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"everybody is aiming for a different target"
Very well said!

I loved my Vintage and was heartbroken when it had to go. I will probably have another soon, and be just as happy with it.

I'm starting a new tradition.
When a thread strays to, "(insert mfg) is better" I will simply post "Apples to Oranges"

Its great to hear from you Stan, we would really love to see some pictures, I'm betting its stunning?

And George is dead, so I guess he doesn't really need defending so much, but I loved his posts and his enthusiasm. I for one didn't see it as gloating as much as just being very enthusiastic. I see other peoples posts in the same way.

In fact he insipired me to have one built for myself, even though he wouldn't like my engine choice and he would let me know it, but thats ok, I came to know him as just being very much a enthusiast and I hope other people see that in each other.

And I liked my home analogy, but most people didn't get to see it because it got tossed, but apples and oranges is good for me.

Congrats on your build, it sounds like you're having a fantastic exprience.

I've always been fascinated with Intermeccanica and any photos or feedback I've ever seen about their cars have always indicated, as you said, their quality is on a different level.

What colours are you going with?

Stan: Great to have you back in the fold. I don't post very often, but I've reviewed tons of posts as I try and work out what I want to/need to/am able to do with a speedster. At the risk of sounding like a complete sycophant, I have always looked to your posts for wisdom and have missed not reading your wise words. Please keep posting. John.
Couldn't resist. It takes all kinds, everybody brings something different to the party or it'd be boring. No one person is always
right or wrong. Without these differences there would be no need for a
"forum" to exchange thoughts. We could just listen to one (dangerous).
It's not for me to say but glad to see you back. Good luck with your
car. Sounds great.
I think if you asked anyone "which speedster you would buy price
aside" I think you'd have only one answer.

An original. I would, one of those 100K beauties that would become a permanent garage queen. Oh, maybe once in a while on a perfect weather day, I might drive it up to top off the gas tank.

But that's the rub. Unless you have limitless funds and garage space, what's the point of owning a car as I described? Guys like Jay Leno can do that and I hear he rides or drives what he owns, regardless of the value. Must be nice.

Stan, it is indeed good to hear from you. Your calming voice of reason is and has been a gift to this website. Keep it coming and any news of your build would be most welcome.
Nice to see you posting here again.I want to see pictures of your bad *ss car.Intermeccanica makes the best cars (in my opinion)and everybody knows that.That does not mean I do not like my CMC.For the money I bought for and the pleasure I get back in return my CMC is the best but still years behind Intermeccanica.So when you say "aiming for different target" I can say you are 100% correct.
Are you envious & rude or just rude? Henry builds the best for those who can afford and for those who can't, the joy of ownership is by no means lesser.
George's, Jim's & Stan's exuberance should be celebrated by all of us as part of this Speedster fraternity. Live & let live Dude. Chill Out.
Basically I guess I'm just rude....certinally not envious,
although I could use some extra cash if you have any laying around.
No question who currently makes the finer speedster, but to hear about it constantly is just a little boring...
Plus I'm a little bored here at work.....but no excuses, I'm just a prick, no question about it......but I'm getting better......
Just expressing my view just like Vince does about anybody he feels like. How much personal do you want to get when Henry wasn't even the one posting about his cars? Hardly think "rude" & "envious" to be that severe for a guy that says what he feels with total disregard for anyone else & has expressed several times that he doesn't care what anyone thinks.
Vince is a big boy and can take as well as he can dish it out, at least he should.I see him as a rough diamond. Don't be so Mary Kay sensitive.
Denish, relax, take a deep breathe.....
First of all, I can certinally take anything you can dish out, but I really don't think you want to start that...My kids think I am brutal with my cutting mouth, but most of the time I'm just saying what many others are thinking but need someone to voice their opinion....I'm one of the few left who has no problem with that.
This country has gone soft with all the politically correct B.S. and not being able to offend anyone....some people need to be offended..

This thing started because I was just a little tired of hearing how great Intermeccanica is...They are great because they charge almost twice what some of the others charge...I can be great too for twice the money..
No big deal...If you got the money and want the best, go to Canada..

The moderators think they have the right to just delete any post they chose, I think we need to talk about that, not who is the best builder....
Anymore relaxed and i'll be taking a nap (ZZZzzz). Don't exactly understand what you are referring to by "start that" but just like you, I feel I can express my opinion until the Moderators take it away (their prerogative).Just think... someone out there might just be thinking what I'm posting too. You're not the only one that wants horns with the smiley face.
Peace Speedster Brotha.

P.S. Don't be such a bully (lol)
Alright gentlemen....shirts off.

Just kidding, but I think Vince has a point. There should be an open discussion about how to moderate this website. I see posts dissappearing all the time, and often I didn't even see the reason. I often times enjoy the wildly different viewpoints much more than the technical discusions anyway.

With the recent hoopla about variations on a speedster theme (SAW, the revival of Beck, the introduction of Thunder Ranch) and all the claims of each being the better alternative, I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and remember what motivated them to buy a replica. Period.

Leader has had luck with JPS, probably at a threat to his personal sanity, but that's why two Johns are seldom alike...ask any hooker. McSween faced some ill-fortune but went right back to JPS and had the choice not to.

Steven Oddfellow Longsworth O'Brien also opted to seek a new manufacturer with his next build. I will likely do that as well, but only because I have maximized my current ride and vision.

Like Steven, Stan has also built on his speedster experience and has opted to move on to Intermeccanica. JimBob of red dirt and high mileage fame has done the same. As has been pointed out ad nauseum, each decision to buy is a good one and for a whole bunch of different reasons.

I found myself in Vince's corner back when GB would boast not post, about his IMs. I used to rail at each remark, made up words like InterMcManiac, and ultimately found myself in a pissing contest over engines that set me back a pretty penny, just so I could be right.

Big frigging deal. What was right for GB was not right for me but I couldn't let it go quietly (or inexpensively) But what got lost in the delivery was Henry built a great car (and must have the patience of Jobe to deal with perfectionists!)

I've been treated badly by builders and vendors who will remain nameless. I have heard war stories about less than adequate customer service and delivery times and a host of after the sale woes.

Even after my mouthing off about the InterMcManiacs it was Henry who ultimately rallied and saved my engine's bacon at Knotts that first year. I think Intermeccanica deserves a little positive press without all the green-eye. Stan certainly presented his opinion in a non-GB sorta way.

Come on guys. Play nice or Steven will write more poetry!
Denish attacked me earlier in this thread, perhaps rightfully so, but we will never know, because a moderator deleted my earlier post which Denish to offense to. the thread no longer makes sense...

I think we need one moderator from each of the builders, and they need a majority between them to delete a post.....

That should rid the site of this bias toward one builder....
Just acquired it. I AM very content for what it is: a used VW that looks cool and most importantly, it didn't violate my wallet for all the fun to be had (100% agreement with Mr. Manto).However, I call them as I see them. It's not a high end quality build but good enough for my personal purpose: to have cheap fun (grin). T4 going in soon to replace the inferior 1915 Chimichanga.
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