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Back when I was messing with my heater, I was rummaging through an old VW parts bin and found a brand-new steering coupler donut that I had bought over a year ago, when I was messing with my seats.  I always had the intention of putting it in "just because", but never got around to it.

Yesterday, I got around to it, getting the front end waaaay up on jack stands, the front wheel off and had at it.  Let me just say, they're a major PITA to get the old one out and the new one in, especially if there is a tad of negative clearance meaning that the steering column might be too far forward by 1/8" or so and pushing the coupling surfaces too far together, but who's measuring?  Besides, it's supposed to flex, right?

Two hours later, with a LOT of swearing and tugging on the donut and hard-to-get-at-the-friggin-nut wrenching I was done.  Put the wheel back on, lowered it down and opened the garage door to take it out and see how far off the steering wheel was (because I knew I hadn't gotten it precisely back where it was, I just knew it).

Leaving the garage, I have to do a dual 90 "S" turn to line up with the driveway.  As I was making the turns the airhorns suddenly give me a short "BEEP!" blip as I'm turning the wheel to just the right spot.  Sigh...

Friggin steering coupler was somehow grounding the steering shaft as it's turned.  Got back in there today (I was just too disgusted last night) and found the errant problem of a really close tolerance between one of the bolt heads and the steering shaft arms at just the right spot in a turn.  All it took was turning the bolt head a few degrees to line up a flat with the gap, giving it more space.  


While I was in there, I found a few other things that I could "fix", just because I was there.

It's always something.  

Maybe now I can just drive the damn thing...

Last edited by Gordon Nichols
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I had that experience of changing the coupling a while back. Were we supposed to be able to get in there with both arms  and nuts and bolts and tools etc.??? Not!!

My column was off so I was up until 4:00 AM trying to get it into place. Finally aligned the steering box correctly and that was much smoother.  Still a PITA.......

"...especially if there is a tad of negative clearance meaning that the steering column might be too far forward by 1/8" or so and pushing the coupling surfaces too far together, but who's measuring?  Besides, it's supposed to flex, right?..."

Could this caused by shims on the top tube of the beam? I've always wondered what sort of issues I've created in my steering column when I added those suckers in there.


OK, now I'm REALLY pissed....

Even after I "fixed" the steering coupler by rotating the silly bolt heads to get a bit more room between them and the opposite coupling flange, it STILL would beep the horn as I rotated the steering wheel around - it seemed to be worse when sitting on the wheels.....When it was up on jack stands it didn't beep as much, maybe because I wasn't flexing it as hard, but I could still get it 'just so' and make it beep by applying fore/aft pressure to the steering wheel at around 2 o'clock.   WTF?!?!?!?!  

ah,HA!  It's something in the steering column!  

So I spent the better part of two hours tearing the upper steering column apart and rebuilding whatever looked as though it needed it, which was exactly.......   Nothing.  Everything looked fine.  I mean, really fine.   After all, I had just rebuilt everything a year ago.

So I took the Star Trek approach of the logical Mr. Spock:

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

And all that was left was that silly steering coupler that I had just installed yesterday.  

A Brand New One.

From SoCal Imports!

So out came the 14mm wrenches, again, and out came the new steering coupler, again, and I took a damn good look at it, comparing it to the original 1969 one I took out.

They were different, and the years had NOT improved the German design.  Remember, I have a 1969 donor VW.  The original coupler is a rubber donut with four holes, each with a tubular spacer through each hole so that when they're installed you can only compress them just so far, since the spacers limit the compress dimension when the bolt is tightened.  All that's in there are the spacers - it's very simple and effective.  The mounting flanges and washers on the bolts keep everything captive once assembled.  It even has a VW part number stamped into it, which I just ordered from Bug City.  It looks like this:

The NEW donut I had bought (from SoCal Imports, IIRC) has the same four holes, but on this one they've installed spacers that look like a really big "pop" rivets that are pushed through the hole and then a washer is slipped over the far end and then the whole thing is crimped like a rivet to hold it in place (like the through-bolt wouldn't do that anyway).  The tube looks to be metric, close to 5/16" or equivalent, but the OD of the collars pushes it out to over 3/4" and THAT is what was making contact with the steering box shaft.  It looks just like THIS one, and quite a bit different from my original:

After all of the nagging some of us do on this site to "buy German", when I took a good look at it I think it is just rubber and not layered with fabric (the so-called, "Rag Joint") so maybe THAT is why I didn't install it over a year ago (it's a bitch getting old).

Anyway, preliminary testing tells me that it is probably, miraculously, cured, although I was so disgusted (again, today) that I headed to the house around 4pm, skipping the usual 4pm Earl Gray Tea Time and grabbed a bottle of Pinot Noir.  Who friggin knew?  I spent an entire afternoon in absolutely GORGEOUS friggin weather in June in New England, where we only get five weeks of summer, anyway, and could have been riding my bike instead of screwing around with a cheap, friggin, Chinese part, only to find that it's never gonna work in MY car!

I hate Chinese parts........



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