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Looks great Jim!


It has to be cool to get to do another build with all of your accumulated experience and knowledge.  Marty's car is a testament to that and I'm sure your's will be too :-)


Don't get me wrong, I'm not ready to do another build yet and hope I don't have a catalyst like yours to start one!


However, you're definitely making lemonade out of lemons.

Originally Posted by MusbJim - '95 VS SoCal:

Originally Posted by ALB:

Jim- How close is it to being finished? And don't we get at least a couple of sneak peaks?

Been waiting for the Sidewinder exhaust, Kirk says I could probably pick it up next Tues. Then will add a few more personal touches and post pics! 


Pics from a week ago...


911 003


911 005


A line from Treasures of the Sierra Madre Collection:

"Badges?... We don't need no stinking badges..."
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