The originals were pretty much the same on the outside from year to year (1940s through 1960s), with the small exception of tail light placement and type. The replicas vary from owner to owner, but are generally pretty close variations on the same theme.
You'll see red lights, red and amber lights, back-up lights, license plate lights and fog lights in all kinds of crazy combinations here, with the bodies and headlights more or less the same from car to car.
Mirrors, someone here pointed out once, were dealer-installed options -- you'll probably never see those in the same place from one owner to the next.
Development on running gear, interior options and small bits of trim will also vary from replica to replica.
To answer your question, I think the '56, '57, '58 year indications are pretty much a generic "this is what you ought to have in your mind's eye" attention-getter with the lights done the way they ought to be for a 20-foot glance.
Advertising-wise, you could as easily say "65 Porsche 356 Speedster Replica" or "1948 Porsche replica," and the general public will think of only a handful of possibilities.
Does that help? Here's the 1948 look:
And here's the evolution by 1965 (just going from the caption's info, 'cuz I can't tell for sure):