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I got a call this evening around 9;30 pm From my friend Mr Vestal..

It's only 1745 cc,s (Not Frankenstein's Monster).

But the upgraded Mileage. motor is back . If I get a chance this week

I want to sneak out to his shop and hear it.

Both Conway and his dad are pretty excited about how well it is doing.

They really like this one. Its the 74 stroke by 87 bore with my light ported Los banditos heads.. He said It had a throaty sound with lots of pop. and very quick throttle response. It's still to early to brag or praise it much. But Conway told me his Dad liked this one He liked how its shouts at ya when you dump the carbs..

My mom had a bad fall a few days ago, and I've been sticking close to the house. when I didn't have to be at work. I wanted to help him with part of it,, but his dad stepped in. and on my behalf.

Hey they love my moms cooking..her fried apple mincemeat pies are worth fighting over..

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I got a call this evening around 9;30 pm From my friend Mr Vestal..

It's only 1745 cc,s (Not Frankenstein's Monster).

But the upgraded Mileage. motor is back . If I get a chance this week

I want to sneak out to his shop and hear it.

Both Conway and his dad are pretty excited about how well it is doing.

They really like this one. Its the 74 stroke by 87 bore with my light ported Los banditos heads.. He said It had a throaty sound with lots of pop. and very quick throttle response. It's still to early to brag or praise it much. But Conway told me his Dad liked this one He liked how its shouts at ya when you dump the carbs..

My mom had a bad fall a few days ago, and I've been sticking close to the house. when I didn't have to be at work. I wanted to help him with part of it,, but his dad stepped in. and on my behalf.

Hey they love my moms cooking..her fried apple mincemeat pies are worth fighting over..

I will have to tell my mom this ,,she could use some up lifting & encouraging words right now ..

She has had a rougher time from this fall than she did when she busted the ball and rotator cup in her left shoulder. Thanks guys..

I got to Mr Vestals this afternoon for about a hour or so, and he fired it up for me to listen to. She be a lot quieter in the valve train . and very quick to rev . (extremely perky) I like the sidewinder exhaust. But I wish it had a deeper more echoey tone like a 2 chamber flowmaster would provide. You can tell it got spunk and it will idle and count them at around 200 rpms. puck-a-puck-a-puck-a. Kind a wicked!!

I know it's a little mousey 1745. but it sounds very very good.

We have a keeper. ..

P.S. Guy's please don't fight over pies that you don't have!!!

Hey Cory.. We are now on 36 hr weeks with a increased workload, that is almost frantically paced.

I think they are in chapter 11,, But I'm guessing.

But to me it looks like they are trying to make us techs quit so they don't have to pay unemployment.

I tested that theory Tuesday by talking harshly but with carefully chosen words at a few minutes before the end of the 12 hr shift.

Wednesday morning we had a pow wow . I was not fired. HUMM??

I was told by my boss the company was in good shape.

Which leads to my next question.. Then why are we on short time??

I didn't ask that one... HUMMM????

You take the "high road" and go line up another job now. That may not be realistic, depending on local conditions.


You decide to "ride this horse to the end of the trail." Just be prepared - both mentaly and financially - in case the worst happens. As preparation, you may have to wrap your mind around the idea of living off unemployment for awhile. We all hope this never happens, but you have to be mentally tough if it does.

Been there, done that, more than once - we are all here for you.
I'm afraid the later is going to be the case ,and it's already a bitter pill to take. I have been looking all along for something else. Work has dried up around here.

Whats worse , The company is most likely going to run the hands that stay into the ground. which is what I now call the bitter end.

I had a friend check into the stock holders public records on the exchange Thursday..

They do want to sell it, and they plan to try and do so as soon as 90% of stock, holders payoff can be meet...

I suspect this will all be over by June and it will be sold off and most likely shut down .

54 of the spinning frames are 11 years old and are considered obsolete.. 2 frames cost 1.5 Mil in 1997

And as I have said to my coworker the 10 new ones are 75% china made components in German designed machines. and sauerkraut and rice don't work together.. They are junk!

I'm just glad I was at least able to finish most of my projects . and get the mileage motor going again..

That combination of bore and stroke is more like 1759 cc's almost 1760 cc's

B x B x S x pi = displacement of a 4 cylinder engine

For example, a VW 1600 has a 85.5 mm bore and a 69 mm stroke
85.5 x 85.5 x 69 x 3.1416 = 158464 or, 1585 cc's

Anything other than a 4 cylinder:

B x B x S x .7854 x #of cylinders = displacement
(.7854 is 1/4 of pi)
For example, a Ford 302 has a 4" bore and a 3" stroke
4 x 4 x 3 x .7854 x 8 = 301.59 or, 302 cubic inches

This shows that the formula works equally well with inches or millimeters

In your situation, the formula is: 87 x 87 x 74 x 3.1416 = 1759629
Use the first 4 numbers and round up if the 5th number is greater than 5 thus, 1760 cc's or, in inches, 3.43 x 3.43 x 2.91 x 3.1416 = 107.55 cubic inches
Larry ?? I Made a conservative estimate.. I allowed more deck clearance to compensate for the bigger bore and valves, from the 0.160 thous.I got with all the shims..The wrist pins on the pistons were move up 0.180 tho. from the stock 1600 locations.

I don't know certain what the chambers are on the heads. but they look stock between 53 and 54cc..

The cylinders and heads have no shims its assembled as it would have been stock. with the .010 thous. paper gasket thus lowering the compression more ,,, I know I'm off some.

I haven't bothered to calculate it. I just gave it what I felt was best, and Oh boy am I pleased!!

Feel free to correct me sir. But before it even had carburetors on it,the compression checked at 120 lbs.That's in stock range for a 1600 cc engine.

That will be low enough for a Wiffle blower set at 2 lbs boost. or even a turbo kit set at 1.5 lbs boost. (I'm guessing again) But it's a good guess, for a mild street engine..

Or will run fine just as is. If your not trying to bust the nether world wide open.. But a turbo would further improve the mileage..and top end..

Run your numbers again Please if you would.. I'm not that good at this stuff and I do have the books and a calculator. and still have trouble with it.. I would appreciate it.. (Please sir!)
You're probably a bit high on compression for forced induction. Although I'm not clear on exactly what you've done, preliminary calculations show around 9 to 1 compression.

Use this to figure up your Compression Ratio with the facts on hand:
The piston measures less than the actual bore. The rings make up the rest.

You'll need to have the cylinder head combustion chambers relieved to around 70 cc to get a 7.25 to 1 compression ratio. There are a lot of ways to create more room in the chambers, base gaskets to increase the deck measurement, head gaskets and having the combustion chambers relieved etc.

You really don't want more than 7.25 to 1 with forced induction (blower or turbo) otherwise, you'll detonate and explode the engine

Re-do all your measurements, check your deck heights, look for a step in the heads and have them cc'd ""don't guess at their volume""
I tried it and it still is not calculate for me right. don't forget 1.5 boost is almost nothing to a turbocharger.

Average waist gate pressures are around 3 lbs . on mild engines.. I saw the vw engine they bent wrist pins in with higher pressures. In Hot vw.. They dropped it down to 3 lbs to make it live.

This would be half that. if I did it.. My D will go 95 easy please y now with a bone stocker. I'm not in that much of a hurry. to get a ticket. No thank you..
It's still doing pretty good. I need to rework the center carb linkage and add some needle bearings to it and increase its linkage throw. to reduce the gas petal travel. that needs some perfecting to get it right But otherwise Not bad at all..

I realy need to brag on Tiger at A-1 muffler I really ,really, like how this puppy sounds. she beelers like a 4 cam'er..
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