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Originally Posted by Lane Anderson - Mt. Pleasant, SC:

I love the Beck folks and believe that they make one of the best products out there, but even their cars require some sorting, as do some of Henry's cars.  



You're right Lane.  I actually had to change the brake light switch on my used IM Speedster a little while after I got it


That was three years ago.  Nothing since.






I've never met Alan, but I know him pretty well. He's been hanging out here even longer than I have, and I've been here for 14 years now.


He drops in and out here occasionally, as he is a trucker who is on the road a lot. When he's not, more likely than not he's in his little barn, building another speedster.


He's the real deal. Over the years, Alan has built (or rebuilt) many (20 odd?) speedsters from the ground up. They've been mostly old CMC kits with stuff missing, but a fair number of total wrecks, etc.  For a while, he was teaching kids auto mechanics by building cars with them at the local trade-school. He's not a fluff-n-buff "self-proclaimed expert", he's earned the right to an opinion. The builds he's completed are substantially more difficult to kick out that if he had a stream of new bodies and fresh parts. He's squeezing diamonds out of horse droppings. 


Troy's skill-set is different than Alan's, but he's no "flipper" in any negative sense of the word either. Troy finds cars that are flawed in some way, and corrects the issues at hand-- new paint, engine swaps, etc. His pricing is always fair, and he sells the cars he fixes up in a matter of days. I struggle to sell a car in 3 months-- Troy can sell one in a few days.


Troy HAS had JPS cars move through his garage, although he's a bloodhound at sniffing out low-mile Vintage Speedsters with one issue or another. Between Alan and Troy, over 50 speedsters have moved through their hands. I'm pretty sure they know what they are looking at when a car is in their garage. They've earned the right to say whatever they are thinking as it regards the nuances of various types of cars.


You're new here, and that's great-- everybody is happy to include the new guy in the conversation, and goodness knows we need new blood. However, you're being a bit cryptic and more than a little confrontational. You clearly have a viewpoint here, but I sure can't understand what it is.


Everybody's opinion is welcome, as long as it's not a personal attack. 

At last count, I think Alan had done close to forty speedsters.  I can't recall the exact number.


He's a good guy, to boot.  He does have the annoying habit of speaking his mind, but only in a good way.  


Dr. Clock has been known to come to aid of others when he senses something is not right...and he usually knows what is right.

Last edited by Bob: IM S6
Originally Posted by flyenby:

Your really need to look up car flipper....unless he is a licensed Calif Auto Dealer. Close this Licenses on this forum appear to  mean nothing. If he had the overhead of a Licensed operation, could he exist?



Come on man. You are really missing the point of this hobby. There are people here that bring a great deal of knowledge to someone who is building a car, restoring, or just repairing. Then there are the folks that just want to buy a used car that doesn't have problems and are willing to pay a little extra for that comfort - that my friend is someone like Troy.


Use this place as a knowledge base and make some friends here. These are good people who like helping!! 


Now, go delete your user account then create another one so nobody knows who you are and start over!

...was asking him to start over too harsh? It was just an idea for a fresh, untainted beginning is all with a new attitude, a new perspective. One of brotherly love, one of the mindset for the preservation of the sanctity of humanistic relationships that we all share on this board... the, the... am I going overboard here?

Originally Posted by Rusty Smith - 2002 IM - Dana Point, CA.:

...was asking him to start over too harsh? It was just an idea for a fresh, untainted beginning is all with a new attitude, a new perspective. One of brotherly love, one of the mindset for the preservation of the sanctity of humanistic relationships that we all share on this board... the, the... am I going overboard here?

Mean spirited people have no place here unless its warranted.  I have had my hand slapped a couple times and others will too, but this just does not seem right!  I agree...start over and chill out.  Or delete.  But this hobby, these people are all great!  I don't think it was harsh, but I am one person!

Sure, these guys make a little extra cash buying and selling Speedsters; nobody's denying that. What you don't realize is that (from what I've seen) Alan is a specialist at resurrecting cars that otherwise might end up lingering in people's garages until the end of time, and Troy's niche is taking cars that are finished but not quite right, giving them a little TLC and working the kinks out of them so they're fun to drive. I consider them good for the hobby, delivering well sorted out cars to a greater part of the general public, some of which may not appreciate some of the otherwise quirky qualities these cars (with their crude mechanics by today's standards) can have. Their services are good for the reputations of these cars as fun to drive little beasts instead of oddball little abortions of completely unacceptable ancient technology. I think there's a place for both these guys in the hobby.  



He doesn't seem to care about any of that.


He's hung up with neither Troy nor Alan having "Used Car Dealership" licenses which would require that they post working bonds, have insurance, have a "dealership" location and all that stuff.  This would, of course, depend on the laws of their particular states and how many cars are allowable to be sold as private individuals before applying for a license.


That's all he seems to care about, leading me to infer that he either is/was a dealer or a shill for a dealer who doesn't want to appear on here.



Last edited by Gordon Nichols

I've been working hard to stop myself from posting to this thread as I consider both Alan and Troy as friends.  He-who-shall-remain-nameless, hereinafter referred to as HWSRN, has gotten waaaaay too riled up about...  I'm not really sure what.  But in doing so he has launched personal attacks at two of the most helpful and generous people that I have met in my Speedster experience and I cannot figure out why he's done so.  As has been previously stated, both buy needy (sometimes VERY needy) cars, lavish some love on 'em, and sell 'em at a meager profit.  They do this because they enjoy doing it and maybe it provides a little extra income to support their enjoyment of the hobby.  They enjoy working on the cars as much as they do driving them.


The original post and what ensued shortly thereafter regarding JPS was unfortunate, but people can certainly have their differing opinions.  Nothing that was said warranted the vitriol that HWSRN has spewed on this site.  HSWRN, the folks on this site will go out of their way to help a buddy, even one they barely know.  I know because many of them helped build my car although I was a newbie here.  I count them (including Alan and Troy) among the folks that I am lucky to have met.  I always go into a relationship with the hope that the other party will wind up in that same category.  It might be tough for you to do so, although I doubt that you care.


By the way, you never said what kind of car YOU own, if you own one.


EDIT: One more thought.  I have had a few small business dealings with John Steele and always found him cordial and helpful to me.  I have never owned one of his cars, so my experience is all second hand and I won't discuss any opinion of his products here.  I just hope that you are not affiliated with John as you are doing him no favors.  Please rethink your statements.

Last edited by Lane Anderson
Originally Posted by Gordon Nichols - Massachusetts 1993 CMC:



He doesn't seem to care about any of that.


He's hung up with neither Troy nor Alan having "Used Car Dealership" licenses which would require that they post working bonds, have insurance, have a "dealership" location and all that stuff.  This would, of course, depend on the laws of their particular states and how many cars are allowable to be sold as private individuals before applying for a license.


That's all he seems to care about, leading me to infer that he either is/was a dealer or a shill for a dealer who doesn't want to appear on here.



Gordon- When I started writing that response it was less obvious (I worked today so came back to it a couple times befiore it was finished). He is just hung up an a technicality..


BTW- how are you?

I have licenses in all my businesses....sorry you have to follow the law. No not a Schill  for a dealer. Yes in Calif you need a dealers license...but I guess in your world you make your own rules. This all  started  when I made a statement about reselling cars. How do you know what their profit margin is?  Ever heard of a level playing field? 

I doubt it is done as a non profit foundation...





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