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I have one. It is used but there are a couple of engineering issues that disturb me that I brought to Henry's attention however he did not seem very concerned. I love my car but I did change some things. If you get to the point of buying one I will discuss the issues off line. I wish to say nothing bad about Henry's product here. He has been extremely helpful and supportive if not receptive to my feedback.
I love my IM and would purchase nothing less than an IM, but I too have some issues with interior cover fit and door seal fit. I had to reglue both door coverings and I still have to replace the left forward door seals(because they become smashed/torn). Henry has with out charge sent me new seals but I still have the problem. Any suggestions. I thought that the heat here in Eastern Washington was causing the glue and the material to it's adhesive grip. It's a minor annoyance. Prior to storage I'm taking the vehicle into an upholstery shop to get it all tacked down.
J. Stefano's has some base models adn some upgrade versions. They are sweeeeeet. The delaer told me yesterday that there are a couple rubber bumpers that go behind the license plate to protect the body. He said it was so hot yesterday, that the glue melted, adn the bumpers slid down. These are small, about the size of a shirt button. Since we were talking about glue melting and all, I thought I would just throw that in.
I concur with Jim's earlier post as an owner. In-fact, I was with Jim at Knott's when we drove Dale Bate's IM, we both were so impressed with the total engineered product that we mutally concluded that an IM would be in our horizons if the opportunity came up. Furthermore, these cars (all 356 replicas)are inexpensive compared with a Cobra replicas, especially when you consider the fit and finish of most of the P-replicas.


Images (1)
  • Intermeccanica 005
Hi Shawn... I use those bumpers too. Thay are available from Home Depot. So far I have only lost one.. on the engine deck.. but a little 409, a rag, and 5 minutes cleaned it off and a new one costs about 20 cents.

Take a Roadster for a drive..... very nice cars. Take a look at the IM website, write a few owners, and see what you think. Write Henry and he will send you pics of current builds. I think Bob Miller and Stan Galat both have one in build now. Henry has about 5-7 cars in various stages of build all of time,, from frames being welded in the Jig, to one sitting at the front door being driven for QC checks.

Oh, and I'll bet good money that Henry will hear from his NC seller and he will address the issue.
I'll take off my Moderator hat for a post and post this as an owner. My IM is outstanding. It makes the leap from kit car to a custom built sports car. The quailty of materials and build are excellent.

Troy, Henry has improved the window post to top seal and I am able to drive in heavy rain without a drop inside. You might call IM and see what he is using on glues/seals/etc now. I hope you get your glitches resolved. Maybe one of the other owners will post or write with a fix.

One thing I know from first hand observation is that Henry is constantly seeking ways to improve the product. In the past 2 years he has gone to the enlarged trunk, rack and pinion, a custom built steering column and mount, his own local made coco-mats, a single source engine builder of great reputation, a new leading edge window seal to the post.. Koni adjustables, CBs W5 AL Dics, a great relationship with wheel suppliers, radio builders, and NLA parts. There's more. Anyway, that's what I have observed since I first talked to him about ordering a car. . I am convinced that each car is an improvement over the previous build. That's the way Henry works. I also see consistency in his employee relationships.. He hires top quality techs and there is a progression in their job responsibilities as they build seniority and job skills. When I was there visting, Henry had lunch catered in and had his employees dine with visitors and his family.... I like that and I think it speaks volumes about Henry, Intermeccanica Inc, his work teams, and the cars they build. When you buy an Intermeccainca... you buy Henry's team, the family tradition of building great sports cars, and you get his word.

As far as warranty and contact. Call me at 405-615-7384 and I will share with you my positive experience there. Suffice to say, Henry returns calls and mail, and he acts when warranted. He is a man of his word.

The price. I take the jokes and jabs on here about the price with a grin. I understand that there is a leap in price. I owned a great Speedster in my 2001 Vintage and the IMs seemed a little pricey at the time. I had a chance to drive one at Knotts 2004, and was hooked. I could see, feel, and drive the difference. So for my retirement I chose the IM Speedster as my reward. I am not amazed by the price..... I had looked at all of the upgrades I wanted on my VS.. wide 5 discs all around, a bigger engine, yada. And the cost brought me to the base price of an IM (counting my initial investment in the car). So, the leap wasn't all that far. All Speedster Replicas are a bargain compared to custom built rods... even with the price of a crate 350 less than a total built stroker T1. 45G is the entry price for a street rod, with the exception of a Bucket T, and they go for near 30,000 turn-key. So I guess it's a matter of perspective... a so called "base" IM is around 33G. Go look at the base build and see what that includes.

