Leap Day Crusin'!
Yesterday home from work for lunch. Having a terrible feeling. Gasp! The sun was shining and although the temp was only in the high 20s the roads were clear and dry and I was in bad need of a fix. Green coupe is still awaiting install of parts from JPS so what's a withdrawal suffering speedster guy gonna due? Snow in the forecast for evening. Limited window of opportunity. But it's cold. Yes but I NEED . . I need to hear that sound. . . . and feel that wheel . . . and smell that smell. . . I NEED A CRUISE.
Top up . Side curtains in. Turn the key. Cold start sputter and cough. Stay with her - coax her to idle and wait for her blood to warm. Out of the garage and on my way back to work. Cars pass by - drivers eyes full of the usual stare but can't tell if it's the car or shock at seeing such a car on the road on such a cold day.
Took the long way back to work. And again on the way home. Beat the snow and . . . what a relief. I feel much better now. C'mon SPRING!!!!!!!!
So . . . what are the rest of you doing about your affliction during a long cold winter????
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