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Eric Marshall Green posted:

IM produced 356s in the US?  This is certainly new to me.  When was this?

Intermeccanica has a long history of sports car production, and this book details it all.  Eric, if you think your father was hard done by, you should really read about Frank's travails.

Frank  started in the sports car biz in Canada, before moving to Italy, then to the U.S., then back to Canada.  That's after his family escaped persecution during @WWII in Hungary.

Last edited by Bob: IM S6
Eric Marshall Green posted:

IM produced 356s in the US?  This is certainly new to me.  When was this?

I believe 1974 or '75 to 1979? Frank Reisner and a partner built 608 or 609? bodies; he sold out to his partner and relocated the family to Vancouver, and they've been here since then. I don't know when Frank died and Henry took over? I'm sure it's all in the book.

Wikipedia's take on the timeline:

During 1976–1979, Automobili Intermeccanica was formed in partnership between Reisner and Tony Baumgartner in Santa Ana, California, to build Speedsters. About 600 Speedsters were constructed. Baumgartner bought out Reisner's 50% share of Automobili Intermeccanica and later sold the Speedster project and equipment to Classic Motor Carriages in Florida.

During 1979–1980, tooling was developed by Reisner for the construction of a neo-classic based on the Checker chassis, with lines inspired by the Mercedes Erdmann Rossi model and the Duesenberg. This was a big, 129-inch wheelbase car. When the economy in California took a downturn and the market for this kind of car collapsed, the partnership could not come up with the financing required. Its code name was Lexington.

In 1981, Reisner developed a Roadster RS model based on the 1959 Porsche 356 Convertible "D" and made full tooling for this car. In October Reisner visited Vancouver and made an agreement with local investors, one an old Italia importer from Montreal, to transfer production of the Roadster RS to Vancouver.

During 1982–1985, Intermeccanica International Inc. started production of the Roadster RS and developed markets in Canada, the U.S., and Japan. In 1985 Intermeccanica developed a new tubular chassis for the Roadster RS to replace the original VW pan.

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