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I have an idea:

How about we form an intermeccanica Porsche 356 Speedster Registry?

This way we can keep track and monitor the numbered intermeccanica Porsche Speedsters produced by Frank and Henry Reisner.

Intermeccanica Speedsters made in California were limited to approximately 600.

For example numbers such as: 1, 356, 55, would be interesting to current and potential collectors.

Can you think of other significant numbers that might be attractive to collectors?

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.



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I think you're kinda barking up the wrong tree. There is no "provenance" in a 30 year-old plus kit car/replica. There really isn't a whole lot of collectible here. It's a nice old replica, that's all. It isn't a Porsche no matter how much you'd like it to be. Yes, it's an Intermeccanica, but it's a replica on a VW Beetle pan.

It’s just an idea.

In my opinion the overall dynamics of the intermeccanica 356 outperform the original Porsche as a result of two key design innovations.

First intermeccanica’s unique chassis feature that moves the engine/transmission package 3” forward of the original location, significantly improving weight distribution.

Second, the use of more modern semi trailing arms rear suspension. The chassis is permanently united with one piece ISO resin composite body.Composite panels guarantee long term durability of the body. 

All comments are welcome 



It may be so @Highlander356 but if you think P guys love IM's ....No.

Did Frank start this hobby?  Well yes.  Are they good replicas yes and the 1984ish onward were on a square tube frame making them more of a substantial frame and rigidity.  Any car kept in reasonable shape will move up with the cost of living. 

Hence the increase to produce a new one and the possibility to see your car increase in value with time.  Will it move like Seinfelds car assuredly not but you still will have and can have fun with them. 

The USA has many more manufacturers that came out of this hobby making very good cars.  Some very different and very custom with all sorts of combinations of features. 

I wish you luck but I don't know if people other than IM would want to create such a registry.  They have the data.  As for getting a response the IM company is busy doing it's Ecar venture so they are more prone to disregard non support issue questions. 

Buy something for your car that needs an IM part exclusively and an answer may be forthcoming but I don't think you will get a response on this question... Just saying.

Yeah, later IM's have some really neat features, but you and I both own early cars, @Highlander356 (I'd feel much more comfortable here if we were on a first name basis- the screen names so many people hide behind are so impersonal), that are VW pan based and DON'T have the transaxle/engine location altered (or other later updates). Yours is swingaxle- if you should choose to, there are aftermarket trailing arm brackets you can weld in to you pan to convert to irs (I've put an irs pan underneath my car to be better handling), but emulating what Henry does now- moving the trans/engine forward is a major re-work. Another change from the original pan based concept that is common on IM's these days- 911 front suspensions. I've ridden in Bob Carley's 911 based car and I can tell you, I wish it was an easy modification, but I have what I have.

You seem to have a need for you car to be 'collectable' or special, and maybe sometime in the future it will be, but the great thing about these cars is they are meant to be driven (and not stored in a garage and ogled from a distance on a show field). If you think putting together an IM Registry is something you'd like to do, great- but in the meantime, get out there and enjoy the wind in your hair!  Al

The prior SW for this site used to capture builder make and what you thought the build (rating) - for home built DIY it was not very valid but you could see total # of IM/CMC/VS/Becks amoung owners here.  You could encourage folks to add make, serial # and year of manf to their profiles along with pictures.

First intermeccanica’s unique chassis feature that moves the engine/transmission package 3” forward of the original location, significantly improving weight distribution.

??? Early VW pan based IMs (to include FF/CMC/VS/JPS) use a standard VW bug/T1 pan shortened ~10.5".  It is not a unique IM feature there.  Later tube chassis IMs did that but it also causes extreme CV joint angles (so boots get destroyed quickly).  IM also lengthen some chassis's/bodies like for the Porsche 6 cyl installation.

Second, the use of more modern semi trailing arms rear suspension. The chassis is permanently united with one piece ISO resin composite body.

Permanently united?- NOT TRUE It's only as strong as the silicon caulking (and few bolts) used to join the pan to the body.  CMC's build manual has you fiberglass the joining seams. It can be fairly easily separated say to change the floor pan. The steel subframe is glued (Liquid Nails) and riveted to the fiberglass but even it can be removed.

I can appreciate the enthusiasm and what it is you’re trying to do. However, this site has far fewer members than the number of Speedster réplicas that have been assembled. The majority of the members here likely have cars that were built by the former Vintage Speedsters are Hawaiian Gardens and CMC/Fiberfab. 

Intermeccanica started this hobby a very long time ago and who knows how many of those original California built cars are still on the road?

The potential to reach every IM owner is pretty slim so your registry wouldn’t have too many members. You might be the only one who has an interest in who has IM #1, 356, and etc. But if you find someone else who shares your enthusiasm then by all means register away. The pragmatic side of me doesn’t think you’ll have much success but I’m not here to crush your dreams. 

I've always wondered exactly how many bodies the FF/CMC (plus Autoresolution and Street Beasts) venture built over the years.  They had the classic speedster, the California flared body speedster and the 359 "959 look" speedster. They were and probably still are the largest kit car producer.  Care were supplied with a plate but very few builders actually installed the plates.  All paper existing records were destroyed years ago.  

In my opinion, it takes a guy pretty comfortable with himself to drive a car everybody thinks of as a fake. Generally, the people who think of them that way also think we are trying to pass a counterfeit off as the real thing. I'm not.

There are no doubt owners who are in this to impress or fool other people-- but the vast majority of us are content to enjoy what we've got, regardless of what anybody else thinks.

I've got an Intermeccanica. I bought it because it ticked more of the boxes that were important to me than other cars that were available at the time. I've got no Porsche badges on it. I've got zero interest in anything that might give the impression that I think I'm better than anybody else because I own it. When people ask me what it is, I'll sometimes tell them it's "a plastic fantastic". I'll always talk it down. It's super-cool to me, other people can take it or leave it.

I really like the democratic nature of this site. At the bottom of the well-- we all derive some perverse enjoyment in owning and operating something that almost nobody "gets". I've got no interest in dividing an already tiny hobby into some sort of pecking order.

What I own is essentially an overpriced dune-buggy-- a plastic Shriner clown-car powered by a fancy lawn equipment engine. A registry for it interests me about the same amount as a registry for Toro lawn-mower owners.

"In my opinion, it takes a guy pretty comfortable with himself to drive a car everybody thinks of as a fake. Generally, the people who think of them that way also think we are trying to pass a counterfeit off as the real thing. I'm not."

Umm...I wonder if plastic surgery has the same caveats?  No one is telling  

On the other hand we have a prior dentist who has gone into car building who uses dental molds to make parts.

I wonder if we had a plastic surgeon do the same would that make our cars real?

Last edited by IaM-Ray
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