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Hey All, just an update on my speedster. The Dash is all reglassed and gel-coated. Gauges are in and working. Interior is all in except for the seats. However-to make the car usable again I need to either get the tonneau and top installed professionally or do it myself. Cost savings are calling my name so I'm going to try myself.

So if anyone has pics of how the top-bow fits into the top material and how it clips to the windshield I wouuld be totally grateful. Save me a couple hundred please! Thanks!!!

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Hey All, just an update on my speedster. The Dash is all reglassed and gel-coated. Gauges are in and working. Interior is all in except for the seats. However-to make the car usable again I need to either get the tonneau and top installed professionally or do it myself. Cost savings are calling my name so I'm going to try myself.

So if anyone has pics of how the top-bow fits into the top material and how it clips to the windshield I wouuld be totally grateful. Save me a couple hundred please! Thanks!!!

Hi Darren
"having a professional do it will be the best route" ?????
Who would that be? Buddy, you are dealing with a fairly rare custom configuration here. The "expert" is you. I suggest that you try the library (above) for various manufacturers instructions.
On the other hand, if you really need help, try Vintage Speedsters, local to your nieghborhood.
Best of luck Amigo!
PS.. I grew up in Long Beach so I know about your weather. My top lives permanently in my bedroom closet even though I now reside in the rainy, cold and foggy Sacramento Valley winter land.
"Top? I don't need no stinking top"

Be very Specific about the fragility of your windshield when you let the top shop touch your Speedster.
Top Shops that are not familiar with Speedsters are notorious for breaking our windshields.
Let them know that any leaning, pulling, pushing, jiggeling, fudging, or touching the windshield and it's frame and support system can result in a cracked winshield!!!

Hey Desi we should meet up for coffee on Main St. one day or Breakfast at the sugar shack. Anyways I reglassed my whole dash I'm now thinking I can install the top. However without the top I also have no tonneau. The CMC snaps dont match the VS placement.

Ok so I'm going to be out of town for this whole week as well. But it loks like I'm back to needing some pics of how the header piece fits into the top material and how the clips are screwed onto it. Any pics will help guys. I totally appreciate it.

Yeah, and you could join Lane and me (and, maybe, Kevin Haskins) on the Southeast Caravan, meeting up with the "Hoss Drive" from Tennessee (with, maybe, Biggs from Atlanta) along the way....Looks like we might be doing a few miles on the Blue Ridge Parkway along the way, too!

What a weekend!!! Ride along with some great folks, and get your top spiffed to boot!!!!

I'll bring along my neoprene contact cement!!

Organizer of Speedsters Meet Spyders at Carlisle, 2007
All right got the top bows in and adjusted, snaps and murphy fasteners all in place. Top header needs to go in. SO-does anyone have pics of just the top header with the clips. In the up and down positions. From what is looks like I need to cut the header but before I do that I want to make sure of things. Thanks guys.

Darren - I had AAA Convertible in Costa Mesa ( mine and a great job Lee does! Not over-priced and great work. And since he's already done my CMC top (with a VS canvas) you won't have the learning curve.

And hey I'd like to see your refurmb'd ride since we're close. Got mine in the shop now doing the dash just like you - and paint and interior.
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