiting install of parts from JPS so what's a withdrawal suffering speedster guy gonna due? Snow in the forecast for evening. Limited window of opportunity. But it's cold. Yes but I NEED . . I need to hear that sound. . . . and feel that wheel . . . and smell that smell. . . I NEED A CRUISE.

Top up . Side curtains in. Turn the key. Cold start sputter and cough. Stay with her - coax her to idle and wait for her blood to warm. Out of the garage and on my way back to work. Cars pass by - drivers eyes full of the usual stare but can't tell if it's the car or shock at seeing such a car on the road on such a cold day.

Took the long way back to work. And again on the way home. Beat the snow and . . . what a relief. I feel much better now. C'mon SPRING!!!!!!!!

So . . . what are the rest of you doing about your affliction during a long cold winter????


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Hmmmmm. Took a short 20 mile cruise, changed oil, filter, checked inner and outer CV joint boots, coolant level, tire pressures....a little low but the compressor's in the van which sweet bride took to run the security system and I guess that's enough for now. Winter, snow, cold, oh yeah, that was a last week. Time to plan some serious runs for the car club.

Let's see, it's sunny and 58 degress, a little cool for the 1st of March. Just another ho-humm day in paradise.
You California guys (and gals) don't have an edge on the weather right now !! Today was 74 degrees in Colorado and my bride and I took a ride on the Ferrari cycle for about 4 hours and then came back for a ride in the Speedy to get an ice cream cone. Nyaa, nyaa, nyaa !! It sure felt good to get out in the warm wind again.

Now I have to admit the weatherman is saying tomorrow's high will be about 41 degrees! Nutz! Maybe CA isn't so bad after all.

Happy Trails,
Dusty and the smiling Miss Sharon
I don't have my car yet , but want to ask those that do:
When you ride on a bike, especially in the spring, you feel the air temp change as you dip into a gulch or come into the sun, and the smells change too. Do you get the same sensations in your speedies and cabs when the top is down?
Yup, drove all the way up to Charleston to meet Lane at a local (for up there) Cruise nite. Lots of Mustangs and Vettes, a small horde from the local VW and VW Bus clubs (those bus guys are way out there...) and a small handful of traditional hot rods. All in all, a pretty good night, including those guys in a Army Reserve C17 Transport doing "touch and goes" at the Charleston airport (and we were parked under the approach zone)

Should have pictures posted sometime tomorrow at (not sure about the caps - copied it off of their flyer).

71F on the way up, mid-50's on the way back - Brrrrrr!

I love this site. Everybody is a DRIVER here.
Good stories about even short trips, smiles all around!

Teresa and I will be taking a glorious trip in the Hoopty tomorrow, going to a friend's for lunch, a jaunt to a farm down the road a bit and then we're in for an afternoon of fun. She was an NCAA equestrian athlete in college, and we just recently found out some friends here have a horse ... so I think tomorrow we'll watch her saddle up and ride their 17-hand Hanovarian.
I'm sure the view will be GRAND.
Tom, did you really want to talk about your need for a FIX or just take another oppurtunity to beat a dead horse? I thought you were officially done posting constant complaints abouts JPS. There are more posts on this site about your windshield wipers than any other topic, it's almost exhausting to weed through them all and find some real content! If you want to keep crying, perhaps you could send individual emails to the people who actually care, in the mean time post your address so I can ship you the world's smallest the way, do you have a good ground on the wiper motor? That is where I would start, in the time you've spent at your keyboard you could have sorted the problems yourself. I've built two cars since the time of you're first post on all your "terrible problems". Are you sure the car leaks or are those tears falling on your lap?
Dan - I took two wheels to work nearly every day for over 30 years. Very familar with the seasons change, and yes, even in San Diego, in February at the bottom of a canyon before daybreak at 70 MPH it is damn cold! I used to arrive at work with blue fingers and two sweaters under the leathers.

One prior job had me east, about 25 miles inland from the ocean. Get out of work it was 110 degrees in the shade. Put on leathers, drive due west (home). You could feel the air getting cooler mile by mile. Home at 80 degrees was paradise (stay at home wife still thought it was too hot).

Like I told my boss (an avid golfer), "It is just like you playing two holes of golf on your way to work and two more holes on your way home - every single day!"

Took the bike to outdoor swimming pool today, about 75 degrees.

Seven years with the speedster and I have never driven it with the top up.
I actually can't wait for winter to come so that I can actually drive my speedy during the day, I got caught in traffic at 12 noon one day and burnt to a crisp. (damn shaved hair)

Best times to drive here is early morning and late afternoon, if you have a bit of an overcast day then that's perfect.......

mid 30's.........dunno what the is in F. Mid 90's I'd reckon.

D.C. traffic update: fifty-sumthin' degrees this morning and a brilliant drive in to work. Absolutely did not have to hit the brakes. Nobody was rude, everybody used their turn signals and, maybe most importantly for me, I had the wind in my hair again. No driving helmet for the first time since last fall.
This was on the heels of Teresa putting another 120 or so miles on the car yesterday, doing a fantastic job of wheeling the old girl all over the D.C. area. The Mighty Hoopty is in excellent pitch and tune for spring.
You guys in NorVA, MD, DC, DE, PA and lower NY still working on your cars, call for help when you need it. Everybody should have a morning commute like my drive in today!
"Pot to Kettle, over. How copy this radio?"

What's LEFT of my hair, Mr. Smartypants. Teresa drove so fast yesterday that every hair in her ponytail was knotted last night. I don't really miss the pompador I used to have.
Check HER out -- if this isn't the picture of high-speed concentration, I don't know what is!


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Aw come on now Mike!!

We've got that much snow and I'll bet our roads are worse than yours but I'm thinking of taking my car out on Sunday if the forecasted "Sunny and only minus 1" comes true. It was minus 39 yesterday so we'll see. The drift that I have to remove in order to get the car out is about the size of the ones in your pic though and I don't need another heart attack.

Holy Snow Drift, Batman!!

Where the hell's your front lawn??

Spent an hour this morning raking Spanish Moss off of a couple of fruit trees in the front yard - the moss gets so thick that it chokes the tree and kills it if you don't help the tree get rid of it. Been in the low 70's (F) for the past two weeks. Camillias, Magnolias, Azealeas, Southern Jasmine, daffodils, and lots of other bloomers are out in full force here now, and the grass is finally starting to grow. Looks like I may have to start up the lawn sprinklers in a week or so. The down side is that the Southern Yellow Pines are spreading pollen like crazy and allergic people are suffering. I've been getting allergy shots for a year now and really don't feel the effects much (for the first time in my life) but others are having an awful time.

Hang in there, and we'll try to force the nice weather North for ya!

Don't know about "Global Warming" and rising sea levels - we've had some of the lowest tides here that I've ever seen!!

One of the "Speedstah Guys" Livin the Vida Loca!
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