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This is how I spent the daylight hours for the last few days.
It's a 1950 FWD (Seagrave) fire engine belonging to the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company's elder statesman. The company gave the wagon to past president and former chief Wylie L. Donaldson, Jr., in 2001 on the occasion of his 50th completed year of service.
That guy still runs fire calls. He's in his seventies.
Wylie taught me how to drive it a couple years ago. He usually prepares it for the fire company's parade in Odenton every year, but this year he was taking care of his grandson and running the station's carnival at the same time -- so I took care of prepping the old bird for flight.
Since we all have things mechanical in common and I wrenched on this for about 20 hours or so to get it in firing order, I hope it's not trespassing on the old site.

(The fire company site is here: )

Sorry Mel. I know you thought I'd pop up with a vintage Weinermobile!

Bad news on the Hoopty front. There is a chance that project might be shelved while the Ace Wrench finds a new garage. His personal life has him looking to relocate.
It's only a car, and I'm a patient man. I would rather he have his life sorted and in good order than push a strained friend for a rush job.
You're right, Ricardo. It's kind of taken on a life of its own, and it's killing me not to be working on it. The fire truck was a surrogate for the weekend, though.
Mel, my apologies; I meant Jim with regard to the Wienermobile reference. Jim, whad'dya think? Could we park a big, fat dog on top of the hosebed?
Hey Cory!

Nice rig! It's important to maintain older equipment like that to give the rookie firefighters some perspective on how fire safety has evolved. Looks like a lot of elbow grease was exerted over your Holiday weekend! The magic word for those aching muscles is - ADVIL!!

Another thing, you won't find many firefighters out here working much beyond their 50th birthday. The county fire guys have a SWEET 50/3 retirement package - you can retire once you've reached 50 y.o. with 3% of your ending annual salary for each year of service!! Yikes!
I've got a pretty good deal, too. One, they're paying me to drive fire trucks. Two, I have to go at 57, with 20 on this job AND they're taking my 15 years' military time, too. I'll be 57, a retired Navy chief and a 35-year retired fireman on my birthday. Pretty good deal if you can get it.
If I play my cards right, I'll be in pretty good physical shape, too. Here's to the rowing machine, huh?
You guys are killing me with this kindness stuff. We ALL really owe the WWII Joes who are dying of old age right now, the ones we forgot about who fought in Korea and those dudes (several of them here) who kept their chins up when it wasn't popular to fight a war in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and other assorted nasty places.
Sucks to be a G.I. in a war, but it sucks worse to be a forgotten one who's paid his or her dues.
I've had it easy compared to those guys. My hat's off to each and every one of them.

(If it's okay, I'd like to officially table this topic until such time as we can actually have a pint of some cool, delicious and refreshing beverage with several folks around a table telling stories of other kinds of lifes' experiences. That's the best kind of forum for old stories, I think.)
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