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Our most recent Grand Gaughter Miss Carly Blake Merklin, Born June 2nd 11:27pm. 8 lbs.10oz. 20.5"..
What a joy she is, I have already promised her unlimited trips out for ice cream and a electric go cart is in her future too~

Photo caption reads:

"Ok, so I was two weeks late, didn't want to ruffle any feathers and drop in during the Carlisle weekend. Hey, by the way...."Carly" ... "Carlisle" what's with that ?
Well here I am, spoil the crap out of me Poppy!"
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Our most recent Grand Gaughter Miss Carly Blake Merklin, Born June 2nd 11:27pm. 8 lbs.10oz. 20.5"..
What a joy she is, I have already promised her unlimited trips out for ice cream and a electric go cart is in her future too~

Photo caption reads:

"Ok, so I was two weeks late, didn't want to ruffle any feathers and drop in during the Carlisle weekend. Hey, by the way...."Carly" ... "Carlisle" what's with that ?
Well here I am, spoil the crap out of me Poppy!"


Images (1)
  • carly1resized

Woiw! It's "baby city" around the SOC.

Our oldest daughter who lives in Alexandria, VA is expecting in mid-July--it's a girl. She is very high in Delta Airlines and as lng as she works there Alice and I can have free air fare, first class, reserved space anywhere in the world. She is leaving Delta after the baby and we have until the end of Sept to use the flying benefit.

It's a good thing I didn't have to choose between an 8th grandchild or free flying!

I trust Alice will never see this post!!
Whoo-hoo another cuter 'n all get out papoose(?) added to the SOC flock. Good for you Dr. Clock and all the rest of the Merklin brood. Of course, you know this is going to be a match made -- if not in Heaven -- then at least in Gasoline Alley: 5-cent racing and the Sorcerer's (Merklin the Magician) Apprentice 20-something years from now. How we gonna keep those lines open?? And maybe Carly (Carlisle) Merklin gets to celebrate her first B-day at Carlisle next year. Makes sense to me.
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