This one was spotted at a local car show last weekend. I was originally not a fan of these but after seeing it up close and how nicely put together it is (built in Vegas, I understand, or at least bought there). Nice wheels and stance, nice color combo with black and ivory interior. Was told the motor is a 1835 cc and had dual Kadron 40s. Engine compartment sealed very nicely; definitely whoever put it together knew what they were doing. They are starting to grow on me.
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The paint and the wheels make a huge difference in the look of this 359.
They are Cayman wheels. I have a set. 18"
Yeah, I gotta admit that one looks nice. A shape like that needs more power than a 1835 can make, though.
champagne tastes on a beer budget....but tastefully done.....different & unique....which i'm all about!! drive it like ya stole it!! vroom vroom!!!
Both the engine and frunk are much larger than a Speedster. I could see a Subaru H6 in there - and utilizing the vents in fenders and nose for cooling!
Apparently, Thunder Ranch also bought the bodies from CMC and build some. I've never seen one advertised as a Thunder Ranch build nor any idea on # build by them.
Except for the 70’s Ford mirrors, it’s definitely well done. Personally, I’d own one of these before I ever considered a CMC wide body.
Saw this on my phone yesterday and while I could see the wheels and paint made a noticeable difference I could not see those hideous mirrors.
Talbot racing mirrors needed for sure!
Here's one in NY for only $10,500. White is also a good color for it. I think this has the BBS basket weave rims? :: VW Classifieds - Porsche 359
Would be an interesting project to do a Suby 6 and AWD.