I spoke over the phone with Greg yesterday. He said for his 2332cc motor he has been offering a 3.44 R&P which has the following ratios: 3.90, 1.93, 1.21, and .89. He said these are stock gears which make them cheaper than his 3.88 R&P option with 3.10, 1.93, 1.21, .82 ratios. The 4.12 has 3.90, 1.93, 1.21, and .082 ratios. He told me he cannot guarantee the 3.88 will have quiet gears as it is a custom aftermarket setup.
The 3.44 is a $1,000 upgrade vs $2,000 for the 3.88. He has had good results with the 3.44 and 2332cc motor.
Greg said his 2332cc motor is a mild build at 145hp, and that it is just as reliable as his 1915cc motor.
Greg told me he is primarily sticking to the 3 transmission options he has right now, but it sounded like if one really wanted a custom order, he would be able to do it.
I am now leaning toward the 2332cc motor and 3.44 R&P setup. $3,500 more then my current build. I always try to follow the mantra "buy nice or buy twice". Not that the 1915cc isn't nice - but I know I won't be able to get rid of the nagging thoughts wondering if I should have gone with the 2332cc.