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If you think that the Genuine Porsche crowd are pretty much just "car guys" like the rest of us, well . . . . they're NOT ! ! ! ! !

Someone was asking for advice in what sort of steering wheel was a good "fit" for the 356?
What looked good, what the costs were, what experience had anyone had with certain manufacturers.

Anyway, I posted the following:

"All of your questions are SO precise and easily understood, you could
probably email them right off to the "contact" address on the various
wheel manufacturer's web pages and have an answer in short order. The
manufacturer's would best know the hole placement and diameters and wood laminate
thickness way better than one of us measuring what's in hand.

I'll step up and vote for Moto-Lita if you're buying new, great pricing for a long time classic.

If you're on a really tight budget, you may want to look into a quality used wheel, here's a nicely
"freckled" NARDI still going cheaply with not a whole lot of time left:|39%3A1|240%3A1318



Not a terrible response. To the point with an alternative offered up, should the poor guy REALLY be on a tight budget.
No problems, right? Just a friendly opinion and a helping hand.


This is the response to my post.

Thomas, I usually let posts such as yours just go by but I am afraid that
you may actually get some one to bite on the wheel you mentioned. Believe me
I do not point this out because I am trying to hawk my wares but have to ask
a few questions. 1] are you aware of the diameter of this wheel? 2] have you
ever seen or driven a 356 with a 14" wheel installed? 3] have you ever
personally refinished the spokes on a steering wheel with pits such as this?
4] do you know where to locate a quality 356 mounting hub and its cost? 5]
do you know where to locate a quality Porsche horn button and its cost? 6]
do you know the shipping cost from Japan to the US of such a wheel? 7] have
you considered the total cost and investment of labor to end up with a
severely used plain jane wheel that is a very poor choice size wise?

Assuming that the answer to most of these questions is yes I would ask what
possessed you to make this recommendation and if the answer is no I would ask
how you could take it upon yourself to do so?

I know and personally like just about every source for wheels for our cars,
I have known Simon Green the owner of Moto-Lita UK for decades, they actually made
our first reproduction wheels for us years ago before we grew, I routinely send
customers to both Bruce Crawford and Jack Arct both super craftsmen and
great guys, I consider Ritchie King aka Karmann Konnection a friend and we
have the most amicable of rivalries if it even goes to that level. I am one
of only three factory direct importers of Nardi and have seen the company
through five sets of management and three owners. If I was talking to a
customer I would say in all honesty that in some products Ritchie/ Bob's
wheels are more exact as to originality, in some case we win that
competition. I think both our quality is also the reflection of good people
trying to offer a quality product. I think because of the currency situation
we have a slight competitive edge. In any case finally the customer is the
best judge, why not examine in the flesh and make your decision? I really
cannot imagine any other method resulting in a good decision. And no, I have
not measured the relative thicknesses of the laminates in our Derrington, I
looked at the samples and said, "that looks right". This probably seems
grossly un-scientific but I rather imagined that this is what my customers
would do.
All I ever did was to suggest a manufacturer (as the original poster asked) and post an Ebay link . . . .
honestly, this one is pretty much like the rest of them "over there."

Occasionally I'll read a post here asking how the Speedster owners are treated by the Porsche crowd.
I gotta say, they pretty much seem to hate everything and everything that isn't them. At least it seems like it.
It's almost a version of class warfare, if you know what I mean.

TC - As usual, you were right-on! However, the response is somewhat typical of those Porschephiles that know too much. After ownership of 8 Porsches over the course of time (356 thru 911 Weissach Edition) it was this type of banality that caused me to relinquish my membership in PCA, POC and Zone-8 after 25 years!

SOC is more my type of folks!

P.S. - Mike was right, this dude need to be bitch-slapped!!


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  • moran
If you think that Porsche people are crazy, read some of the BS on the samba. There are actual people that are offended if you do something other than a stock restro on a anything other than a "fat Chick"(FYI '72 and up VW).

I dont get this Soul of a (fill in the blank) crap. There just FN cars. If its rare, OK but anything else is fair game.

I also dont understand naming your car(other than calling it the red one or the black one). Now I know that just pissed-off a few people with that last comment.

rant over

I'm with you bt. My speedster is known as the red car and my scion is the green car.
Not to open a can of worms but, as many of you are probably aware, BJ auction was on this week, what a joke. I find it funny that people refer to our cars as "kits" and those things they sell at BJ are "restored". Hell, have the crap on those cars is either fabricated or replaced with aftermarket stuff which makes it as much as a kit as anything in my book. I'll admit there are some really nice original cars occasionally but far and few between.
As for the Porsche guys - I have a buddy that restores vintage Porsches. He's one of the most laid back guys I know. He also likes my replica. No doubt he encounters those snotty authentic types all the time but he keeps it grounded. He's the one that told me to stop worrying about trying to make my car look so "original" because most of the originals have been so gone over there far from original now no matter what you do.

It's good to see you coming around to my way of thinking.

A spotless "original" 356 speedster is no such thing (it's a pile of money sent to Willhoit's to do stuff they'd never dream of doing). The guys that work on Porsches are generally great car guys with the guts to start hacking away on something priceless.

Guys with zero connection with anything mechanical are the same ones who send bales of cash to people like "Mr Steering Wheel" so they can obsess over the relative "originality" of their reproduction parts for cars they'll never drive.

I'm a car guy, and would much rather have a good replica I can dork up myself. Seriously.
You know what's funny? The 356/911 concourz-whorz actually think that it is THEY who are preserving the marque... As they flap their soft anemic hands about their face like nervous butterflies - "oh gawd, oh gawd - it's not the proper WURTH fastener...."

It is the concourz-whorz who are responsible for most of of the 356/911 Porche's in wrecking and being parted out in backyards right now. By driving up the price of original parts and insisting that anything less than exactly original defames the car, they have made the old run down but still good reliable cars worth more parted out... And that's a crying shame. Right now there is an 87 911 Cabriolet on Pelican being parted out for exactly that reason. This is a nicer car than any 911 I have ever owned.

It is the people who keep these cars on the road (especially those of us on a budget...), who give people rides in them, who expose the world to these wonderful cars, even teach kids to drive them, that make a whole new market of people fall in love. Just like I did.

Porsche is no longer making parts for older 911's and 356s, even my 81 SC. Only the people who are passionate about these cars can step in and manufacture the items that are needed to keep them on road. Without this passion, it will only be a matter of time before the 356/911 air cooled cars are nothing but trailer queens and museum pieces. Or rotting away in a breaker yard.

These cars were built to drive not to gather dust. The very thought of this would turn F. Porsche over in his grave.


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