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Thanks, Stan! I'd have missed them. Glad I looked.

John, I really like that car. It's pretty evident from the photos that there were aspects of it you specified, and there are several I raised my eyebrow at, wishing I had thought to do those things myself.
I like the jeweled plate around the gauges. 550-ish, I think. Nice. I like the lack of decos, too, the choice of mirrors, colors complimenting each other without being garish or distracting ... minimalist door panels, the Ghia light combined with the reverse lamp ... I could stand to see a few more detail shots.
What's the engine compartment look like?

Great-looking car!

As John posted under General (non-technical) thread, "Pics of the new coupe":

"The color is Hypnotic Teal Mica - not metallic, but looks different in changing light. People either love it or not so much.
Engine is a 2110, no bumpers (or bumper holes), no side spears or rocker trim, no badges anywhere...just a clean, simple look.
Interior is two-tone chocolate/caramel leather, top and tonneau are black.
Wheels are Empis with the spokes powder-coated gray (going for the Minilite look at a much reduced price). Put some fairly aggressive 205 Toyo tires on it (they just fit), disc brakes all around (calipers painted red).
The car is 95% completed and should be in my garage next week. I've driven it a couple of times and it goes.
Lots of progress pics in my file here."

Sorry, guys, just checking in here.
Thank you for all the kind comments on the car. It's a long (boring) story how it all came about, but the design is very much my own and, overall, I'm pleased with the way it came out.
The color is certainly the farthest step away from normal, but it's stunning in person. There's just enough 'mica' in it to give it a different look in various ambient lighting situations. So far, the ladies absolutely love it, the guys mostly do, but a few think I've gone nuts (a possibility).
I ordered the 2110 (fully balanced, etc.) this time, having struggled with an ornery 2332 last time. This engine feels just as strong as the previous larger one, but should be far more reliable...I hope.
The wheels are giving me the Minilite look I was after. The wider rubber is a tad "unfocused" on grooved freeways, but the car handles very well overall.
Lots of little touches in the build to make the car unique. I think I've officially become a "serial Speedster designer."


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The roll-bar idea was something I rejected for a couple of reasons. First, I'm not a fan of "the look." And second, every car I've ever driven that had one, I banged the back of my head on it, including Jim Ward's (now Al Shapiro's) IM.
I'm just the perfect height to conk my noggin on a roll bar while driving.
So, no roll bar for me. My head's had enough hard hits on its own.
I don't know John, a custom bar would look reallllly sweet in there. I've seen the old style (kind of an offset triangle) with a round pad on it. That would be sweet!
I'm very envious of your car, it's gorgeous!

I better double check to see my head won't bang up against my roll bar, not that it would do any harm. I haven't installed mine yet but was planning on doing so soon. Hell, I still have to get the car running proper again. Having the 911 has slowed my efforts for some reason, though I don't know why. Hmmmmmmm......... ;)
"This car is so clean (no trim, no bumpers, no decos), I'm reluctant to put the straps on."

decos - what does that mean?

John, your new car is so delicious and clean looking - leave the straps off.

And, maybe, take off the stickers... you know Toyo, Shell and such, they go with a roll bar and hood straps. Unless, of course, they are paying you... Shucks, I'd stick the little red horsey on my car for a couple of hundred USD a year. Umm maybe not, .02 cents worth.

Gorgeous car, I like the part about your being a serial designer. Start number four soon?
I'm totally okay with all the "critics," Vince. There's a lot of "collective experience" here worth listening to (maybe even you and GERD, too).

"Decos" are what I call the strips with rubber inserts that run along the rocker-panels and on the bumpers.

I ordered all the stickers from 'cause I thought the car would look neat with some vintage racing graphics on it. When I put them on, I liked it, but didn't love it. Right now, they are OFF again. I think it'll stay naked for a while.

I think we've been over this ten times or more- but for the sake of the crowd, we'll try one more time. I doubt any of this will change anything.

John Leader has always been able to get a gorgeous car built by JPS (this is his third- the other two were fabulous, and #2 was the coolest car I ever saw) for two very good reasons.

Reason #1 is John Leader himself. John is an "idea" man who's vision of the speedster is usually (always?) spot on. He doesn't get "lost in the details"- everything on the the car works towards the goal he has in mind when he starts out. John keeps the ideas simple and straightforward, and insists that the details be executed perfectly. Wild deviations from standard (like a removable Glaspar hardtop for example) pretty much ensure problems- but more straightforward builds can come out really, really nicely.

Which brings us to reason #2- John L. (and you) have the good fortune to live in a place where he can stay on top of the build. John's proximity to JPS ensures that he gets the very best of what JPS has to offer. For so-cal buyers, a post-delivery problem means a quick pop over to the shop- buyers in Iowa or Delaware just don't have that option. John Leader's builds have gotten the kind of attention I could only dream about during my JPS build. I'm not resentful of this, nor do I "hate" JPS- but buyers from Chicago or Detroit shouldn't look at John's car and think they'll get the same thing. FWIW, this is not a problem unique to JPS (as the recent Thunder Ranch threads have shown), but it's still a fact that needs to be considered by potential buyers outside of the LA metro area.

I'm glad you were happy enough with your first car to give it a go with a new JPS build again. I live several time-zones away, and wouldn't have considered it. However, I'd buy a used and sorted so-cal JPS in a minute.... especially if it was designed and owned by John Leader.
That car is wonderful, in the true meaning of the word. Just chock-o-block full of terrific little details and machine work that add up to SO much more than the whole at first glance.

The dash done up Spyder fashion is a definite steel along with the "B" directionals. I'd always wondered what they would look like on an earlier car . . . perfect ! !

Just a delight to look at, and considering the mill, to drive I'll bet as well.

SWEET JOB ! ! ! Perfection as it sits. I can't believe how much you made the Empis look like Mini Lites with the caps and paint detailing. They fit the car beautifully and look great.

ForUM PrIck

And keep those decals . . . LOVE THEM ! ! ! ! ! !
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