What does KÄFER actually mean in German - I see they currently are a manufacturing company but did it mean something related to VW 30 years ago?
So years ago seems like most kit cars based with a VW pan were registered using the title with VW VIN (Chassis #) and year of manufacturing. This also enables many to get antique plates (cheaper registration and insurance) plus exemption from emissions. Some used it to avoid higher sales tax on a more valuable replica too. This last reason caught the attention of many states looking for more tax revenue. Plus let's face it my 1989 CMC black Speedster doesn't look much like the '71 Orange 2 door VW Beetle sedan it was originally. It could cause issues with insurance too if you want full value.
So current move is away from VW titling to Special Construction type titling. This tends to differ state to state though - often since it is built on a junked pan you end up with a title that is branded as Salvage (not especially good) or its title as the year it was finally built and registered (not good since it could have difficulties meeting that year's emissions).
FF/CMCs were probably 90% "home built" (perhaps more - no detail records exist nor do records of total # built exist - but it was a huge company!) Huge chance that it is a CMC if it's 30 years old. CMC had cars on exhibit in nearly all the major US airports as part of their marketing prior to 1992. Other new companies make partially finished Speedster even now - called Rollers - sans engine and transaxle. The pan based IMs out of Calif were all IM built (to my knowledge).
If maintained I think it will keep its value - buy a new car and it drops 20% in value the first year or 2. That won't happen to the Speedster replica. History won't matter if it looks nice - even a little age patina (fading or paint/stone chips) won't affect its value. There's enough cheap VW parts out there that it is cheap and easy to maintain. Ha, you can always rent it out for weddings!
I'll be in St Petersburg end of August - if you purchase, swing by and give me a ride! Doesn't look like Latvia is far?