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I will shake flyenby's hand, for he is right whether you like it or not.
But I also see the other side as well. understand you are by no means getting rich, you are doing what used to drive me nut's about my neighbor. He would buy cars make them perfect and then sell and start over.
His joy was in the work and not the finished product.
Can you fault a guy for loving the work?.

That's just my two cent's and I probably owe you a nickel.

Last edited by Jeffrey Harnasch
Originally Posted by flyenby:

Yeah I guess reality is a hard pill to swallow...but then Vintage and all  the other builders are fools for following the rules.

I'm a licensed small business owner. I pay for the license, the taxes, the business insurance, the work comp, and the union dues. My "I's" are dotted, and my "T's" are crossed.


However, you might ask to see JPS's business license before you get too ready to die on this particular hill.

Last edited by Stan Galat

I think  this thread should be CLOSED .there are those who live by the rules , and those who think that rules do not apply to them. It does not matter to me either way. People who live in glass houses...should not throw rocks. Whatever path in life you choose is up to you. And to anybody who may advocate physical violence...get help

I have no dog in this fight.


California State Law states that an individual May buy and sell up to and including 5 cars per year without a dealers license. if a vehicle is registered, licensed, and taxes are paid for each vehicle there is no issue or cause for concern - legally, morally, or otherwise.


I'm not sure how this is any bodies business but Troy's or Alan's. 


I'm new here but I will throw in my two cents.


If the buyer of a car transfer it into his own name it becomes his personal vehicle.  He pays registration fees and sales tax on the vehicle and he pays that to the DMV so he is supporting CA by paying taxes and fees.  If he chooses to fix up the car with some new parts, paint, trim, whatever and sells it he is selling his personal vehicle and does not need a dealer license.


If however that person is buying and selling cars for the purpose of making a profit then he is a business and as such needs a business license and a dealer license. He would support CA by paying for his business license and dealer license and he would turn over sales taxes collected.  However a dealer doesn't pay taxes on a used vehicle he purchases so he wouldn't be supporting CA in that way. 


This line comes right out of the CA DMV Handbook - car Dealer Section:

     Note: Those selling their own personal vehicle do not need a license to do so.


Originally Posted by flyenby:

Who made you god?? I am done with...and you should be too.

No one made me god. As a matter of fact there is only one God that I am concerned with and although he made me in his own image I pale in comparison to Him.


What made me more knowledgeable in this area is my uncanny ability to read and understand the policies written in the CA DMV Code Book which I would suggest you read, read, again, and then read one more time so you understand them.


I'd also like to point out that you were the one that came on the thread accusing people of not following the rules and needing a business license etc. etc..  I on the other hand came on the thread to read and learn some stuff and when I saw your statement I figured I'd point out the fact that you were wrong before you got in too deep.  My only mistake was believing that you weren't in that deep yet. 

Last edited by Robert M

If I'm led to believe that the guy from Fresno was created in "gods image" but pales in comparison, he might be really hard to look at, but he states the truth about the Calif. rules concerning the sales of autos. There are rules, I have no interest in looking it up, but you can only sell like 3 cars in a year before it becomes an issue.


I'm not back full time, but it's threads like this that might make me check in more often....


Jeez, I guess I should turn myself in for all my infractions over the years! I'd lose my license for sure. And that's just the motor vehicle infractions. Get off your high horse Bobby McEwen, and go for a drive. You'll feel better. Put the axe down and turn the grinder off. Since we're in the religion mode, judge not lest ye be judged.


Welcome back, Cuz!

How do you wreek havoc......with the simple truth?  Go up against good ole boys club, that has a minimal idea of the process. The law is simple if you choose  to read it. If you skirt can create  a smoke and mirrors show and hope it works. If not you will suffer the conseqences . I did not make the rules...I merely abide by them.

  Have any of you thought about your exposure when the rules are broken?

  If the moderators want this thread to be it. Or close it, and  let people find out the hard way... I have no interest in how they find out...We are all adults and responsible for our actions. I would not recommend any shortcuts in the sales process,that would incur the state of calif's wrath. 


If you block me...does all the truth just go away ? I am not targeting anyone in particular...just quoting Calif Law...If it makes you feel uneasy....then you probably have some skeletons in your closet I guess. I am again asking the thread be CLOSED. 

  You really can't block reality..but if that is your choice fine with me, no hard feelings on my part


You don't get it- we're just a bunch of car guys sharing information, a few laughs and a little back and forth ribbing along the way. Someone recently likened it to a bunch of guys having a beer out in the garage. I don't really give a sh*t if someone is making a little money buying and selling cars, and it's not my business how many or if they have a licence; in short, I don't care!, and I don't think most other people here do either. Guys like you are the reason I'm not as active on a couple other forums any more. All you seem to be looking for is confrontation and it's just not worth the effort. I have more to say but in the interests of politeness I'll stop now...

If you block me...does all the truth just go away ? I am not targeting anyone in particular...just quoting Calif Law...If it makes you feel uneasy....then you probably have some skeletons in your closet I guess. I am again asking the thread be CLOSED. 

  You really can't block reality..but if that is your choice fine with me, no hard feelings on my part


I do get it...shoot the messenger...and delete all the thread. As far as you go..when you make the laws I will follow them. Why hasn't anyone asked for a dealers opinion.

 I am not above the law....but you must be. If I have made anyone  question a transaction I have done my job. Yes I am in the legal field...does that's bother you even more? 

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