I say all of this with absolutley no intention to offend owners of other manfacturers and with respect to home built cars. I owned a Vintage for 3 1/2 years and enjoyed every minute of it.... and now I have an IM and I am enjoying it too. All of these cars have their place in the market, our dreams, and their purpose. To each their own... without running down another person's dream.

Thanks. My Hat goes back on now.


Images (3)
  • delivery day3-15-2005
  • b6_jim_filling_up
  • f11
Shawn, I didn't take it that way at all. I thought your post about the bumper melting was interesting as I experieced the same thing in over 100' heat. My button was on the deck lid. Anyway, I apologize if I seemed defensive.

Despite my obvious passion for my new IM, I do see the beauty in most of the other builders... When I owned my VS, I was just as proud. I am still proud of it when I see Justin cruising in it around the OKC area. He has improved it, and after 4 yaers, it looks and runs better than ever.

I think one of the more interesting developments is the Beck with a Subaru. The Beck Speedsters I've seen were great appearing cars. Ray's is beautiful... so the mating of the Subaru in 60/40 mount, may be pretty neat to drive. I am an aircooled guy, and am absolutely sold on IM... but there's room for all types, builders, and styles. I especially like the development of Coupes. I can see a coupe set up Outlaw style.

And I truly am anxious for Steve to get his Cabrio-aroo soon, and just the way he wants it. Especially before his surgery.

We agreed on Fred's Coupe. That's a start!

Please don't get me wrong on my issues. I told Henry that I would fall on my sword for him and his crew. I honesty feel that IM is the best and will always continue to be the best. I too, have seen other Replicas and always see the IM as perfection. I always believe that honesty is the best for anyone and I was being honest. I have seen your Replica on this forum and I must admit I envy you. But, in the same breath I'm extremely happy with mine. Now to the point if I pissed on your parade I'm sorry. I guess it's the E9 Chief and 26 years of military service that doesn't hold anything back.

Troy, don't worry about it. Everyone knows the IM isn't perfect. If it was perfect then Henry wouldn't ever have any upgrades or changes. I think we can all agree that none of the manufacturers are perfect, they are all in the constant process of upgrading and changing things. Anyone who isn't just isn't trying hard enough in my opinion. Of course there are differences, there isn't any builder who won't acknowledge that some things on another builders cars are better and some aren't as good. We all look for different things in a complete package and that includes price as well as quality.
Troy, you didn't piss on my parade and I hope I didn't crap in your mess kit. I like your Roadster.. that blue and tan is a great combo. Oh, and don't say parade too loud. There are ex-jarheads on this forum and they never need an excuse for a parade.. LOL/.

Steve, your bumpers are looking great.

Take Care guys.

Troy: I recall watching Smokies, Spectors and Puff the Magic Dragons laying down Jacob's Ladders around the perimeter and thought what a job to have. Thanks for the protection. I was with a Combat Documentation group which installed hi-speed cameras in C-130s that dropped the Daisy Cutter 15,000 lb bombs that made instant helicopter landing zones. We also took enemy movement photos from FAC birds (Super Cessnas, hell of an experience that I would never want to repeat but one I never want to forget. Welcome home Bro...
You should have seen the hi-speed photos(which project in slow motion), the bomb slides out on those wheeled conveyor tracks, the drouge chute deploys, the bomb disappears into the trees, then then shock wave comes out before a mini mushroom cloud of wood, monkeys and only GOD knows what else comes up and then when the dust settled, a perfect circle. I remember one night I was installing a camera on a Herc that the bomb already loaded. I had to stand on top of it (they were about seven feet in diameter) in order to install my camera when all of a sudden the whole inside of the bird lit up like a blue ball of fire. A VC rocket hit about 100 yards away, I yelled at the crewchief "where's the closest bunker?" he replied "forget it, if we get hit this side of the base is gone, keep working". That camera went on with half it's mounting bolts missing and I headed back to the hootch to change my pants. You bic GI?
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