Back when I was messing with my heater, I was rummaging through an old VW parts bin and found a brand-new steering coupler donut that I had bought over a year ago, when I was messing with my seats. I always had the intention of putting it in "just because", but never got around to it.
Yesterday, I got around to it, getting the front end waaaay up on jack stands, the front wheel off and had at it. Let me just say, they're a major PITA to get the old one out and the new one in, especially if there is a tad of negative clearance meaning that the steering column might be too far forward by 1/8" or so and pushing the coupling surfaces too far together, but who's measuring? Besides, it's supposed to flex, right?
Two hours later, with a LOT of swearing and tugging on the donut and hard-to-get-at-the-friggin-nut wrenching I was done. Put the wheel back on, lowered it down and opened the garage door to take it out and see how far off the steering wheel was (because I knew I hadn't gotten it precisely back where it was, I just knew it).
Leaving the garage, I have to do a dual 90 "S" turn to line up with the driveway. As I was making the turns the airhorns suddenly give me a short "BEEP!" blip as I'm turning the wheel to just the right spot. Sigh...
Friggin steering coupler was somehow grounding the steering shaft as it's turned. Got back in there today (I was just too disgusted last night) and found the errant problem of a really close tolerance between one of the bolt heads and the steering shaft arms at just the right spot in a turn. All it took was turning the bolt head a few degrees to line up a flat with the gap, giving it more space.
While I was in there, I found a few other things that I could "fix", just because I was there.
It's always something.
Maybe now I can just drive the damn thing...