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Thanks for starting this thread. I already posted pics (rdavis) on another thread under Events. I thought this "event" qualified for that heading. Hope that's OK with all. It was a great couple of days and too much fun sharing time with the other SO.c members. Hope the pics give viewers half the sense of excitement and activity that we experienced at IM.


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  • IM tour_2216
Below are pictures of the Intermeccanica Building in beautiful Vancouver, and of the the inner shop. Each picture has a description, so that you can take the tour. Rick has a better set of tour pics that he may post on here too.

Henry took all afternoon to give us a complete tour and an introduction to his staff and crew. I highly recommend the visit and tour to prospective Intermeccanica customers. You will see a top level operation with a crew of Techs that are very sharp, friendly, and who obviously take pride in their work and job skills.

Lunch was served the second day to Henry's crews, Dale, Brooks, Bill, Rick and I. Henry's family was there to meet us and to share the lunch with Sushi platters, and other great dishes. I really enjoyed the lunch and the opportuniity to visit with his crew.

Thanks for sharing the photos. I saw your car at IM and it looks great! I have one on order for delivery in May. I may have one of the first 2332cc engines. At 170HP and 172 ft-lbs of torque, I'm looking forward to getting it on the road.
You're right about Henry, he's a great guy and his shop puts out some great cars!
Congrats again on your beautiful Speedster.
Occasionally members post info and pics when they tour a builder's facility. I visited IM last week and would like to give a pic tour to those that may be interested. All the pics have a description or narrative.

Bill Steele, Dale Bates, Rick Davis, Brooks Walton, and I met at Intermeccanica while Bill test drove his new IM Roadster and Brooks and I checked on progress of our Speedsters in build. They will be sharing pictures on this thread and their own comments. I hope you all find this interesting.

The Tour Begins.

In the pics below you will see Rick Davis' airport shuttle and his business transpo. It is powered by Chevy driveline and is a kick to ride in. Rick drove into town for the evening as he, Henry, Dale, Bill, and I shared dinner together and did a little bench racing. Rick's car below.


Thanks you for taking the time to post the photos and details. I am sure that it is apreciated by all!
What a fantastic facility Henry has..
If IM were in the US, I would pull down my home shop door for the last time and start pushing my rolling tool boxes in the direction of IM ... knocking on Henry's door willing to start out wet sanding .... "did I really say THAT?"
I will add other pics as I upload them.

My thanks to Henry and his staff and family, for their gracious hosting, and to Rick for taking time from his business to take all of us to some great dining, and a wonderful breakfast, to Rick, Bill, Brooks, Henry, and Dale for the fun, laughter, and the great rides in Bill's super Roadster. And a note to Mr. Pat Downs of CB Performance.. your CB2110, with the new AL Super Case ran better than any Type 1 I have driven. It is a great balance with super town manners, and a super kick and torque to make the 3:44 get up on it's legs and wail. Henry, we all enjoyed the IM experience and your time and your AAA+ Roadsters/Speedsters. I was 100% happy with the progress on my Speedster.

A special thanks to one of the greatest "car" women I have ever met: Paula, Henry's mother, a part of the IM staff, and a lover of automobiles and life. If you meet her you will understand why she earns the respect of customers and drivers.

Other posts will follow.

I think everyone involved on this trip/tour had a great time. Even a veteran like Dale Bates seemed to truly enjoy the whole experience. I have to say, not only is Henry a great car builder and Intermeccanica a great car, even more importantly he is a truly nice guy.

When I arrived and saw my new Roadster on the apron waiting to be fired up I have to say I was a little ambivalent. What if it did not match my expectations? What if my dreams were just that, fantasies?

Once I started it up with its butter smooth idle, put it in gear and eased the clutch out and the car moved out with the ease of a Lexus LS430, I knew it was going to be really good. What I never expected was the complete harmony of the chassis, transaxle, engine and exhaust. Around town my IM Roadster was as mild mannered as a 1600 Super Beetle, smooth off the line, shifting like butter, quiet exhaust note making normal conversation a joy. When Dale and I got out on the open winding mountain roads that surround Vancouver, the character changed completely. As the RPMs reached and passed 4000 the exhaust note took on a much different character, one of a highly tuned performance engine, not overwhelming but definitely


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  • Bills 3
All I can say to other skeptics out there, you have to drive it to believe it. The engine idles like a Swiss watch, revs smoothly well past 6500 RPM (Just ask Rick!) and sounds? Well you really have to be there. Thank You Pat Downs!

I had told Bruce Williams secretly that I thought there was a good chance I would be switching engines after I took delivery and I would give him a good deal on this engine, if I did. Sorry Bruce, this one is a keeper. If anyone is trying to decide on what type of engine they should put in their Speedster, come drive my IM Roadster, that will just about do it for that part of your build.

As far as my new IM Roadster goes, I could not be happier. Dale Bates and I put 170 miles on it during our test drives. The Coach is so tight it is amazing. I have never driven a cabriolet style car with a chassis this stiff. I can tell you the door on my S500 Mercedes does not close with any more authority, the chassis no stiffer.

If anyone still wonders about the IM commitment to quality and customer satisfaction how about this small thing. When I got there my car had about 120 miles of testing on it by Henry. We all put another 180 miles on it, he was going to drive it for another week, do a complete final tune up and system adjustment before detailing it out and putting it on the truck to me, wow


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  • Happy Bill

I plan to post more about the trip later this week as I get all the pictures together as well as my thoughts.

I have to say George, without your posts on this site many months ago, I would have never gotten to IM as my first build. I would have taken the route so many other IM owners have and bought something else first, only to discover IM much later.

If I had not had your help throughout the early part of my decision making, I would have made numerous errors and my IM Roadster would have been less the car for it.

Thank you George.
Jim, this thread is a veritable "tour de force" testimonial to Henry and the wonderful cars he constructs for us dreamers, and to Pat Downs at CB Performance for the marvelously flexible and reliable engines he builds for them.

Thanks for sharing your pictures and thoughts with us; it brought back fond memories of my trip to IM and time spent with Henry, Paula, Kevin, and the rest of the IM crew.
I go to bed to wake up to this! It is all true, Henry, Intermeccanica, Bill's engine, the crew, Henry's mom Paula (terrific lady, a car girl if I may). In the time that I have had my car, I have been to Intermeccanica 5 times, each time a wonderful time. I got the car in Feb. of 2002 and have enjoyed every minute of ownership, and every minute of my friendship with the Reisner's.

This past trip was very special. It was like watching the kids open Christmas presents, I got to enjoy their joy and wonderment. Drive them carefully, enjoy the new cars kids, and thanks for the great memories.
Reading this posting during My Time out from TAX prep was nice. I am looking forward to seeing this beauty. I have threatened Henry with a visit but I always seem to come up short of time. Pesky clients. Wish they would just push checks under the door.
Reading this I am reallly sorry I had a 1776 built instead of the motor you are describing but I did not know of this web site till after I bought my used IM. I hear I am not the only one that buys something and then does the research---although I could not find anyone that would warranty a 2110---and I use my IM for everyting---runs to the grocery store and hardware etc.
My feeling about my IM is that if it had a roll bar I would drive it as aggressively as my 911s.
I love the limo, Rick. Is that an old Desoto?
Every word is true, it was an amazing visit for sure. It's really great to be around a group of guys with so much in common.Or as Henry once told me when I was obsessing about some small detail "you guys are all f...king nuts".I am sure he intended that to be good thing, at least I took it that way.My car is surpassing my expectations on all counts. When I first visited Henry about a year ago ,I made up my mind that if I was to have a car built Henry was the only builder for me.George Brown and Scott Sloan's cars were what inspired me to build my 56 GS, thanks guys!It has been great watching Bill and Jim's cars being built along side mine.This build and the great people I have met have made this one of coolest experiences of my life.Only two more weeks, how cool is that!!!Brooks
Thanks for the positive reaction to the tour pics. Those of you going to Knotts for the second time, it will be great to see you again this year. Johnny H, your trip across the US is something I think we all will be following. It is the ultimate road trip. David, I'm damn glad you will be there again this year. Joel, I caught a hint that you may make it to Dale's BBQ? Or that you will join us on the Thursday cruise south? Dale has a scenic route mapped out and there is safety in numbers. I hope all of you Bay/Sacramento area drivers make it to Dale's or meet us on the road south. George.... Dale was right; It was like Christmas morning when we mounted your Hellas. Thanks a million, I enjoyed talking to you last week. Dale, Rick, Bill, and Brooks; I think an annual trip to Mecca would be good for the soul.

Celebrating my 3rd year of post-transplant life at Knotts. The surgery started late in the afternoon, April 24th, 2002. Life is sweet.

Jim as in Jim Bob,
Luv ya man and am looking forward to our meeting at Knotts. Thanks for your supportive comments regarding my "Westward Ho" trip. Your new beauty will be a sight to behold. I looked at "ruby red" for my ride but thought it looked a little too maroon for my tastes. I was wrong! You will have one totally beautiful ride.
Here's to Knotts.....and Carliste too.....
John as in Hoss
Jim: What kind of transplant? And yes I love that Red. I would take it over my silver any day, but I bouight the car used and a new one will have to wait for another day. ANd that is not to say I do not like Silver. I just love that particular shade of red. An old buddy of mine had a legit 57 A taht he restored to taht light green color that was also cool. I think very close to the color of Scott Sloans.
Greg, that is a temporary cover for the rear lip of the tub.... it is a template for the tonneau/top holes. It just slips over the rear lip and pulls right off.. a pattern. I think the next pics I post will be sans that. The suspension/brakes/transaxle/Radio/ and yada are all in, and interior work is going on now. The Roll bar and Hella are chromed, and the engine tin is being painted. So... it wont be long. I know both tonneaus were measured last week too.

Ralph, I have a rare genetic issue called Alpha-1 Anti-Trypsin Deficiency. I did not know about it until I was 47. I was diagnosed with 18 months to live in Dec 1999. I was placed on the transplant waiting list and had both lungs transplanted on the night of April 24,25th 2002. I now breath as well or better than most men my age (53). I was tested last week and my main breathing test put me at 104% of the standared for healthy men my age.

The past year was very rough with a case of flu and some major med adjustments and a mild rejection. Just making Knotts this year is a minor victory. I drove there last year from OKC... I hope to be gaining more vitality over these next two weeks so that I can fully enjoy Knotts. I am excited and hope that with reagaining health, this will be the best year yet.

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